At five o’clock in the afternoon the next day, Nie Kong specifically called Judy, a member of the US FBI Intelligence Agency stationed in Japan! Because Vogat was safely escorted to the headquarters building some time ago, the FBI at the US headquarters naturally did the security arrangements, and Judy still stayed in Japan to investigate relevant intelligence. There is no difference, the FBI elite Hideichi Akai was transferred back to the headquarters to fight against the attack of the black clothed organization and protect the hostage Vogat from their hands.

I heard Nie Kong call her rare and seemed to ask her to go to the apartment where she was staying. Judy’s pretty face could not conceal the intense joy in her heart.

Nie Kongs frequent absences are all to blame, so Judy often doesnt see his silhouette in school. Having not been able to talk to Nie Kong for a few days, she found that she was starting to have concerns in her heart.

Hurrying up a light makeup for herself and wearing what she thinks is the most beautiful clothes, Judy drove her sports car to the apartment of Nie Kong.

After knocking on the door, Judy came out with a long black shawl, a beautiful girl with oriental beauty. She quickly recognized the girl in front of her. The girl Miyano Akimi used by Hideichi Akai before to sneak into the black clothed organization! At that time, Nie Kong Vogat’s hands protected her, which triggered the fuse of the last series of Vogat events. According to Akai, she has a younger sister who is doing medicine research in a black clothed organization.

“Judy-chan, Nie-san is waiting for you in the living room.” Looking at the beautiful foreign beauty in front of her, Mingmei smiled softly at her and greeted Judy, who was very beautifully dressed at the door, into the living room.

Judy changed the indoor shoes in the hallway, followed Mingmei to the spacious living room of the apartment. When I saw Nie Kong sitting on the sofa, her eyes shined by jade green, she was supposed to sit beside him without restraint. Seeing a few beautiful big light bulbs around, Judy could only stop her delusion and sat down reluctantly.

“Now, Nie-san specifically called me. There should be something very important.” Judy murmured in aggrieved tone, holding her hand.

“hehe, yesterday there was a beautiful female anchor named Shui Wu Ren Nai, who invited me to an interview with the TV station.” Nie Kong did not understand Judy’s mood, and directly told her what was going to happen Things.

“Muu, Nie-san is interviewed by a beautiful female anchor…what’s up to me.”

“The problem is that if she is an ordinary female anchor, of course its nothing. But she was codenamed Kiel in the black clothed organization, and she is also a CIA spy! Although there is no evidence, I think the black clothed organization seems to be deploying some secret plan against me.” Nie Kong said.

“Hey…wait, you said that Shui has no mercy?!” After hearing the shocking things Nie Kong said, Judy, who had been inattentive, suddenly showed a shocked expression, “Nie-san , You…what you just said is true…really.”

“Of course, it is possible that the interview really belongs to the work of the female anchor and has nothing to do with the black clothed organization.”

“Nie-san is not right. Our FBI really started to doubt the true identity of Shui Wurenai. At 6 o’clock yesterday, I deliberately drove behind her, hoping to find out something. Unfortunately She finally found out about my stalking, so she had to give up, really didn’t expect Nie-san to find out her identity. The CIA is better than our FBI, and there is an intelligence agent lurking in the organization.” After Di regained consciousness, she discovered the seriousness of the matter when she carefully reviewed Nie Kong’s words.

“Nie-san, should I inform James. With his help, I should be able to send a few FBI agents to investigate.”

Nie Kong shook his head and said: “No, it will beat the grass to scare the snake, not to mention that I have not been able to 100% confirm that the black clothed organization will jump out and make trouble. I only tell you in the FBI, and let you take care of Xiao Aichan who went with you. “

“Sorry?” Judy murmured.

Nie Kong pushed Xiao Ai with a cold expression in front of her and introduced the two of them. Hearing that she was Mingmei’s younger sister, Judy showed an expression of disbelief.

In her knowledge, Miyano Akemis younger sister Shiho Miyano is an important researcher of the organization. She is 19 years old this year, but she is just a seven-year-old little loli. No, it should be said that Lolita is wearing a cold adult woman expression.

“But once there is a dangerous situation, it’s a bit bad to take a little girl there,” Judy said.

“You are too worried, if the gin dared to appear in front of me, do you think it is possible to escape from my palm with his ability.” Nie Kong never put them in his eyes , If he wanted to, when they first met more than ten years ago, gin and vogat were already prisoners of Nie Kong.

“Aiya, I seem to look forward to Mr. Gin’s appearance tomorrow, see how my Lord Nie-san is greatly showing divine might!” Judy eyes shined and said with interest.

If Nie-san can work hard to get his gin alive. In this way, the FBI can basically figure out the situation of the black clothed organization. As the third leader of the organization, Gin can completely subvert the mysterious black clothed organization by what he knows.

“Just remember to hide in the corner and watch, don’t show up by yourself. If the gin does not show up, I will take you to the municipal park after the interview.”

Little Looking at Nie Kong speechlessly, as if the gin is a nobody and can handle it at will.

As for how strong the organization is, Xiao Ai has been deeply in her heart. Therefore, Nie Kong took her to break her inner fear.

“Then when will her interview be tomorrow?” Judy asked curiously.

“Tomorrow, at ten o’clock in the morning, it will be in Tokyo City Park. Tomorrow Judy, you have to come early, and then take Xiao Ai out.” Nie Kong did not intend to ride in the same car with them. It is divided into two dials.

“I know.” Judy murmured.

Nie Kong will not care if the gin will appear in front of him tomorrow. As long as he is within Japan, he can know his specific location from Belmode. He just disdains to use women, and because gin he rarely appears in front of Nie Kong, he will be forgotten to a large extent.

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