The little maid Ma Yin is naturally easily satisfied. After Nie Kong untie her little body, her pretty face went to sleep with a sweet smile.

If you change to Alia mother and daughter, their desire and hope can be called a bottomless pit, and the stimulation of their physical pursuit is like a bottomless pit. And only Nie Kong keeps giving them fresh experiences in a variety of ways, otherwise, it might be too late to be another person.

If at the end their mother and daughter are so perverted that Nie Kong is unsatisfied, will they end their lives without love? At that point, Nie Kong can only generously grant them the strongest pleasure of Dual Cultivation!

Fortunately, Nie Kong can play a variety of training tricks. For example, there are dozens of methods for enema, and there are dozens of ways to bind. And because they have time to train them, it is estimated that it can last for about ten days, and Nie Kong does not need to worry about repeated patterns in a few years.

Of course, training them with Nie Kong only happens occasionally, and the rest of the time is spent on both the disciple Seleu and Xiao Ma Yin in the duty room! As for Super S Esdes Deputy General, I haven’t seen her for several days since the war. Although she used to bring her own troubles, now when Queen Esters troubles are missing, Nie Kong realizes that her own affairs are not missing. For example, now, from the research room next door, Dr. fashionable and very fashionable screams of Hap and py are heard.

“Nie Kong, help!”

Sai Liu put down the case book in his hand and asked worriedly: “Master Nie Kong, Dr. Fashion has nothing to do with him, right? .”

“Leave him alone, what can he do if he stays in the research room!! It’s nothing more than researching difficulties, and I intend to ask me to guide him!” Introduce incidents to himself at intervals, Nie Kong really Planning to make a 50 cm long electric toy to kill him!

However, the noise next door seems to be too loud this time, and the sound of item blasting is heard from time to time. Nie Kong was deeply annoyed, but a few seconds later he found that Dr. Fashion was knocking on the door of his duty room desperately!

“Nie Kong…Help!” Before he could open the door, he only heard a bleak scream, which then turned into a fierce fight.

Nie Kong was puzzled by his weird behavior. Who could hurt him in the military forbidden area of the empire, and curiously told his secretary: “Seliu, go open the door and check the situation, outside It seems to be very lively.”

“Yes, my lord!” The energetic girl Sai Liu hugged her Tegu Xiaobi and left her seat. After opening the door, she found that something happened outside the door. Very bad situation!

Dr. Fashion’s body was missing several pieces of meat and suffered serious injuries. It seemed that it was obviously caused by the attacks of the dangerous monsters that looked like humans. Although a few children are stopping them now, the situation is very bad. They are not opponents!

Seeing the emergence of new targets, two dangerous species keenly jumped onto the wall, climbed on it and rushed to Seriu fiercely.

“Little Bi! Stop them, and dont let them hurt Master Nie Kong!” Sai Liu bravely opened her hand to block the door, and Xiao Bi opened her mouth, showing her stern teeth. Pounced on one of the dangerous species.

With a simple bite, Teigu Xiaobi bit off the arm of the dangerous species and swallowed it into his stomach. However, they lost their minds, did not care about their physical injuries, and kept rushing towards Sai Liu!

Sailiu screamed and hurriedly closed the door with force. With only a bang, the door and their powerful bodies collided violently and became fragmented, smashing Sai Liu, who was leaning on the door!

“My lord, please… please catch Seleu!” In the midair, Seleu was waving her hands and feet to Nie Kong in a panic.

Nie Kong was originally lying in a chair drinking tea, but when he noticed it, the sky was dark. Suddenly, there was a soft touch on the cheeks, and my nose was against the soft spot. Even sinking halfway inside, the girl’s faint fragrance continued to hit.

The two formed a very charming posture. Sai Liu’s little butt and thigh sat on Nie Kong’s cheek, and his thigh was clamped tightly.

Nie Kong’s hot breath and the round nose eroded her body, and Seleu’s body instantly weakened. I only twisted a little bit, as if my heart was beating like a deer.

“Ah! Nie… Lord Nie Kong, I’m… I’m sorry!”

Finally noticed that he was sitting on Nie Kongs face, and the panicked Seriu looked from above. Sliding all the way down, it became like a little kitty shrunk in Nie Kong’s arms. Her pretty face turned red, and she even forgot the pain in her body. What a rude thing she did to adults.

“Seleu, what happened.”

“Yes…Yes! My lord, there is…it is dangerous. Hurry up and hide behind me, Seru Will protect the adults!” She cutely hugged Nie Kong’s head in her arms, like a hen guarding the chicks!

Nie Kong’s Yu Guang glanced at the monster that was rushing forward, and he found the danger she said.

“Seliu, you are a powerful emperor, why can’t you cope with the two dangerous C-level species?”

“But… but my little one is only Can kill one, but Seru… Serus strength is very weak.”

The biological type of Tegus defect was revealed, although Xiaobi continued to repair his body like immortality before destroying the core. , But the weakness is the Master who controls it behind!

Moreover, as long as you leave the Master for a certain distance, the performance will be terminated due to loss of contact. For example, the current Xiaobi, although they gnawed away a dangerous species, they stopped fighting because they drove Seleu out of the control distance!

“Really, it seems that in the end I still want me to shoot.”

“Hey, Lord Nie Kong wants to protect Seleu?!”

Master Nie Kong hugged the weak self behind him, and he bravely faced the dangerous species. Seeing Nie Kong’s fearless eyes, Seleu’s heart was full of hysterical admiration.

“Destroy it.” Nie Kong flexed his finger slightly, while the dangerous species floated strangely in the air. In the end, peng sound, the space instantly shattered like a mirror, cracking thousands of cracks, turning into powder!

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