” Master Nie Kong, I really collected a lot of useful information letters from my luggage.” Ten minutes later, Green came to Nie Kong with a few envelopes, which shouldnt be destroyed. Information.

Nie Kong took a look at it, his face couldn’t help showing a surprised expression. It can be seen that the content is quite shocking.

“Master Nie Kong, has any major event happened?” Cornelia asked curiously.

“The first letter was written to Lakiri, the prefect of Lelang City, who had secretly communicated with the foreign inland in the north. There was a shameful deal between the betrayal and him, but the envelope did not elaborate. Content. The second letter is about the rebels gathering in the previous few days. Some of the rebels converged in the Southwest direction, saying that they were going to respond to a rebellious general. The third letter is about the rebels analysis of the West. It seems that they should It is possible to cooperate with foreign nations in the West.” Nie Kong said, shaking his head.

“It’s amazing, do any generals in the empire cooperate with the rebels?” Naha Xiu said softly.

“Its normal, it should be deceived. The empire has been established for more than a thousand years. There is indeed a problem, so many people cant stand it. The purpose of our assassination department is to eliminate that Hidden danger.”

Nie Kong raised his eyebrows, Southwests alien riots, sent out to counter the rebellion are the female generals of Esders and Najieshitan. What a coincidence.

If Esdes rebels, then the empire can be played. With the ice attribute’s imperial equipment, Esdes has the strength of the Great General Bud, the number one in the empire.

“Master Nie Kong, do the rebels have to cooperate with different nations in the North and the West at the same time. If they are surrounded on three sides, the empire is really dangerous.” Tsukushi blinked his eyes and asked.

“no! The ambitions of foreign nations in the north are very strong. In the past few years, they even invaded the empire and wiped out several ethnic groups. If the rebels cooperate with them, it is no different from seeking the skin of a tiger. And the foreign nations in the West Relatively weak and docile, it is more cost-effective than foreign nations in the north. But if their purpose is only to overthrow the empire, then everything may appear.” Nie Kong said.

“Master Nie Kong, what is our next task.” Xiaoyin couldn’t help but asked.

“Now we are in the city of Kentai in the northern part of the empire. Let’s go to Lelang City, which has colluded with other nations in the north, to kill Lachiri, the prefect. He is a big fish.” Nie Kong nodded said.

“Master Nie Kong is right. Foreign nations in the north often invade the borders of the empire. They dare to kill many innocent people wantonly. A large part of the reason is the responsibility of the city guard.” Tara gritted his teeth and said, looking at his resentment, it is likely that he came from a northern border similar to Esdes when he was a child.

The eyes of the red pupils have recovered their stability, and they have accepted the murder mission arranged by Lord Nie Kong just like the younger sister. Lord Nie Kong can see more clearly than herself. How could he take the side of the evil-doer indiscriminately to kill someone who is gentle, he really should fight.

“Let me teach you one last lesson. In the future, you will need to use the skills you have learned over the past few years to perform tasks alone. After all, I can’t follow you all my life.”

“No…no, Pony won’t leave Nie Kong-sama.” Pony vowed Xsolemnly and vowed, his vigorous eyes are firm.

Nahasiu sometimes really envy Pony, because his mind is simple and he won’t have any troubles at all.

“en.” Black pupil nodded vigorously. If you don’t have the love of Lord Nie Kong next to him, how can you get it. You dont need anything. The only thing that matters to you is the elder sister and Lord Nie Kong.

Different from the women who are very dependent on Lord Nie Kong, the three Nahasiu recognize Lord Nie Kong very much. After going out to be independent, how can I always accept the asylum of Lord Nie Kong’s wings?

“Ill talk about those things later, now Ill leave for Lelang City.” Nie Kong didnt continue to talk about the topic, holding the cute little black pupil and riding on the horse, the eight red pupils followed closely Rear.


Kentai City is actually only more than 100 kilometers away from Lelang City, because it belongs to the northern part of the empire, but Lelang City is bordered by foreign nations , Responsible for garrison to defend against violations by foreign nations. But now that the prefect of Lelang City is colluding with foreign nations, that line of defense can basically be ignored. Once the northern foreign nations attack the empire, the traitor’s prefect will first open the city gates to greet him.

Destroying the acrobatic troupe formed by the Sabbatini rebels, Nie Kong wrote out the details of the matter and sent a letter to the little emperor of the empire. Then they spent ten hours, Arrived at the destination.

The design of Lelang City is very similar to the vast Imperial Capital. The ten-meter-high city wall can be used to resist foreign nations in the north. And in the center of the city, stands a magnificent city within a city. Like the Imperial Palace of the Imperial Capital, the target’s prefect Lachiri obviously lives in it.

Nie Kong packed a small remote hotel to settle down, and then gathered them in their room.

“Master Nie Kong, are we going to raid inside to kill the prefect in the dark?” Pony, a single-cell brain, said to Nie Kong, the simplest and most Convenient method.

“Things are not that simple. The inner city of Lelang City is probably full of traps and guards. Since he has the guts to collude with foreign nations in the north, he will be on guard. “Green replied.

“Green is right. To assassinate a person, the first and most important thing is to investigate his personal details, and then turn passive to active! Go, three people, lurking in the inner city to target The detailed investigation of the situation is clear. If you encounter danger, the first thing you need to do is how to protect your life. Nie Kong waved them to dismiss them and taught them many times, but in fact the most troublesome were Pony and Xiao silver.

Two women have only one sutra in each brain, they are stupidly cute. The other is straightforward and impulsive, and it is easy to cause things to happen. The only ones who reassure Nie Kong are Nahasiu, Green and Cornelia.

So Nie Kong assigned three groups, and the man was in one group. Cornelia was responsible for bringing two problem children. As for the three slightly normal points of Chikushi, Black and Red as one group team.

After ordering to come back at night, the nine people spread to the huge city.

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