“Nie Kong, have you seen today’s newspaper, important news.” Hattori took a newspaper and rushed from Nie Kong’s door to the living room, and took the newspaper Reached in front of him.

“I’m about to go to school. I’ll talk about it when I come back from school,” Nie Kong said.

“What? It’s such an emergency. Did you tell me that you have a leisurely mind to go to school? Take a look for yourself. Newspapers all over the world will publish that the Suzuki chaebol wants to expand the world. Blue Diamond’s exhibition news. According to the current development, not only the thief Kidd, it will even attract all the world’s famous thieves! For example, the famous European Lupin III, the American thief lady…” Hattori explained frantically, for fear that Nie Kong would not know how serious the situation is now. Simply put, a major event happened in Kyoto.

“hehe, so that’s how it is.”

When the two girls, Xiaobi and Yingli, who were about to go to work, heard Hattori’s words, they suddenly smiled and looked towards their man.

And Jinghua said with emotion: “Nie-san is really a good plot against. I said how could the Suzuki chaebol suddenly pop up a huge diamond! In this way, just use the lure of gems to attract Qiankage took the bait and brought her back. Only one Yukiko was left.”

“Youkiko would often go back to filming in Japan, which is much simpler than Qiankage who runs around the world. If Nie-san Call her, you said that Nie-san wants to see her “mother” what is the difficulty.” Yingli laughed.

The three daughters have a big laughter, only Ming Mei and He Ye can’t understand their conversation. Xiao Ai gave them a glance, why she seemed to be saying things she didn’t understand.

“Who could have expected that Nie-san would actually use the rare precious gems of the world, and because of it, the police officers of the Kyoto Metropolitan Police Department were so tired that almost all of them were dispatched. I want to escort it.” Xiaobi’s beautiful eyes glanced at Nie Kong, his tone a bit irritating.

“Nie Kong did it deliberately?” Hattori was dumbfounded and stammered: “How is it possible, is it possible that Nie Kong, are you going to fight the famous thieves of the entire world?”

“Don’t think about it, my purpose is purely to use the gem exhibition to bring out the thief Kidd.” Nie Kong denies that he doesn’t need to talk to Hattori about Chikage.

“hehe, it seems that a very magnificent scene will be staged that day. Nie Kong, dont worry, Hattori Heiji will help you, please be sure to ask me to be by your side “Hattori eyes shined, but obviously can’t suppress the excitement in my heart.

As detectives, all of them are looking forward to fighting the world-class thieves, and finally arresting them personally and ending their legend! !


At the same time, France in Europe is in the forest, in a slightly old attic!

“Hey, Dimension, have you heard that. Japan’s Suzuki chaebol has announced the world’s largest blue diamond gemstone, which is the size of an egg.” A man in a green suit looks a bit like a monkey The man said in an exaggerated tone.

In the spacious room, there is a man who is half-lying on the sofa and dressed like a western cowboy. After hearing Lupin’s words, he suddenly raised the brim of his hat, revealing a full beard face. He always bit a cigarette in his mouth, looking listless, but his eyes are unusually sharp.

“I just read the morning newspaper, it is indeed rarely seen in the world, Lupin, do you plan to take it as a goal, but you only said yesterday that you will take a rest for a while.” The name is Dimensional The man said.

“cough cough! Because… because Feng Fujiko fell into the hands of a mysterious organization wearing black clothes, they asked me to exchange that gem for her safety!”

“hmph, Lupin, don’t trust that woman lightly. What she does most often is to instigate you to steal things!” Ishikawa Goemon, who was always holding a Japanese sword, sat cross-legged on the floor, slightly displeased. Said. When the two heard that the matter was related to Feng Fujiko, of course they hoped that Lupin would stop being deceived by her.

“How to put it, Fujiko seems to be in trouble. Just now they organized a phone call and asked me to go out to meet. I saw that they had a remote-controlled bomb hanging around Fujiko’s neck. After all, she is considered us. You cant leave it alone. It turned out that organizations used Fujiko to threaten Lupin to do things for them, no wonder he became very enthusiastic.

“And the Suzuki chaebol boasted that it will be the most beautiful blue diamond in the world, so my hand is always itchy now. Even if there is no part of the reason for Fujiko, I am Lupin III as the world First-class thieves, of course, can’t help but see the so-called world’s number one gem.” Lupin said excitedly.

“Well, when do you plan to return to Japan?” Dimension Lightly said.

“The date of the gem exhibition will be held in the evening the day after tomorrow. We have to leave quickly. If I guess correctly, maybe we will meet our old friend in Japan.” Then, Lupin Two hearts appeared in his eyes.

“Lupin, are you talking about the strange thief lady who often commits crimes in North America.” Daisuke Dimension said in surprise.

“Yes, she loves gems, and she will definitely be a beautiful woman like Fujiko.”

“She is a very difficult to deal with opponent.” Ishikawa Goemon nodded said that they had a confrontation with Chikage when they were stealing in the United States, but in the end the three of them ran back from North America in a desperate manner.

“hmph, although the kaiju lady is very strong, as long as I am interested in Lupin III, I have never missed it.” Lupin said confidently.

“Okay, but I think after success, I should refuse to use it to exchange peak Fujiko.” Dimension said.

“Aiya, Dimension can you be cruel to watch Fujiko explode to pieces. No and so on, let them keep it temporarily, it will only belong to my Lupin III.” Lupin hehe laughed Patted his partner.

The faces of both of them twitched a little, how much Lupin suffered in the hands of Feng Fujiko, why didn’t he have a long memory. That woman couldn’t believe it, so they objected to being a partner with her.

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