The lunch break was over, and then Nie Kong threw out a few worn axes. They are told to cut down the trees around ten meters to repair a simple wood house, so as not to have heavy rain when the time comes!

The axe is very blunt. If you use it to cut down a tree that two people embrace, it will not take a little effort, at least hundreds of times.

Nie Kong issued the task indicators for special training, and the target number for each person is five! And Nie Kong didn’t let them untie their carapace. The weight-bearing training must be integrated into their daily life until they become accustomed to it and slowly add up!

Nie Kong feels that if the body weight can be increased to more than 50 catties, the battle strength is estimated to be at the current Deputy General Asdes level. Although at first directly used ten kilograms of weight, the subsequent increase will be very slow! Nie Kong will only consider them qualified to carry out special training in actual combat only if they are physically trained to the weight of 20 kg. The time required for the first stage is at least 3-4 months! If you add more brainwashing content and his own private training, you can’t finish it in less than half a year. Now their physical fitness is too weak, not even as good as Ma Yin, who has been trained for more than two months.

Nie Kongs current special training is indeed a great load for several of their children, but as long as each meal has a big tonic, there are dangerous kinds of fresh meat to supplement the nutrients needed by the body, for them only exercise can improve Effect without damaging their bodies!

Looking at now they are swinging their axes with sweat, as it should be by rights only the hungry Xiao Yin lost all his power and collapsed.

“Xiao Yin, are you going to be lazy.” Nie Kong stood in front of her and let out a stern cry.

“Sorry Nie…sir Nie Kong, but I’m so hungry that I have no energy.” Xiao Yin said with a sad face.

“That’s not the reason, who told you to rank last in the special training!”

“But Lord Nie Kong, although I don’t think girl is inherently weaker than male child, But the special training this morning is not good for me!” The victorious Xiao Yin summoned the courage to retort to Nie Kong.

“You mean my special training is unfair?” Nie Kong coldly snorted and said.

“Actually, it’s not… it’s not the cause of Lord Nie Kong. I…I’m talking about another reason.”

“Oh, tell me to see where it appears Question?”

“I…I’m a little bit heavier than others. Although it doesn’t affect me normally, it takes a lot of effort to run!” Xiaoyin said quietly, hanging her pretty face.

“What nonsense, the weight I prepared is obviously only ten catties. You didn’t weigh someone else’s carapace at all, how can you know that your own is heavier than others?” In the face of her unreasonable trouble, Nie Kong’s tone was dissatisfied.

“No, no, Lord Nie Kong, please see for yourself, I…I can’t tell.” While speaking, Xiaoyin Jingrui put Nie Kong’s fingers on his giant X ! Although there are several layers of clothes, there is an irresistible soft touch.

“Yi!” Nie Kong noticed that it was full of his palms and the weight was very substantial!

“I didnt pay attention before, when I noticed it had become so big. If you run, it will jump around like this, which is much harder than others!” Xiao Yin shook his own annoyedly On the upper body, I found another giant X without the palm of his hand playing playfully in front of Nie Kong’s eyes, shaking his heartstrings. It’s amazing, there is such a milk volume at a young age!

“The root… is basically your own weight problem. You see that Tsukushi is not in the same situation as yours, but why is it faster than you.” Nie Kong pointed to the cute posture to cut the tree. Tong Yan Ju X Lolita said. Because of her relatively small body, it makes it more spectacular than Xiao Yin!

“Master Nie Kong, its not right. And she is only a little bit faster than me, which seems to be affected as well. But she…her is much younger than me, so naturally she will run faster “Xiao Yin said seriously.

“Really.” It is true that Tsukushi’s ranking is slightly ahead of Xiaoyin, otherwise she should be faster than Black pupil based on her physical fitness. Perhaps the natural giant X has a factor affecting them. But a long distance of more than ten kilometers will magnify minor factors several times! For example, a little child carries a heavy schoolbag of a few kilograms to school. He felt very light when he first went to school, but he found heavier after a few kilometers!

“Well, I called Tsukushi, you can ask her yourself.” Upon hearing Nie Kong’s questioning, Xiao Yin weakly called out to the lovely loli who was more than ten meters in front, “Zhuzi , Lord Nie Kong called you to come here!”

Zukushi blinked cutely and turned and looked towards the back. After discovering that Nie Kong was really there, I trot to Nie Kong nicely!

“Master Nie Kong, do you want to find Tsukushi for something.”

“Xiao Yin said you can beat her because your two are much lighter than Xiao Yin For this reason, I’m here to ask you whether they really have any influence.” Nie Kong asked, pointing to her bulging top.

“I was telling the truth.” Xiao Yin said.

“Shadow…Of course there will be influence, but…but Xiaoyin said that it is much larger than mine and affects the result of the game. I…I disagree with her statement!”

“It’s funny, obviously I compared you with you last night. You said you became older than me in one night? In that case, let Nie Kong master compare it.” The victorious Xiaoyin right Nie Kong right The hand was placed on the giant X in Tsukushi, and Nie Kong’s left hand was pressed again on his own.

Looking at Nie Kong’s fingers and holding his giant X, the cute pretty face of Chikushi gradually rose to red.

“Stupid…Idiot Xiaoyin, you…what the hell did you do.” Tsukushi was so embarrassed that she was about to shed tears, but how dare she push Nie Kong’s clenched fingers away.

Xiao Yin’s character is aggressive, Tsukushi’s is more shy, and Cornelia is like a mature big sister, Pony’s brain is a bit tricky. Nie Kong used one day’s observation to get a basic understanding of their personalities.

“Master Nie Kong, who do you say is bigger.” Xiao Yin urged Nie Kong to answer.

Nie Kong grabbed one in one hand and experienced the tenderness of the two women. It seemed that they had forgotten why they were talking, but it would definitely not be a comparison.

Sure enough, it feels good to cultivate loli. I really like their innocence.

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