Just as Xiao Ai asked Nie Kong for a diaper, she suddenly found that there were more than a dozen elementary school students around talking to her continuously, which was very angry. Said Xiao Ai is a bedwetting princess. Even after she is in primary one, some people will come to school wearing diapers and be ashamed.

Although she understands that the behavior of Primary One students is naive and ridiculous, Xiao Ai had expected the current situation to happen, but it made her a little uncomfortable when she really heard what they said.

“You are not allowed to bully Xiaoai.” Bumei stood in front of Xiaoai, looking towards them with angry eyes.

“Bumei, are you going to play with the bedwetting princess, be careful that she will infect you.” There is a swollen Little Fatty Yuanta who is usually good with Xiaoai, and he strongly faces Bumei Persuaded.

“Shut up, Xiao Ai is not what you said.” Bumei flushed her face with anger, and it was her diaper that was obviously right, so why did they say bad things about Xiao Ai.

“Forget Bumei, don’t talk nonsense with them, anyway, I don’t plan to be friends with them, whatever they say.” Just as Bumei was about to tell the truth, Xiao Ai suddenly Stopped her, shook his head and said lightly.

In the face of Xiao Ai’s situation that seemed to be worse than before, Ming Mei and the Teacher in the class looked at each other in blank dismay. Xiao Ai’s ordinary life with many disasters and disasters may be regarded as really starting now.

But because of the interference of that incident, it seems that Xiao Ai has forgotten a very important thing.


Since the end of the primary one, the time has only reached two o’clock noon. It was next to the second, third, and fourth grade group of the school, but it had nothing to do with Xiao Ai, so Nie Kong and Mingmei returned to the apartment ahead of time, and they had no interest in the subsequent games.

Because Xiaobi and the others did not get off work, now there are only Nie Kong and Mingmei in the apartment. After Nie Kong put down a lot of things, she slumped on the sofa, as if she had done a very tiring thing.

Mingmei took a sneak peek at Nie Kong, and then began to open the lunch box and photography tools, as if she was looking for something. The beautiful woman in front of me is pretending to be a husband and wife with Nie Kong today, and she is dressed as pure and beautiful as a lotus.

“Strange, how could there be none.” After flipping a few times, Mingmei suddenly said to herself that she hadn’t seen Nie-san throw him away.

“Mingmei, what are you looking for? Did you forget something at school and didn’t bring it back.” Nie Kong asked carelessly, looking at the lady in an apricot dress.

Mingmei’s face blushed, and she whispered to Nie Kong: “No…no. Nie-san, where did you hide the diaper that Xiao Ai wore.”

“Oh, you said diapers, I threw it away.”

“Cheat… lie, I’ve been following Nie-san all the time, I didn’t even see you Throw it away.” Mingmei knows Nie Kong’s perverted “hobby”, so maybe Nie Kong intends to use the younger sister’s personal item to do… do that kind of thing. Although I didn’t mean to criticize Nie Kong,…but my younger sister is only seven years old.

“Nie-san, if…if you really need it, you can use…use mine.”

“I really didn’t… I didn’t lie to you.”

Nie Kong was a bit embarrassed at once, although it is an indisputable fact to hide it, but at that time, Xiao Ai didn’t ask herself to go back. Throw it away or put it away, Nie Kong chose second.

“Mmm, I…I’ll use something to exchange for you, so it’s OK.” Mingmei stomped her feet with anger, and then rushed back to her bedroom.

After ten seconds, Mingmei’s face turned a little red when she returned to the living room. She seemed to have stuffed something into Nie Kong’s hands.

Nie Kong unfolded a look, and a pair of cute white pants appeared in his eyes. He stared at the cotton trousers in his hands, absolutely didn’t expect Mingmei said he actually used them to exchange for herself? What should I do now? Do you want to take it out? Nie Kong obviously has something if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off.

“Nie-san, can you hurry… hurry up, it’s your turn to change Xiao Ai’s diapers to me.” Mingmei turned red with shame and didn’t dare to talk to Nie Kong. Looking at each other, the big blinking eyes turned left and right. Shyness and panic can no longer explain the mood at this time.

Nie Kong squeezed the cute little trousers in his hand, feeling the excellent trousers feel, smelling it exudes the fragrance, and suddenly found that the body became a little unbearably hot.

“But…it can be, but it doesn’t seem to be very new.” After Nie Kong finished speaking, he regretted it immediately. She’s a real bastard, what damn thing to say, isn’t she confessing her perverted hobby, obviously all previous things are misunderstandings.

“Hey, Nie…Nie-san, what kind of pants are called new…fresh, did you just buy them?” Mingmei’s eyes widened with mist, oval face Scarlet has been deepening. She really can’t figure out why the pants are fresh, and they are not cooking ingredients.

“Well, so… the so-called freshness is the kind that has just been… just taken off and has not been washed.” Nie Kong explained more and more darkly, and now it can only Cheeky. Seeing Xiao Mingmei’s cute and shy look now makes Nie Kong heart.

“Ah…!” Mingmei stepped back in a panic, her mouth opening wide as if she could swallow an egg.

What should I do, what should I do, Nie-san, he… he actually wants the pants he just… just took off? She pulled the corner of her knee-length skirt hard, constantly weighing in her mind. One side is my own panties, and the other side is the younger sister’s close-fitting diapers. The key is now that my younger sister is only seven years old, how can I make Nie-san do that with her personal items? !

Although it might be a bit shy to use your own, no…it doesnt matter. Although Nie-san has only that shortcoming, she is actually very nice and gentle.

“Okay…well, Nie-san, you wait…wait a minute, I…I agree to swap with you.” For her loveliest younger sister, Mingmei could only succumb to Nie. Kong. She blushed and whispered.

Nie Kong feels that she must have been a big pervert in Mingmei’s heart. Since the washing is not white, Nie Kong can only go all the way to the end, by the way, to tease cute Xiao Mingmei.

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