A loud bang interrupted the conversation between Nie Kong and Minister Bald. They coincidentally looked towards the knocked door.

The first thing that appeared in front of Nie Kong was the superb curve exposed in the white military uniform. The perfect figure seemed to combine Cornelia’s tall and Chikushi giant X advantages, which made people feel heart-stirring. . However, with her beautiful and messy cheeks, her face was ugly at this time.

“Esdes Deputy General?” At a glance, he recognized Nie Kong who was familiar with the shadows in front of him, and made a surprised voice.

“No, you should call her Lord General, she has been promoted just like you.” The Assassination Minister said with a headache. Seeing Esdes’s appearance, I guess I eavesdropped on their conversation.

“so that’s how it is, it seems that the new emperor’s accession to the throne is a happy thing for everyone.”

Although Nie Kong did not hear the ridicule in it, but Esther felt very angry. Nie Kong was promoted to minister, but he secretly planned to get the right to confront Minister Ornest. Damn it, is he going to use power to dominate himself in the end?

“Nie Kong, I won’t let you succeed!”

“What are you talking about?” Nie Kong asked unfathomable mystery.

“You don’t pretend to be garlic, I will become the strongest general in the empire sooner. How can I tolerate your prestige and power higher than me!” Esders said loudly.

“It seems that General Asides is very confident.” Nie Kong said with a faint smile.

“Nie Kong, I will regain control of you in my palm.” Asides said relatively coldly.

“hehe, if that day comes, I will call you my female Lord Wang.” The last female Lord Wang, Nie Kong’s tone suddenly became extremely soft, in fact, she called her female Lord Wang didn’t and so on, she did have that qualification.

Esdess pretty face got hot, and his blue eyes were rippling, “What…what a bad name for Lord Wang, first of all you have to call me…my elder sister!”

“Next year next year is younger than me, I prefer you to call me big brother.” Nie Kong muttered.

Esdess pretty face turned black, and he shouted frantically: “ahhhh, you really have wolf ambition, please forget that name for me!”

Assassination Minister Perceiving her icy cold air, she hurriedly changed the subject: “By the way, General Asdes came to see Minister Nie Kong today. What do you need me to avoid?”

” hmph, I…I just pass by occasionally.” Esther’s tone became a little weaker, and his expression was unnaturally said.

“Then since there is nothing wrong, I should report to the assassination department.”

The security team has been sorted out by Seriu, and it has not changed much from the previous situation in charge of Vice-section Head. . In the past, Seriu would help him to do the Vice-section Head job, but now Nie Kong promoted her to assume the role of Vice-section Head.

Although Oka and their dozens of Small Captain complain about Nie Kong’s eccentricity in their hearts, who makes Seriu and Lord Nie Kong have a good relationship is like Lord Nie Kong’s concubine.

Selius work remains the same as before. After reviewing the case, Nie Kong will naturally pass it on to the little emperor to watch the Imperial Capital situation on the morning of the 2nd day.


When I came to the assassination department, Nie Kong saw that the nine red pupils had already been waiting there. The girls were in good spirits and kept talking to Nie Kong, but Naha Xiu raised his eyebrows and looked at the trash fish in front of him.

A few days ago, Mrs. Nie Kong said that he would discipline them. He felt that the women had not changed much. He might be able to guess their girls attachment to Lord Nie Kong. Although he didn’t show up, he himself respected Lord Nie Kong. But I feel that emotion will only be a burden to the killer. If the feelings are too rich, it will make him lose his mind, so he has always put on a cold expression. If they don’t change their mentality, they can’t be called qualified killers at all, they will be too emotional and emotional, even betrayal!

“You guys, lets go first. I have to prepare the materials needed for the special training for you. Today we are going to start the actual combat training. There is probably a mortal danger. Nine of you Be mentally prepared,” Nie Kong said. Speaking of their physique quality is basically qualified, and continuing to exercise may not be very effective, so Nie Kong plans to use actual combat to enhance their battle strength.

“Yes, Lord Nie Kong!” Hearing Nie Kong’s new special training, Nahaxiu and the others showed excitement. They have waited for that moment for too long!

Nine people each weighed more than 30 kilograms and moved towards the forest as usual. Even though the body of the nine is the smallest, with only 140 centimeters of black pupil of little loli, she is basically okay with thirty pounds on her back. And they are used to strict weight-bearing training. Nie Kong cancelled the penalty early because they could all run to the finish line at the speed that Nie Kong was satisfied with.

Nie Kong is very pleased. Her talent may not be as good as that of elder sister Chitong, but she is desperately eager to catch up with her elder sister and did not let herself down.

After watching them leave, Nie Kong turned to the torture room in the military zone. The number of prisoners held there has not been reduced. There are foreign nationals taken from various countries, related to the death row prisoners holding Imperial Capital!

There are no less than a dozen death row prisoners who are tortured to death by Esthers alone! As for the materials for Dr. Fashion Experiment, more than a dozen materials are needed every day, and all of them must be male.

Poor, because of his playing in the game a few days ago, he destroyed all his experimental product transformation army, and had to recreate his own army.

At the same time, he was amazed by the power Seleu showed. After learning about the results of Nie Kong’s transformation from Seleukou, I kept discussing with Nie Kong almost every day.

So basically the relationship with Nie Kong is very good, and he will unconditionally obey Nie Kong’s request. The remuneration required for assassination of the minister is generally paid by death row prisoners.

The ability of Nie Kong’s transformation is amazing. It is like mechanical transformation, because Seleu can transform into a solid cold weapon. Speaking of genetic modification, Seleucid does not have dangerous planting, but its physical fitness and resilience have been directly increased more than ten times. It is ten times stronger than taking drugs, and there are no side effects! !

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