The lights in the room looked very bright, and Nie Kong saw Xiao Ai sitting in front of “Hiroki” with her knees apart. But after taking off his lower body trousers cleanly, revealing the cheerful legs and the innermost scenery, Nie Kong only has the word “tender” in his heart, and Nie Kong’s blood is boiling!

At this time, her little hand is holding a T-shaped razor, and she is stretching three inches below her abdomen to work. And a few strands of light yellow curls fell on the ground, about one or two inches long. The reason for the painful cry was that Xiaowei’s blade was improperly used and he cut himself, and the overflowing blood flowed down the curls into the ditch below, looking extremely coquettish. Look, how could a girl’s family use a non-electric razor.

Seeing Nie Kong’s big black eyes, Xiao Ai fainted. Her pretty face became purple red because of the shame infection, and she panicked her skirt to cover her exposed lower body.

“Ah! Nie, Nie-san, how can you break into the girl’s boudoir?! You…you said you just… just saw what?”

“Scrape …Shaving.” Nie Kong blurted out without thinking about it.

“Woo, please… please be sure to forget what you just saw!” Upon hearing Nie Kong’s words, she understood that her secret had been exposed, and suddenly it seemed as if the sky was spinning, where can we continue to keep the usual calm.

“What are you shy, I didn’t mean to laugh at you. And I warned you earlier, how could you use a male razor? I see it hurts now.”

Nie Kong stepped and squatted in front of Xiao Ai. When she opened her skirt, her knees inside her and the closed scenery were exposed.

“Nie-san, you…what are you going to do.” When Nie Kong forcibly moved towards the most secret place of the girl’s house, her body was shocked.

“Don’t move, I’ll help you shave it clean.” Nie Kong dabbed her saliva with her finger and smeared the cut on her blade, miraculously stopping the blood!

“No…I dont need you to help, I…I can shave myself, you…hurry up and get out.”

“Will you, accidentally a blade can take you The fresh blood dripping is dripping. Nie Kong ignored her objection, holding on to Xiaowei as if to escape.

Xiao Ai’s expression put on a cold expression, but the shame in her eyes directly betrayed her, and she watched Nie Kong study her open legs.

“The razor is not what you use, because the relationship between the beard and the hair is relatively hard, so you need water to make them soft. Otherwise, it will be very painful and easy to shave. Injured by mistake.”

Xiao Ai didn’t speak, but finally understood why she looked so hot and painful when she was shaving, and shaving actually contained skills.

Nie Kong right hand gently touched her soft curly hair, slender fingers stretched out underneath. Then he wrapped everything up like a diaper and rubbed it slowly. The young girl’s body odor assaults the senses, and Nie Kong finds that she can easily become impulsive.

And the little wailed out, the young body seemed to be paralyzed by medicine. Her blush was purple, and Nie Kong’s wretched movements drained her power. And at the last glance, she could see that her body was overflowing with a shameful slimy fluid, soaking the hair a little shiny. Nie-san is really…really a bastard metamorphosis, do you use the mucus secreted by girl…girl for lubrication?

Only I saw Nie Kongs other hand holding the razor and started to move, turning up and down and left and right, and began to shave Xiao Ais inch-long “beard”, I could hear a sweet rustling sound . Although Nie Kong has no experience in 2D shaving, he has rich experience in his previous life.

“By the way, why did Aichan shave it off? I think it’s so cute!”

“No…It’s none of your business.” Xiao Ai twisted The trembling of pretty face replied.

“Its not because of tomorrows primary one medical examination day, right.”

“How would you know?”

Fiddle with both hands until you Xiao Ai’s beard was completely shaved. The result is that Xiao Ai has no secrets in front of Nie Kong.

“I guessed it randomly! But don’t you know, normal school physical examinations usually only check the height, weight and the surrounding of Hungary. Okay, I finally shaved it off.” Nie Kong patted his hands, look The bare hills of Xiao Ai were nodded with satisfaction, and looked much tenderer than before.

And Xiao Ai stared wide-eyed, then rushed to Nie Kong, opened a small mouth and bit his shoulder, “wu wu, damn it, why didn’t you say it earlier!”


“Ah, I thought you knew the common sense of Japanese school life.” Who would have expected that Xiao Ai grew up in the organization’s research room and did not understand the common sense of Japanese schools. Because I was afraid that the curly hair that only developed girls would show up in front of the other little one, Goddess, I gritted my teeth and decided to shave it clean. So after Nie Kong went out, quietly lurked to Nie Kong’s room looking for tools for men to shave!

“You…you must have done it deliberately, and you obviously took the opportunity to touch my body just now. Nie-san is a big pervert who likes young girls!!”

“No good intentions Report, many girls like to shave clean, who would have guessed that you are worrying about tomorrow’s small inspection day.” Nie Kong cried out aggrieved, he reasoned out when he shaved clean.

“No matter, if you recover in the future, what can you do.”

“Don’t worry, when you recover ten years later, your body should grow back . If the sadness needs to be shaved next time, I can help you.”

“hmph…who…who wants you to shave.” The little sad face slowly returning to its normal temperature. The lovely teeth loosened Nie Kong’s shoulders, hurriedly turned his back to him and put on his own skirt, coldly snorted and said: “Nie-san, don’t tell Mingmei elder sister what happened just now, otherwise…otherwise… “

“Well, as the secret of the two of us, it is an unforgettable experience.” Nie Kong said with a smile.

“What is the secret of the two people.”

Xiao Ai’s face warmed slightly, quietly packing up her lost “youth”. Without it, I finally became indistinguishable from a real seven or eight year old girl.

Damn Nie-san, why did he tell the truth so that I regretted having shaved it off.

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