“Little Nie-san, you are confident that I can win the defense. Seeing that the Second Layer trial is about to begin, it seems that I really have to ask you.” Nie Kong’s calm cheeks, Yingli’s heart has actually become very at ease. That kind of peace of mind, I haven’t experienced it in more than ten years. So, has Nie-san really grown up?

“It’s definitely not enough to win. I can only say that it has several points of chance. According to the analysis of the information obtained just now, there are actually three probabilities in the case. First, the murderer is really Usami Shinji, then we will lose. Second, the murderer is his ex-wife, Mi Masako, who deliberately planted and blamed his ex-husband after killing someone. Third, Usami Masaru saw Mi Masako kill Hirazawa Ko, and took it by himself. I have committed all crimes and hope to protect my wife. Nie Kong analyzed.

“Is it possible to say that it will be second? It is reported that their husband and wifes relationship is very bad before divorce. Once Shinji Usami is drunk, he often scolds Misaki, and blames her for not being optimistic about her son. Die.” Yingli said ponderingly.

“It should be wrong, otherwise, when you talked to him just now, why did he take the initiative to confess his crime. So I think the third is the most likely, he charged his wife for murder, he Maybe I’ve always loved his wife deeply.” Nie Kong said lightly.

“Nie-san…they are so pitiful.” Xiaolan and Yuanzi heard Nie Kong’s deep feelings, their eyes turned red, and the girl was really made of water. Hearing poignant stories makes it easy to empathize.

Yingli suddenly became silent, and his bright eyes looked towards the void in a daze. Because of the current situation, she reminded her of Nie Kong, whom she has always loved.

Ignoring what kind of emotion they are now, Nie Kong continued: “According to my personal speculation, when Kogoro Moori was drunk, the victim Hirazawa Ko happened to go to Misago. Drinking at the hotel bar. Then she saw the enemy who destroyed her happiness, and the resentment buried in the heart for a long time, called the victim to the scene to kill. Finally, she hurried back to the hotel and adjusted the time of Kogoro Maori. Make a proof of his absence early. Who knows that Shinji Usami happened to visit his wife at the time. Follow witnessed the murder of his wife, so he left his car keys on the scene. Nie Kong tried to restore the case. It is the situation at the time, expressed in intuitive and simple words.

“so that’s how it is, so Maori will help them make an alibi.” The reasoning and facts are verified one after another. Although there is a lack of evidence, Xiaolan and the others feel that Nie What Kong said is true.

After listening to Nie Kongs reasoning, Yingli looked at the intelligence notes recorded by the police, and she found evidence to confirm Nie Kongs words on the forensic page-he found octopus skewers in his stomach Burned food.

In the future, as long as you verify the source of the food, you will know whether the victim has ever drunk in Meichangzis hotel.

“Little Nie-san, since you are so succinct, what can you say to expose the murderer.” It has been more than a month since the crime happened, and Nie Kongs reasoning lacks strong evidence. , And the most terrible thing is that the suspect insisted that he was the murderer.

“There are yes, but it’s a bit despicable, depending on whether you want to use it.” Nie Kong let go.

“What a mean?” Yingli asked strangely. In the eyes of the court, there is no bad way to use it. Couldn’t the young Nie-san interrogate the prisoner at the police station?

“Because you want to take advantage of the sincere feelings between the two husbands and wives, can you say it’s not mean?” Nie Kong said, shaking his head.

“Nie-san, please be more specific, we can’t keep up with your pegasus thinking.” Yuanzi yelled while shaking Nie Kong’s arm.

Xiaolan and Yingli looked towards Nie Kong at the same time, which means to let him explain clearly.

“Its very simple. In the court trial, you lied about the truth about Mamako and Usami Shinji. First, you temporarily separate the two, and then tell them the reasoning, but you must change A little bit of content. For example, when facing Mamako, you have to say that Shinji Usami deliberately left the car keys on the scene. Because she always loves someone, she has to bear all the charges for her. When confronting Shinji Usami , What I want to say is that Misaki voluntarily confessed that he was guilty of murder and let Usami Shinji live on their mother and child. Because they heard your reasoning, and because they cared about each other in their hearts, they would not verify what you were. The truth in the words. If they really love each other, they will tell the truth in court.” Nie Kong said softly.

“It’s a bit mean to use their husband and wife’s feelings to commit fraud.” Yingli laughed bitterly, saying that she really hates doing that kind of thing.

But for the truth of the matter, for the fairness and justice of the law, and for the victory that she maintained, she had to do it. For now, only Nie Kong’s method can make the murderer surface himself.

Perhaps she sympathizes with the two of them, but it is not necessarily a good thing to let each other know the truth of the matter, and to express their feelings so that they can understand each other. As long as she intercedes with the judge, she should be able to mitigate her criminal law. After one of them is released from prison, the two couples should have a chance to reunite.

“What a bad idea, Nie-san, you can’t be so bad in the future.” Xiaolanjiang said very domineeringly.

“Well, in fact, I also hate the act of stabbing someone in the back. It was not you who asked me to say that I would not say it.” Nie Kong said silently. Obviously, he tried desperately to urge himself, but in the end he blamed him, woman.

In the remaining time, Yingli and Nie Kong talked about the details of the case, and then smiled confidently.

Its just that Nie Kong doesnt know that Yingris opponent this time will be his lovely student Reiko Kujo. I believe that if Jiujiao understood that Nie Kong Teacher helped Yingli defeat her, she would have to cry.

Then time soon reached the opening time for the second review of the court. Yingli arranged his uniform and went on the defense stage of the court, while Nie Kong and the others were in front of the audience behind the court.

Except for Nie Kong, the audience seats at the back of the courtroom are almost full. Among them were relatives and friends of the deceased Kosuke Hirazawa, and some belonged to Usami Shinharu.

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