An ancient country with a thousand years of civilization exists in the empire, and it is the most powerful country in the world. The only rivalry is the Western (Roman) kingdoms of foreign nations. The southern islands and the northern frozen soil are relatively backward, while the eastern island country “Japan” is an uncivilized wasteland! Since Nie Kong learned about the history of the empire, he could not help but complain about the background of the empire, which was based on the ancient history from the Qin Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty.

Tang Dynasty existed in the period from 618 to 907 AD, starting from the first emperor Yingzheng, and the current empire seems to have existed for almost a thousand years. Coupled with the same Grand Canal as Sui Dynasty, it is difficult for Nie Kong to doubt it! As for Imperial Capital being in the center of the territory, it should be able to grow Anluoyang.

It has existed for thousands of years. Like everything that will age in the world, it is continuously aging and decayed. Nie Kong went all the way to the south, gaining a deeper understanding of the darkness and decay of the empire.

In spite of this, the prosperous and magnificent Imperial Capital will still attract the people of the empire, and even the surrounding foreign nations have admired the luxurious life of the Imperial Capital aristocrats since childhood.

The voice of “gu lu gu lu”, only to see a carriage that has endured the hardships of a long journey parked in front of the magnificent city wall of the Imperial Capital in the high sunset.

“Wow! Master, come out and see, we are at Imperial Capital.” There was a double ponytail Lolita Mayin in a maid costume who stuck out half of her head from the carriage, she was excited Pointing towards the front view towards Nie Kong.

I saw a black city wall suddenly appear in front of my eyes. The sturdy city wall stood more than ten meters high, as if to help cover half of the sky I saw from the unsettling sun.

Looking to the left does not see the end of the city wall, and looking to the right is the same. The huge city wall actually couldn’t see how many kilometers in its radius, and it stood silently and silently between Heaven and Earth. Ma Yin stared wide-eyed looked at the male city in front of him, looked at the extremely small crowd in front of the city wall, and muttered to himself: “I…Am I really here in Imperial Capital?”

Imperial Capital, the world’s number one city, naturally did not get its name, because the city is so huge that it has opened more than a dozen city gates in the four directions of East, West, North, and South. But despite this, you can see the nobles and common people who enter and exit continuously block the city gate.

“It should be.” Nie Kong flicked his horse whip, and the gorgeous carriage slowly drove towards the open city gate. After more than ten days of travel, they finally came to the famous Imperial Capital from Longbei City in the northwest!

Nie Kongs carriage came to the city very smoothly, but the guards who guarded the city did not carefully check every passenger. There are citizens who can freely enter and exit the city gate. After all, Imperial Capital is different from the border!

Behind the wide city gate, the streets in all directions are paved with flat bluestone pavements, and there are endless pedestrians.

There are young people who came from the country to roam around. They looked all around curiously, their excited expressions could not be hidden. There are mercenaries who specialize in adventures from all over the world. Familiar shuttles among the wine shops, with hearty laughter from time to time.

In the end, only a part of the poor in the mainland remained. Although their faces were much better than those in the border towns, life seemed very difficult. The hawkers and merchants who set up stalls and do business naturally live very well.

The wealth and magnanimity of the entire world seems to be all concentrated in Imperial Capital. The warm atmosphere makes people excited, magnificent and prosperous coexist. At least the surface seemed very prosperous before them, without revealing the decay of dusk.

Ma Yin widened her beautiful big amber eyes, looking at the lively stalls and various beautifully decorated shops on both sides of the street, she felt that she couldn’t move away.

The town where you lived through childhood is like a simple village compared to the lively and magnificent Imperial Capital. Imperial Capital is several times more prosperous than its own brain supplement! No, when you dont see it with your own eyes, its hard to imagine it!

“Master, I…what are we going to do next.” She stammered, her little hand kept pulling the corner of Nie Kong’s clothes, it seemed that she couldn’t get rid of the shock. restore.

“Look at you little silly, what are you panicking! We have to go to the hotel to rest for one night, and we will talk about it tomorrow.”

Nie Kong’s face remains as calm as ever, the Imperial Capital in front of you It is indeed very magnificent, but if it is prosperous, it is much different from the modern city in 2D!

Retiring from the bustling downtown all around to a quiet corner of the street, Nie Kong stopped in front of a luxurious hotel. Several waiters specially trained by the hotel came out, one of them respectfully took the reins, and the remaining three welcomed Nie Kong and Ma Yin to the beautifully decorated hotel reception!

Nie Kong threw out a few Gold Coins as a tip, and then booked a luxurious room with the front desk staff, which actually has a natural hot spring bath!

For Nie Kong and Ma Yin, who are sitting carriage have endured the hardships of a long journey, the first thing they need most is a warm hot bath.

Seeing the five meters wide bath, Ma Yin cheered, followed Nie Kong smoothly and jumped into the warm hot spring. She let out a few comfortable calls like a Little Old Man, playing hard in it.

“Mayin, what is the fifth agreement with the Master.”

Nie Kong slowly sank his body into the water, and smiled and said to little loli.

“While… while taking a bath with Master, I need to help wipe my back.” She said twistedly.

“How about Article 6.”

“When the Master is sleeping, he needs to help warm the bed with his body and coax…to coax the Master to sleep.”

” One.”

“When…when the Master needs it, immediately help…help the Master peel the banana!” Although Ma Yin was surprised at why it was ranked first, she still said it.

“Since I remember all of them, why not come.” Nie Kong leaned back, smiling and beckoning to her.

“hmph…huh, I won’t show you Ma Yin’s body to Master, who told you…you always make fun of people’s poor X!” She wore a grimace. Show naughty qualities.

“Well, in fact, Mayin’s poor X is very cute, I won’t say it.”

“That’s it, it’s the Master and Mayin’s Seven promises.”

She hummed happily and swam behind Nie Kong in a swimming pose. Two small hands caught the towel behind and rubbed Nie Kong vigorously.

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