A few smoking men on the scene immediately lit the lighter, lighting up a dark dance classroom with a faint flame. The timid girls returned to their parents in a panic with their restored sight. Even though Xiao Lan, a high school student, she has no stance on ghosts. She was now hiding behind Nie Kong by Nie Kong, holding Nie Kong’s clothing corners like a little girl.

“hehe, Xiaolan’s elder sister is so cute now.” Kana Morimura jumped in front of Nie Kong, smiling sweetly, showing her two cute dimples. As for the other Loli Gaoshan South, she took Nie Kong’s arm.

Xiaolans pretty face blushed asked them, “Wheres your father and mother.”

“Who knows. There is so much blackness around, you cant even see Where are the few of them hiding?” Gaoshan Nan complained.

“Liu Li Teacher has checked the switch with others, and it should be fixed soon.” Nie Kong said, just in time to see Liuli leaving the dance classroom with two people holding lighters. It is estimated that the switch that controls the current on the second floor is located in the corridor outside. Nie Kong actually thought it was just an accident. Otherwise, there was only one reason for the sudden power outage, which was a murder. It seems that since Shikishima’s adventure, Nie Kong should have not had a murder accident for two or three months.

About two minutes later, only a pop was heard, and the lights of the classroom re-emitted bright rays of light. After the accident was resolved, Liuli and the others also returned to the classroom from the corridor outside.

“I’m very sorry, there was a small accident at the switch just now, which shocked everyone. Are you all right?” Liuli asked everyone.

“Liu…Liu Li Teacher, my mother is gone.” Standing on the side of a fat man with a pocky face, Kana raised his hand and said worriedly.

“Strange, my dad… why did my dad and Aunt Morimura disappear at the same time.” Takayama Nan said immediately.

After hearing the words of the two girls, the adults around suddenly showed a playful smile, and their expressions all looked towards Morimura with sympathy.

“That…that, maybe they left.” Liuli replied helplessly.

“No, Jixiang didn’t tell me to leave.” Shinji Morimura shook his head, disagreeing with Ruri’s words at all.

“Why don’t you call and ask her.” Nie Kong said suddenly.

“That’s right, I almost forgot my mobile phone in a hurry.” Morimura suddenly realized that he hurriedly took out his mobile phone and dialed his wife’s phone number. Shinji’s name is really Shinji, and the honor and IQ are really worrying.

However, at this moment, the disappearing Gaoshanchuan suddenly appeared in front of everyone, his look paled without a trace of blood. Gaoshan Nan asked him where he was going, but he didn’t answer.

Goo…Goo, the paging sound of the phone call came out suddenly. The strange thing is that the phone can be connected, but no one answers.

Originally, when Morimura was about to hang up, a vague cell phone ringtone suddenly came from outside the classroom. Everyone speculated that Mrs. Morimura might be in the women’s bathroom outside. But the question is, why doesn’t she answer the phone. Could it be that no one was there, only the phone dropped outside?

With doubts, a large group of people went out from the door and followed the direction of the voice to the door of the women’s bathroom.

“Morimura Young Lady, are you inside.” Chiyuki Sakata knocked hard on the door outside, but did not get her answer. Nie Kong realized that in front of him, there was a murder in the dance classroom.

“She might have something wrong, open the door and look inside.” Nie Kong said loudly.

“Yes, yes.” After hearing Nie Kong’s awe, Qianyue could only open the door and rushed into the women’s bathroom with a large group of people.

According to the sound from the phone’s ringtone, they knew they were in the single room in the toilet. After giving a gesture to Nie Kong, Qianyue twisted the doorknob open.

When she pushed open the door hard to see the scene inside, the scream suddenly burst out of her covered mouth.

Nie Kong They saw that the beautiful Morimura was sitting on the toilet with her legs spread out, without any clothes on her body, her white body was exposed in front of them. Disgusting white body fluid flowed from the female organ in the middle of her leg.

And her clothes were thrown aside in a mess, and the ticking mobile phone was in the pocket of her clothes. Her eyes were closed, and there was no trace of blood on her face.

Nie Kong knows that she is already dead. However, strangely, Nie Kong did not find any fatal wounds in front of her. Only know that before she died, she had sex with a man.

But if you dare to commit crimes in front of you, the prisoner is really bold.

“mother…” Kana exhaled, trying to pounce on her to wake her up. Nie Kong grabbed Kanai forcefully, stepped forward and touched Mrs. Morimura’s nose, and shook her head and said: “No, she is dead. Xiaolan, call the police.”

“Nie-san , I… I know.” Xiaolan woke up from fear, shook her hands and took out her mobile phone, and dialed the Metropolitan Police Department.

“Kixiang, what’s the matter with you.” Shinji Morimura was crying and about to pounce on him, but Nie Kong kicked him out. “No one can approach the dead until the police come.”

When Kana heard the shock, her whole body was dull, and tears overflowed from her big eyes.

“Wh…what, who do you think you are?” Someone dissatisfied with Nie Kong, a hairy kid in his teens and 20s, so he said disdainfully.

“Me, you can call me Nie Kong.”

“Could it be that you are our most famous high school detective in Kanto?” Gao Nan’s face was suddenly full of shock , Eyes full of admiration looked towards Nie Kong.

“It turned out to be him, no wonder he is familiar.” Chiyuki Sakata muttered, his eyes full of interest, and maybe he could learn about a gossip incident that he bragged to his neighbors later.

Only the complexion of Gaoshanchuan, who behaved frivolously, was changed, and his panicked face became pale without a trace of blood.

“I guess it was a deliberate homicide incident, and the nature is very likely to be rape! Therefore, every man present may be suspected of committing the crime. Until it is resolved, no one is allowed to leave.”

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