Applying for secretary Xiao Sai Liu, Nie Kongs job actually did not reduce the burden! Because the newcomer does not understand anything, she needs Nie Kong to personally guide for a period of time to learn to accumulate experience in reviewing cases.

Although Nie Kong intends to mess around with Seleu, Seleus sense of justice is too strong. As long as she sees any difficult cases, she likes to ask Nie Kong to ask questions like a rare treasure!

“Master Nie Kong, who of them is the murderer.” For example, now, she holds Oka in her hand and keeps asking Nie Kong asked.

The suspect in the case has been arrested by members of the security team. As long as Nie Kong reviews and approves, and then stamps the emperor, he can finally be confirmed as a death row prisoner!

Of course, the members of the garrison team often use torture and torture. Many disputes between the nobles and the poor are of the type that the garrison is biased towards the nobles! Nie Kong didn’t intend to stop the rotten atmosphere, he just used to expose the truth of the case.

Nie Kong took a glance and got a general idea of the case. It reads the murders that occurred in the circle of nobility. The victim was a 20-year-old declining aristocratic youth, and there are currently three suspects known.

A personal guard of the deceased who committed suicide in fear of crime, the deceaseds father, the deceaseds pregnant wife, and his wifes father! ! And her wife’s father was also a nobleman, and she declared that like the sun at high noon, the family of the deceased was nothing compared to!

It is said that the wifes family is very glamorous. Because of the influence of her father, she has a lot of lovers in her pre-married daughter. Almost all kinds of men, even dangerous species, like to play!

However, after she got married, she seemed to be more at ease. But within two months, the deceased found that her stomach was as if she was four months pregnant, and she came out! The victim immediately suspected that the child in his stomach was not his. He had a big quarrel with his wife three days before his death and said that he would kill the child!

“The guards wrote that it was the guard who killed the people, so he committed suicide in fear of crime.” Nie Kong said indifferently.

“Ai, does that mean that the evil has been eliminated? I just wanted to use him to feed Xiaobi.” Sai Liu said with round cute eyes.

“Although the murderer was a guard, someone behind him must have been secretly instructing him, otherwise how could a little guard kill the master.” Nie Kong continued.


“If you want to find out the truth, you must first understand who the child in his wife’s belly is.” The aristocratic circle is really messy. Nie Kong, the woman’s child father, listed a few at once.

“Baby…Is the baby really not his?” Sai Liu asked foolishly.

“The deceased’s personal guard, the deceased’s father, the low-risk dog breeds that the deceased raised, the wife’s father! The last possible suspect, I think it should be the wife’s father!” Nie Kong simply Explained it.

“No…No way, can my father and his daughter have a birth to baby?” She said unnaturally blushing.

“Because he accidentally discovered that his daughter was pregnant during the mess, my father was anxious to marry her. But when he heard that the man was going to kill the child, the two sides threatened his guards to kill him. “After four months of pregnancy after marriage, only her father could possibly. If it is said that the former lover, she would not and so on destroying the child, naturally there is no need to kill for it.

“Master Nie Kong said…it is so mysterious, it’s hard to believe it.” Although watching Nie Kong reveal evil every time, he has a blind faith in him. But Seleu, a simple girl, was the first time she was exposed to the dirty behavior of the Imperial Capital nobles.

“Go, follow Oka out to find out his details, saying that I will lie to you for me.” Nie Kong said with a smile.

Seleu complied “yes” with excitement, took Nie Kong’s reply to the case and left the duty room.

When Oka saw the approval letter given to him by Seleu, he immediately called a dozen of his men moved towards the target and left. Seriu followed them, and she hoped to verify that Lord Nie Kong was correct.

Oka didn’t mean to visit secretly at all, and directly led people to forcefully break into the noble mansion to arrest people for torture. When the guards in front of the door saw the guards, none of them dared to resist.

Agressively rushed into the house, and they found that there were a lot of Miki with scarce clothes in the house. And their goal, at this time, is pressing a pregnant woman, playing a blushing heartbeat game. A dangerous species with a male in captivity on the side, it shows strange rays of light!

If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, Seleu really wouldn’t believe the facts before him. The daughter and the father are playing the game of giving birth to a little baby, which is so… so evil.

“You…what are you going to do.” Suddenly, someone discovered the secret between the father and daughter, he scared witlessly, and he didn’t have time to pull out his things.

“haha, sorry for disturbing your father and daughter’s interest. It seems that I have an adulterous relationship with Lord Nie Kong, so I was immediately taken to the cell for torture.” Oka grinned grimly.

“Captain, what should the pregnant woman do.”

“hmph, the root of evil must be wiped out!” Sai Liuyi said righteously.

“That’s right. Catch them all back to torture.” Oka waved his hand, and several members of the security team immediately bound the father and daughter who were laughing and fit together, and carried them moved towards prison. go with.

For them, it is really a joy to hear.

The neighbors around were surprised to watch the scene in front of them, constantly discussing the abnormal relationship between the father and daughter, but at least the nobles dont think how shocking the world is, maybe there are more perverted existences than the father and daughter. .

After a lot of torture, the truth of the matter finally came to light, not much different from what Master Nie Kong said.

Seliu, who came back, looked towards him with infinite admiration, “Master Nie Kong, you are really amazing.”

“Lets learn slowly, I believe in the future. Ryukyu will have his own opinions.”

“No, Seleu has decided. The justice that Master Nie Kong must abide by is Seleu’s justice.” She announced with full of spirit.

Nie Kong chuckled and shook his head, a little disapproving.

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