Gradually awakening from the dizziness caused by the severe pain, Dr. Shirley opened his eyes. Seeing Nie Kong remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs sitting in front of him, as if looking at his own experimental equipment!

“It’s weird, why did I suddenly fainted. Did he come back holding me? Didn’t he do anything else when I lost consciousness.” As if thinking of something terrifying, Dr. Shizi touched his ass and stock with his hands, only to feel a burning pain coming!

“Asshole, what rude things you did to me when I was in a coma. I have no objection to what you want, but why didn’t you wake me up?!” He angrily Pounced at Nie Kong, it turned out that the complaint was that Nie Kong didn’t wake him up. In fact, his farts and stocks will be painful, because Nie Kong dragged him back. Nie Kong felt like he had some misunderstanding and looked at him with strange eyes. From the vaguely strange behavior, Nie Kong understood that he seemed to have a gay tendency.

“Worry!” Nie Kong took out a strange-shaped light gun from the ring, and shot a strange light toward the pounced Dr. Fashion. Lala Jiangs change from male to female became effective immediately!

After the rays of light flickered, Dr. Fashion was surprised to find that his Hungarian part bulged out, and the things between his legs seemed to… disappear!

“Huh…I turned into a woman?” He exclaimed, and groped his body continuously with both hands.

“Forgot to tell you, I don’t have a habit of liking men!” Nie Kong said lightly.

“So…so you turned me into a woman with a strange imperial tool, and then…” His eyes were filled with intense excitement. He couldn’t stop eager to contact Nie Kong, so he was like A tiger moved towards Nie Kong and pounced.

Nie Kong stomped his stomach with one foot and added: “Yes, including women from men to women!”

“ahhhh, in that case, then you Why do you want to turn me into a woman!” He screamed, very angry at Nie Kong’s behavior!

“Here you, use it to solve it yourself.” Nie Kong’s right hand has a root-shaped plastic “unidentified body”, made two from the bottom part, one big and one small! He was surprised to find that after Nie Kong turned on the switch, the larger one kept twisting back and forth and making a strange “weng weng” sound.

Just like discovering the Xeon Divine Item, he excitedly caught the greatest invention Nie Kong gave him, and quietly stretched it into his white coat.

A few seconds later, Dr. Fashion continuously twisted his body on the ground, and his cheeks were flushed, making a disgusting sound of wu wu. Nie Kong doesn’t have the propensity to look at men’s self-comfort. Each minding their own business looks at the various documents in the house.

After half an hour of wriggling time, Dr. Fashion’s convulsions finally stopped. He slowly stood up from the ground, and he could see that his heel was a little soft.

“Nie…Nie Kong, you…your invention is really strong, it’s comparable to Divine!” He took out the Divine Item from his crotch, his eyes were almost full I admire Nie Kong and I can’t put it down to play with it.

What exactly is Teigu? Nie Kong just learned everything from the literature on his desktop. About a thousand years ago, in order to maintain a long-term rule, the founding emperor used the huge financial resources and power of the empire to gather the most advanced craftsmen from all over the world, using the legendary super dangerous species as materials, and matching rare metals such as Ohari steel and a large number of them. The long-lost secret technique has developed 48 weapons that cannot be copied! The research data showed in detail the appearance and information of 48 Teikoku. It turned out that his dream was to make weapons comparable to Teikoku.

“Since you like it, I will use it generously as a meeting gift for you, but I also have something to ask you to help.” Nie Kong beamed at him from being a male to a female. , Turned him back into a man. Seeing his return to the original state, his face showed a bit of regret.

“What’s the matter? As long as I can do it, I will give everything to help you complete it.” Dr. Fashion said confidently.

“I want to be the head of the Imperial Garrison!” Nie Kong said his conditions, and after hearing Nie Kong’s words, Dr. Chic was immediately speechless, how could he have that right! Although he is more edible, he has no real power.

“Aiya, your conditions are too difficult. Why don’t you change it.”

Nie Kong smiled, and an ice blue diamond appeared in his hand immediately, probably with a thumb the size of!

“If you use it to help bribe ministers to get promoted, do you feel confident.”

“Ok…what a beautiful gem!”

Dr. Fashion’s eyes widened. For the first time in his life, he saw such a beautifully polished gemstone! No, in fact, it is difficult to mine pure diamonds with current human and material resources!

“It’s really rare treasure, but I think the probability of success is very low, because the appointment of ministers of various departments is usually personally appointed by the Emperor Your Majesty. If you change to the empty Vice-section Head, it has Several points of grasp!” The position of Vice-section Head, equivalent to the official position of Vice-General. Nie Kong is not very satisfied, but can only plan step by step. I thought that as long as I was promoted to minister, I could yell at Esthers a few times.

“Well, you can help me fix it as soon as possible, maybe we can become colleagues in the future.”

After hearing Nie Kong’s words, his eyes shined, laughed and said with a smile: “Many thanks for your trust, everything is on my body, and watch me help you become the Vice-section Head position of our Imperial Guard.”

“Don’t waste me There is only one gem in the world.”

After discussing with Dr. Fashion, Nie Kong left his research room with satisfaction. The imperial garrison can be called the modern Metropolitan Police Department, which governs the security of 200,000 kilometers of the Imperial Capital and has strong powers.

As for the long official road of military attache, of course he is confident that he can become the highest-ranking general in two years. As long as the Great General is killed, he should be the most powerful person. But for Nie Kong, the time is too long, there is no need to waste too much energy on it. Looking at it now, Nie Kong has only been an official for two days, and he immediately rose to the Vice-section Head level. It can be said that he has skipped several levels.

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