“Judy, I now entrust the three of them with Gin to the FBI for management. It seems that I will trouble you to “take care” of them more.” Nie Kong chuckled.

“Well, I’m so glad that Nie Kong big brother really caught the gin. I immediately told James the good news.” She un’ed happily and immediately took out her phone and called herself The boss’s phone.

At first, James didn’t believe it after hearing Judy’s words, but finally realized that it was Nie Kong who made the shot, he immediately said that he would be there in ten minutes! They caught a vogat that can shake the FBI up and down. If Nie Kong really captures the gin, it will definitely be a very extraordinary thing, and it will make a sensation in the security departments of the United States!

Xiao Ai regained her senses from the extreme shock. She raised her little face and looked towards Nie Kong who had defeated the gin, and saved her man from the organization.

Of course, she understands how terrifying organizations are, and she has been afraid since she was a child. But now what I really said to Nie Kong, I saw him smash the gin of a representative figure in the organization. Xiao Ai never knew that the gin, which he had been afraid of, would show such a desperate expression in front of others.

“Perhaps Nie-san can really protect Mingmei’s elder sister and her from the black clothed organization!” Xiao Ai always kept her cold cheeks before, and for the first time she gave a fresh smile. The fear of the organization in my heart dissipated bit by bit.

“Mr. Nie Kong, you… are you really going to… hand over the gin to the FBI? Don’t you think about it?” The helpless jade hand of Shui firmly squeezed Nie Kong’s He said with a warm hand, blinking.

“Yes, what’s the problem with you.”

“I…I think, our CIA members are all elites and won’t lose to the FBI. We can definitely get a lot of precious information from the gin.” Mizumi said hesitantly.

“You don’t want to seduce and lure Nie Kong big brother, he has long belonged to a non-staff member of our FBI!!” Judy slapped her hand off, angrily.

Shui Wuren smiled astonished, and grabbed Nie Kongs finger again, Its just supernumerary, if Mr. Nie Kong is willing, Id like to recommend him to be our CIA ace member! Mr. Nie Kong, I really want to Lets go on a mission with you.”

“Dont talk nonsense, Nie Kong big brother wont go to the CIA!”

Judy glared at Mizuno merci, but Mizuno Reina kept smiling.

“Okay! You two, don’t make a noise, the arduous task of destroying the black clothed organization probably requires the cooperation of the two intelligence bureaus you are in.” Nie Kong stopped the two big beauties. Battle Qi.

“hmph…” Judy grabbed the ground around Nie Kong’s arm, turned her face and ignored the water without mercy. Because of Nie Kong, Judy lost his usual calmness.

Ten minutes later, a silver Mercedes Benz parked outside the park, and at the same time a dozen police cars followed behind. I probably heard a terrifying explosion in the park!

And Andrey and James came first and told the Japanese police about their identities and asked them to assist the FBI in handling the case.

They led dozens of armed policemen and appeared in front of Nie Kong. When James saw the tragic appearance of the Gin Trio lying on the ground covered in fresh blood dripping, he startedled.

“It’s really a piano…Gin wine, did you kill him…he.”

“Don’t worry, because he is very valuable to you, so I I didn’t kill them.” Nie Kong said.

“It turned out to be… I was able to catch the gin alive. It really is Nie Kong!” Andre said admiringly. At first glance, I saw Nie Kong’s contempt, and now it has changed into admiration and admiration for him.

How dangerous is gin? He can be ranked in the top three among the US intelligence agencies. Even if the power of an organization is sent, it is not sure of victory against him.

“It should be helpful to your FBI.”

“It’s more than help. With him, dealing with black clothed organizations will become much easier.” James was surprised. To speak, gin can be called its right hand man.

“In this case, I hope you can learn important information about the organization from him. If it is convenient, maybe you can cooperate with the CIA to deal with it.” Nie Kong said his opinion.

“We will consider your opinion, after all, it may be really difficult to fight against the huge black clothed organization with the power of the FBI alone.” James solemnly said.

“Well, I will probably rarely help you in the future. By the way, if you learn about the medicine APTX4869 developed by their organization, please COPY it to me. “Nie Kong paused, only to find out that she almost missed a little sad thing.

Xiao Ais eyes shined, her pretty face hiding behind Nie Kong is full of joyful expression. As long as you get its information, then… it is possible for yourself to develop an antidote to become an adult.

“medicine APTX4869? I remembered it.” James was nodded, and then called a few policemen to help carry the gin three of the riddled with scars into the car.

As the CIA’s Mizuno merci, he began to report what happened today. Get a new task, saying that she should follow James to the FBI base in Japan, the CIA will send someone to start a discussion with James of the FBI on the gin issue.

And James can also use the information obtained by Mizuno Reina lurking in the black clothed organization. Gin is the main Chief-In-Charge stationed in Tokyo. After catching the gin, there is no need to worry that the organization will be separately Send someone to rescue them, so James is very relieved.

“Goodbye, Mr. Nie Kong.” The water in the car winked at Nie Kong’s big bright eyes without mercy, and waved his hands to say goodbye to Nie Kong.

“Well, the woman named Shui Wu Ren Nai didn’t give up the Nie Kong big brother and pulled her to the CIA where she was.” Judy said jealously.

“Hehe, I have no plans to participate in any organization. The black clothed organization has been resolved. Let’s go back.”

Nie Kong brought Xiaowei and Judy together Driving back to the apartment, because the park was destroyed by an explosion, Nie Kong and the others lost the mind to continue playing.

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