“Nie-san is amazing. It seems that he can help the black charcoal kid easily win the championship of sword dao.” Yuanzi put his arm around Nie Kong’s arm and smiled. Lively and lovely big eyes.

“No, I’m not going to replace him until the end, you two will help me call him back.” Nie Kong sighed and shook his head.

It has been more than an hour since the case, and his ability should have caught the murderer. And the second reason is that I didn’t find Nie Kong’s goal in the competition, so it doesn’t matter to him later.

“Yeah, didn’t Hattori say that he always wanted to win the shame of Okita Kazuyuki from Izumi Heart High School. If Nie-san steals his target, he will probably complain for a long time.” Xiaolan seems Thinking of his always dark face, Puchi smiled.

“Well, it’s so cheap that black charcoal brat.” Yuanzi mumbled to himself and then left the rest area of Jiafang High School holding the hand with Xiaolan.

Nie Kong was just about to take off his hood and protective gear, but there were aggressive footsteps behind him. Inwardly shouted Xiaolan and the others came back so quickly, Nie Kong turned around to take a look.

It was not Xiaolan and the others that appeared in front of me, but a cute girl wearing a white sword dao suit and a soft black hair tied into a single ponytail. Behind the girl, followed by a young woman in kimono holding a wooden sword. Her beautiful facial features and her radiant Yamato Nadeshiko’s temperament can attract all men’s attention like a black hole. The two women stood in front of Nie Kong aggressively at this time, with a grim expression.

However, when Nie Kong saw the pretty face of a young woman, she was filled with unprecedented surprises. Because the young woman in front of me is Jinghua who Nie Kong has searched for a long time. You can’t go wrong, although the appearance has changed a bit, Nie Kong can recognize her at a glance!

“Teacher…Master, it was…he bullied me.” The girl pointed at Nie Kong and complained to the young woman behind.

“Hey, don’t admit the wrong person, when did I bully you.” Nie Kong temporarily suppressed the joy in his heart, and asked the girl strangely with a smile.

“Are you going to pretend to be stupid, it was you who defeated my Direct Disciple just now.” Jinghua’s sharp eyes looked towards Nie Kong and said slowly. The black ponytail tied behind Jinghua seemed to float automatically without wind. It seems that since Nie Kong said that it is not good to wear a bun more than ten years ago, she has always tied a ponytail as a normal hairstyle.

“Hey, are you…you are the Swordsman from Hideyoshi High School?” Nie Kong was dumbfounded. The one who didn’t expect to fight against would be a girl, and coincidentally Jinghua’s Direct Disciple

. No wonder, her trick, Nie Kong, looks very familiar.

“Finally remember! Since you dare to bully my discipline, then you have to be enlightened.” Jinghua pointed the right hand wooden sword at Nie Kong, sharp eyes Divine Idol can Pierce the skin.

“Hey, you are too unreasonable, we are a fair game.” Nie Kong suddenly didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, Jinghua, you are too protective of the calf. The so-called hit is small, is the old one coming.

Hearing Nie Kong’s grievance, the girl’s face blushed rarely.

“hmph, the game is fair, but your shot is too heavy. If it is not protected by protective gear, it is not as simple as swollen He Ye.” Jinghua coldly snorted and said.

“He Ye is swollen?” Nie Kong looked towards a young girl named He Ye with her pink cheeks hanging down.

Nie Kong looked at her carefully, and was surprised to find that the meatball on the left was a circle larger than the one on the right!

“Aiya, it’s really different in size.”

When He Ye heard this, he gave Nie Kong a fiercely stare and hid himself behind his Master.

“Since you know what you are wrong, then let me learn your tricks.” Jinghua let out a cold breath, and the wooden sword in her hand pointed at Nie Kong. The most important reason for her to stand out for the discipline is to find out why Nie Kong did her trick!

“Are you really going to fight me for the discipline?” Nie Kong said.

“Yes! You do it, I will let you three tricks.”

“That…now.” Nie Kong extend the hand, taking off his protective gear The hood showed a gentle smile on the cheeks.

“No…impossible.” She thought who would be able to perform her stunts. When she saw Nie Kong’s gentle cheeks, she finally understood, but is he really him?

The moment she saw Nie Kong, Jinghua’s heart was shaken and her beautiful eyes were filled with dullness. But I never imagined that I would dream of seeing a face I thought about day and night in this place.

“Jinghua, come on, shoot at me as you did eighteen years ago!”

After listening to Nie Kong, Jinghua was finally 100% able to confirm. The one in front of me is not little Nie-san, but the real Nie-san. Only he would know about the Kyoto Gymnasium ten years ago.

Nie Kong took a pose, and Jinghua rushed towards Nie Kong with a bamboo sword in tears. What surprised He Ye at the back was that he respected the Master he admired, but fiercely discarded his inseparable wooden sword and hugged the enemy man in front of him.

He Ye through childhood never saw that his Master would show such a weak scene. Who is he and why would he make his Master cry?

“Nie-san, I really miss you so much, you…how did you disappear in more than ten years.”

“I’m back, I won’t leave again You are here.” Nie Kong put his arms around her body and murmured comforting Jinghua, who was crying out of control.


Jinghua hugged for a long time, enjoying the warmth that had disappeared for more than ten years.

“Master…Master, you…what do you have to do with him?” He Ye asked stupidly.

As if aware of her own discipline, Jinghua blushed and struggled to get out of Nie Kong’s arms.

Nie Kong whispered a word in her ear to make an appointment to meet at night before releasing her tightly held Jinghua body. After tidying up her messy clothes and hair style, Jinghua Jinghua suppressed the desire to confide in Nie Kong about her longing for more than ten years, and her red pretty face said: “Little… little child, don’t ask that many.” /p>

“Then…does Master understand the trick.”

“Well, that was what Master taught him a long time ago. Let’s… let’s go back now.”

After taking a look at Nie Kong, Jinghua took her discipline and left.

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