Although Alias internal organs and stomach were damaged by the heat and cold stimulation, only half of her life remained, but as long as someone found it early, she should be able to save her in time. For example, the female Master who abused and killed the poor in the warehouse, and Alia’s mother, she should come to check the situation in the warehouse! Nie Kong’s shot is very measured, adjusting the temperature to the most important level. It not only makes people feel very hot and painful, but also ensures that the stomach will not be cooked directly like boiling water.

So after seeing Ma Yin put on her own clothes, Nie Kong, regardless of the life and death of Alia, took her little hand and returned to the house next door that he had bought only yesterday.

From today’s events, Nie Kong feels that it is necessary to enhance the safety of the family. On the one hand, he practiced training to increase the military force value of Loli Mayin, and on the other hand, he was ready to go out and come back to see the mountain “sacred beast”.

“Listen! Stay at home. If someone dares to bully you, you must bravely hold the weapon in your hand to fight them.” Nie Kong told her.

“Eh, Master, sufferer untold hardships came to Imperial Capital, I really want to go out of the surrounding environment.” When she heard that she could only stay at home, but Master went out to play alone, she drummed Mouth in protest.

“If you give someone a few lollipops, then I don’t care about your life or death.” Nie Kong taught the truth.

“Then…When will the Master be free, can I go out with Mayin, its boring to be alone at home.”

“It should be a few days later, now I want the empire to be an official. Maybe there will be things to be busy a few days ago, and it may be easy in the future. If you want to go out and play by yourself, then your strength needs to be recognized by me, so you work hard.” Nie Kong patted her Little face, took the paperwork and went to the Imperial Military Department to take up his post. Hearing Nie Kong’s condition, Ma Yin encouraged herself secretly.


I came to the enlistment point of Celestial Emperors military building yesterday and found that the Deputy General who was in charge of recruitment had already been waiting for him to come and gave him an official position. Cards and related copywriting.

“Your information has been put on record in the empire database, please come with me, I will take you to see your boss.”


“Yes, your commander is the same Level 1 as me and other Deputy General, and should be responsible for your Small Captain’s daily training.” While speaking, he led Nie Kong to break through the heavily guarded level. Arrived in front of an iron door. He knows the current location is isolated from the residents, and it has been considered the existence of the Imperial Palace forbidden area. According to the intelligence gathered a few days ago, Nie Kong understood that the Imperial Military Department had the Imperial Secret Police, the Imperial Guard, the most dangerous assassination unit in the Empire, and so on.

“Okay, then you take the information to report by yourself.” He smiled and patted Nie Kong’s shoulder, then stepped away from Nie Kong’s sight gradually.

Nie Kong is so nervous and timid on his face, he wondered how much money he would have to spend later to stun his boss. If supported by merit, Nie Kong’s strength can rise to a high-ranking general is not difficult, but too troublesome.

With the “duh” sound, Nie Kong directly knocked on the door in front of him.

“Who?” An indisputable voice came from inside the door, and there was a moment of astonishment when I could see Nie Kong’s expression.

“The new Captain Nie Kong, come and report!”

“Come in!”

Nie Kong pushed open the door hard, the scene in the house All appeared before his eyes. First I saw five or six men in military uniforms kneeling in two neat rows. And there were a few heavy bricks on their legs. Once you dare to relax, a whip will be drawn from above immediately.

The most attractive thing for Nie Kong’s eyes is the woman in white military uniform with her beautiful legs in white stockings sitting in the front! Her icy blue hair fell to the length of her knees, exuding a faint fluorescence. Due to the fact that the upper body was too big for the Huns, the buttons of the military uniform jacket were cracked, and a white breast and ditch could be vaguely seen. The graceful figure is hidden in the military uniform, which has aroused countless daydreams.

Im not mistaken, why is your boss a beautiful woman? The series of methods Nie Kong had originally prepared seemed like a punch in the air. Although you can use money to bribe the beauty in front of you, is it really effective?

“Hehe, welcome the arrival of new members. My name is Esthers, you can call me Esthers Deputy General.” When the information of Nie Kong was confirmed, she The beautiful cheeks showed a moving smile, all of a sudden blooming.

Small Captain sitting around kneeling, looked towards Nie Kong with pity.

Nie Kong was sweaty all of a sudden, No way, he only trained a S-leaning loli, is there a queen-type boss now?

“What’s wrong, is there any problem.” Seeing Nie Kong’s dazed expression, she said with a smile.

“No, I’m just surprised that my boss will be a 17-18 years old girl.” Nie Kong said honestly.

“There are indeed very few female generals in the empire. Apart from me, there is only another named General Najieshitan. But dont worry, I will train you to become the best soldiers in the empire. “She promised seriously.

“Like the kind of training they do now?” Nie Kong curiously pointed to the few men who were kneeling and shaking before him. Is that method really effective? It can only be regarded as purely satisfying you. Shobby.

If using a kneeling washboard can really improve battle strength, even if your wifes bronchitis is already on the surface, Nie Kong has to suspect that she is acting foolishly.

Nie Kong is naturally very unhappy. Although he feels good about training others, he doesn’t like being trained by others, even though he is being trained by a beautiful queen!

“Aiya, you actually misunderstood, I just gave them a slight punishment, who made them too useless.” Seeing Nie Kong’s misunderstanding, she yelled wrongly.

“General… General, is it really the slightest punishment.” A tall and thin man raised his hand and said aggrievedly.

“Of course, I actually have hundreds of ways to punish. If you continue to make mistakes, you might be able to taste it one after another.” She lightly said with a smile, bright There seemed to be some expectation in his eyes.

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