“As for when you will be back, I won’t be notified.” Nie Kong hummed.

“Its nothing, I just returned to Japan this morning, so I came to the school immediately to give you a big surprise.” Yukiko stretched out and looked down at the whole emperor from the rooftop in nostalgia. Dan High School, Lightly said: “Its the first time since I graduated to visit my alma mater 20 years ago. I really miss it.”

The original purpose of coming to the school was to tease Nie Kong. Meaning, but it is more to cherish the good time of youth when studying. Who knows the feeling of returning to his alma mater after 20 years?

“When did the wu! dignified Princess Didan become sentimental? To tell you the truth, why did you come back a few days earlier this year?” Nie Kong said angrily. They clearly said that You Xizi will not come back until early December.

“I hate it, little Nie-san has destroyed the atmosphere of people’s hard work.” Yukiko gave Nie Kong a blank look, and regained his cheerful and cheerful personality with a smile.

“If you don’t say anything, we are going to class.”

“Well, I really cant do anything with you father and son. Actually, the reason for coming back early is because Accepted the friend’s invitation.” You Xizi let go.

“A friend’s invitation?”

“Yes, there will be a grand banquet in Tokyo’s Twin Towers tonight, so I’m here to ask you to accompany me to attend. About My best friend, world-famous female Sharon Wynyard announced her withdrawal from the show business. Yu Xizi explained.

“Wow, my favorite stars are Kiko Aunt and Sharon Winyard, all will…will they show up at tonight’s banquet?” Xiaolan closed her hands, and stars appeared in her eyes.

“No way, if it’s Sharon Wynyard, Hollywood actress, but she seems to have passed away last year!” Yuanzi said strangely.

“Oh, Yuanzi-chan is right, it is her daughter Kris Wynyard who will announce her retirement!” Yukiko hurriedly changed her words.

Belmod stopped aging because of Nie Kong. In order not to be suspected, he fabricated the false identity of Sharons daughter, Kris Wynyard, and used the amazing Appearance Changing Technique in Two corners in a period of time!

“But as a dignified American star, she suddenly said that she would retire in Japan, which is a bit strange.”

“What’s weird, maybe she wants to immigrate to I live in Japan.” Although Yukiko didn’t understand the meaning of Sarang sauce, she supported her staying in Japan. When I was 18 years old, I should make the same choice as her.

“so that’s how it is!” Since coming to Didan High School some time ago to play the role of a new doctor, Belmode has basically never returned to the United States. How can he have any time to film and simply announce his retirement intend.

“So I’m going to borrow your Nie-san for one night, no, Nie-san was originally a mother’s, at least now I have no plans to say that I want to give him to another girl.” Yu Xizi He smiled and put his arms around Nie Kong, and said with a smile to the two girls in front of him.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi’s beautiful faces blushed, but they looked at Yukiko with very enthusiastic eyes, and wanted to get her recognition as a mother.

Nie Kong chuckled softly. He didn’t mean to refute, and he didn’t explain his situation to her abruptly. As I said some time ago, it’s my turn to give her a huge surprise! !

Looking at the departure of Xizi who was holding Nie Kongs arm, Xiaolan lightly said: “The banquet held by famous world stars, it seems that there will be a lot of celebrities to attend. I really want to participate, Yuanzi Can your Suzuki chaebols get invitations?”

Its nature is different from the gem exhibition held by our Suzuki chaebols. If the main flow of people last time was the world chaebols and rich people, then this This time should be a famous star, I am not 100% sure.” Yuanzi said depressedly. Some famous stars of the world have a stronger influence on the public than many consortiums. Rich people have a circle of rich people, and celebrities have their own circle of life.


As a top-notch actress, Nie Kong guesses that she has at least several hundred million dollars in private money. As soon as she came back, she immediately bought her favorite sports car and took Nie Kong around Tokyo. After buying a lot of things, I brought Nie Kong to buy the black evening dress for the banquet when I was going back. I originally wanted to find a professional designer to tailor it, but time was too late.

After looking at Nie Kong, Yukiko, who was originally sorry, suddenly smiled wryly. I have forgotten that even in beautiful and noble clothes, wearing Nie-san will look eclipsed, not by clothes. Seeing the face that always lingers in her mind, Xizi was lost for a moment.

After the two were ready, they took the Jaguar E-series sports car they just bought and moved towards the famous Twin Towers in Tokyo.

It can be said that the twin towers in Japan have just been completed in less than a month. They are composed of a 100-story main building and a 90-story auxiliary building, with two connecting sky corridors in the middle. Tao. According to the designer, Mount Fuji can be seen from the top floor.

Generally speaking, a 100-story building is hard to see in Japan. After all, earthquakes frequently occur in Japan, and tall buildings are hard to bear.

When they arrived at Nie Kong, the parking lot in front of the building was already full of densely packed luxury cars. It can be said that it has gathered many famous stars in the world, and the level of excitement can be described as the American entertainment industry awards ceremony.

When I saw Xizi appear, people around him suddenly screamed. It’s for sure that Windsor is very famous, but he has a reputation and is much stronger than her in the United States for more than ten years.

Yu Xizi, in a beautiful dress, got out of the car with a small smile and held Nie Kong’s arm in front of them, making them shocked.

No…No, I have never heard that Yu Xizi, who has the title of “Ho Lewu Princess”, will have a lover scandal. In the impression of all of them, You Xizi is the purest and loveliest princess in their hearts.

They looked towards the so-called princess man with jealous and resentful eyes, and their fierce eyes could kill people. But when I saw Nie Kong’s face, all of them closed their mouths obediently, showing an expression of shame.

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