The hand of the time points to ten o’clock, and there are more and more people in the venue. Nie Kong and the others only formed a separate group. Except for the police they knew to speak up, the so-called world celebrities didn’t even care about their plans.

“Wow, there are many celebrities that you can often see on TV.” Xiaolan whispered, her eyes overwhelmed.

“Of course, because the gem exhibition is about to start. Wait and see, everyone, the exhibition was arranged by Nie-san himself.” Yuanzi said mysteriously. After Lan Jiang heard it, she looked at Nie Kong with bright eyes.

Xiao Ai casts a cold eye to Nie Kong. His so-called arrangement will definitely be in that black cloth. What is he doing?

“Hey, Nie Kong, is your arrangement really okay. Now the mermaid is mixed in the venue, Kidd, the phantom thief, may have mixed in in disguise.” Hattori pushed Nie Kong from behind. Asked curiously.

“Look carefully, the answer is about to be revealed.” Nie Kong did not answer Hattori, but looked towards the high platform in the center. At this time, Jiroji and a few black clothed guards appeared. Above.

After Jiroji signaled to them nodded, the four of them simultaneously grabbed the black cloth and showed the items hidden inside. Everyone was stunned. It was obviously just an aquarium inside. And why is it bad to raise a large jellyfish? What about the said diamond? You opened the black cloth to show me the jellyfish?

“No…no, there seems to be something in the jellyfish’s belly.” A few VIPs who got close seemed to see inside the transparent jellyfish, with a crystal star shining inside.

“That’s right, we put the world’s largest blue diamond in the body of a jellyfish for exhibition.” Jiroki said with a smile.

“Indeed, it is really a good…what a big diamond!” The largest blue diamond found before was at most the size of a thumb, but now it is a circle bigger than an egg!

“Hey, it’s really a very strange exhibition method. But putting it in the body of a jellyfish, separated from the body of the jellyfish, and now it is no different from ordinary artificial crystal. “Someone said sarcastically.

“Everyone don’t be impatient, the exhibition is just about to begin, and then I will personally show its real rays of light.” Jiroyoshi pressed his hand, and suddenly there were several hundred square meters of venue lighting It went dark suddenly.

“What’s going on, could it be Kaito Kidd?” Hattori said frightened and flustered.

“Why?” Yuanzi glanced contemptuously at the black-faced boy, “Xiaolan, don’t blink, the show is about to begin.”

With Yuanzi Then, a small spotlight appeared in Jiroyoshi’s hand on the high platform, and when it was turned on, a light beam as large as a thumb appeared.

Jirangi faced the aquarium behind and scanned the spotlight back and forth inside. When he found the jellyfish, he aimed the spotlight at the blue diamond with the big fist in the middle of the jellyfish.

The structure of the diamond surface has a naturally ground edge surface. When the light source is shot from the edge surface to the inside, it starts to refract back and forth, reflecting light blue rays of light to all sides, showing Out the outline of a huge diamond!

In the shocking eyes of everyone, the body of the jellyfish became a crystal lantern, swimming freely in the water.

“What a beautiful diamond.” The young women who came to the exhibition were crazy, and they were shocked. Only the huge diamond with crystal clear light blue light in the body of the jellyfish was left in their eyes. !

Xiao Lan’s faces were shocked, and the beauty embodied by the diamonds gave people the illusion of dreams. Was it really set by Nie-san, so… so awesome, He Ye and Xiaolan’s eyes are full of admiration.

“Very good setting, which not only maximizes the beauty of the diamond, but also has a strong security.” Hattori praised it, and he had to admire Nie Kong.

In this way, how can Kaito Kidd steal the jellyfish within the body of the diamond from the sealed aquarium?

After ten minutes, the lights in the venue returned to bright. After seeing the unfulfilled expressions of the guests, Jiroki smiled triumphantly, and it seemed that he could add a strong touch to his autobiography.

“May I ask Mr. Suzuki Jiroyoshi, how much do you plan to pay for the diamond?” There was a middle age person in a suit, eager to ask everyone’s concern.

“I’m really sorry, it is a rare treasure, there is only one in the world, so our Suzuki chaebol did not intend to sell it.” Jiroji explained.

After hearing his reply, most of the people’s faces were filled with regret and regret. And a small number of the rich have a sneer on their faces. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that money is not exposed. Does the Suzuki chaebol have the ability to protect it?


“What a beautiful diamond, I found I fell in love with it.” In another tall building two hundred meters apart, two people used it Looking through the glasses, they saw everything just now. They were Lupin III from France and his partner-Ishikawa Goemon. His sword never leaves. It is rumored that he is an expert who uses Iaizhan. The sword in his hand is not constantly cutting!

“Lupin, when shall we act?” Ishikawa Goemon said aloud.

“Dont worry! I only understand its environmental layout now. I should carefully arrange the battle plan to steal it. It seems that many people will regard it as a target and expose it too early. “Lupin said with a smile.

“Be careful that someone is ahead of you. I heard the so-called “magician of the end of the century”-your fellow kaiju Kidd took it as a target.” Ishikawa Goemon calmly said .

“If he really has the ability to steal it out smoothly, then why should we seizing food from the tiger’s mouth. Known as the magician under the moonlight, I want to see how his methods are. Now I want to find out inside. The situation, you two will listen to my notice outside. After I have perfected the combat plan for this operation, I will tell you the relevant plan inside.” After speaking, Lupin III put on an unfamiliar mask. Disguised as another person. Lupin III did not put the police in his eyes, including his old rivals Interpol’s Koichi Qiangata, and he swaggered towards the venue.

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