“Anyway, he must be hidden in the castle. As long as you find him out, all the answers will be revealed.” Hattori frowned.

“It’s useless! We have searched the place where people can hide in the castle several times, but we didn’t find the big brother at all, as if missing out of thin air.” Kishi said with a bitter smile.

“No, you didn’t search the Nanban house.” Steward asked suddenly.

“Should…it shouldn’t be, because it’s a bit terrifying, so I…I just glanced at it roughly.” Shina said nonchalantly.

“That’s good! Jinghua, you and Xiaolan stay in the living room, and call the police by the way. Steward, you take us to search the Nanban house.” Nie Kong told them his arrangements .

“Well, you guys quickly go and quickly return.” Xiaolan and Yuanzi seemed afraid that they would encounter horror scenes again, so they didn’t insist on following. As for Jinghua, Nie Kong mainly arranged for her to protect the three women.

Being nodded with them, I naturally hope to find out the compulsion. After following Steward into the house, Nie Kong and the others knew why Shina would say scared, because it was full of ancient torture instruments. It seems that their ancestors have been passed down from hundreds of years ago. Although there were a lot of debris in the house, no target was found.

What attracted Nie Kong’s attention was a decapitated guillotine. The case above was actually very new, as if someone had just wiped it clean! Kishiji and the others glanced briefly, and then slipped out.

“Oh! I remember, Nanban House is this house.” The maid Hibara who followed in, looked at everything around him curiously, and showed a suddenly realized expression.

“Are there any questions.” Hattori asked with interest.

“Listen to me, Lord called me to Nanban’s house early this morning, but I don’t know where it is.” Hinohara spit out incense and tongue cutely.

“It’s stupid, you can just ask other people.”

“But Lord said quietly, let me stay quiet and come to Nanbans room quietly. And especially told, Don’t let Steward find out.” Hikaru Hikaru said to Nie Kong and Hattori in a very low voice, for fear that Steward would hear it.

“Do you know what he wanted to say about you.”

“No…I don’t know, Lord said it is very mysterious, it should be very important, but I… I simply forgot where the Nanban house is.” Maid Xiaoguang hurriedly shook her head and answered Hattori’s question.

“But if you put your Lord’s pigeons, aren’t you afraid of being scolded by your Lord.” Recently, Nie Kong was a little sensitive and sensitive to the missed appointment, so I asked involuntarily.

“Its okay. Since I came to the mansion as a maid six months ago, Lord has never been angry with me.” Xiaoguang squinted his eyes and replied with a gentle smile.

After Nie Kong heard it, his heart moved, “I heard that you are the child brought by Fiancee Tokura, right. Do you know why your mother died.”

“I heard that it was an accident. At that time I was ill in the hospital run by Lord, so I don’t know the details. Lord is very good to me. He exempted me from all medical expenses.” Go ahead and say gratefully.

“Then you stayed in the mansion as a maid to repay him?” Hattori smelled something wrong.

“Well, I want to take care of Lord on behalf of my mother. But, in fact, it was only half a year ago that Lord said that the maid in the mansion was short of people and asked me if I wanted to come. So I am a little unfamiliar with the mansion and I didnt find it this morning. Where is the Nanban House?” Hibara Hikaru said sorry.

Nie Kong learned from her tone that she did not lie. But the death of Fiancee Tokura Sumire is reminiscent of the legend Jinghua said, which is really similar. Is it true that her mother was not an accident, but an artificial murder? She shouldn’t really understand at this time, the only thing she knows is the siblings of Steward and Tomokazu.

So Nie Kong deliberately stopped Koga Steward and asked about the situation at the time. From Steward’s mouth, it turns out that her mother, Yoko, died on the night of rainstorm.

“Mrs. Yoko suddenly said to drive to Lords hospital, but it was too dangerous. I stopped her. As expected, her car overturned the cliff. Although the police said it was a driving error, I think Its a bit wrong. How could the lady drive out in rainstorm. According to the maid Shimizu, the lady rushed to visit her daughter because Lord called and told her that Hinohara was well. But I saw that the ladys face was terrible. It’s not like being happy. The key point is that the wife drove the car of Mr. Asin who had just passed away, and everyone stayed in the mansion as they do now.” It seems that as Steward, she has always suspected the cause of her death since then.

“so that’s how it is, it seems that the murder of half a year ago finally As the water recedes, the rocks appear.” Hattori was looking thoughtful and nodded, and then said: “Nie Kong, let’s see In the photography room, investigate the situation of the mirror temporarily and solve the mystery of the supernatural photo.”

“It is true, although it can be roughly guessed.” Nie Kong nodded, Kimono came to the studio . After a brief inspection of the mirror, I found something unusual.

The back of ordinary mirrors will be coated with a layer of film, so the display is very clear. And because of the thickness of the glass, when you put your hand on it, you will see the reflected finger from the mirror and your real finger distance.

The other kind of mirror, on the contrary, is coated with a special film on the front, so it has no sense of distance but can have the same function as a mirror. But if the light on the other side is brighter than the front, it will become transparent glass to reveal the situation behind the rear mirror.

“Sure enough, steward, which room is next to the studio?” Hattori asked.

“I’ll take you there.” Then Steward took him to the room behind the mirror. It seemed to be a guest room, but no mirror was found. However, because of the precise position, the wardrobe blocking there was opened according to the position of the mirror in the opposite room. I found a handle, and when I opened it, I could see the opposite studio.

“dressing up as God, playing the devil, pretending to be dead, and then he secretly killed his younger brother and younger sister to avenge his wife.” Hattori said lightly.

“No, impossible, Lords body is very weak. He has only three months of life. It is impossible to do it with his physical strength alone.” Steward shook his head and vetoed. steward doesn’t believe his Master will kill.

“Well, we really can’t simply jump to the conclusion. He appeared on the balcony of the restaurant and then disappeared. We have not been able to solve the mystery now.”

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