After designing the ambush circle, Nahasiu and the others lay in ambush for more than an hour, and finally saw the original portrait of Cornelia swaying out of the city gate. The more than thirty guards behind are all armed, and Tai Jian is riding a horse with bows and arrows.

Naha Xiu narrowed his eyes, and from the guard’s pace, he could see that those people were not simple, at least they belonged to the elite of the army.

Sittingly watched them break into the ambush, and then the strongest shooting talent, Tsukushi, executed the attack. Xiao Zhuzi looked at a firearm similar to a modern one, and aimed calmly at the target. She did not exude a trace of murderous aura and her own breath.

It is difficult for ordinary people to find her existence without seeing it with their own eyes. After several years of training with Nie Kong in the river, they have already memorized the skills. In my heart.

I saw that Tsukushi’s index finger slightly squeezed the trigger, the bullet was ejected, and a cloud of blood mist burst out of Rakiri’s forehead, and he fell from the horse’s back!

“ahhhh, Lord Rakiri is dead…dead!!” Watching his death, the guards exclaimed in a silent exclamation, unable to believe the facts before them.

“You useless waste, now go and catch the prisoner, where the bullet came from!” Captain as the guard yelled, and immediately pointed his whip at Nahasiu’s direction! I didn’t notice the breath, but I could identify where they were ambushing from the direction of the bullet.

More than 30 people immediately came over with weapons in their hands. Naha Xiu pulled out his long sword and said calmly: “Although they are not the target, since they have found our position, I can kill them all, understand.”

“en! And it seems that their ability is not small, don’t be careless.” Cornelia, the big sister, continued.

The remaining seven people pointed their heads, and immediately prepared for the upcoming battle.

Without waiting for the horses to come, they took the initiative to pounce on the crowd from a tree trunk that was more than three meters high, because the body was not affected by the weight of 40 kg, and the guards could hardly see their speed.

Nie Kong has seldom taught them practical skills in the past four years, relying on what they have learned from daily battles with prisoners and dangerous species for two years. Although he has many tricks, he can only be cultivated by strong physique.

“Huh, it’s not like the battle method of our empire.” After seeing all the people killed, Naha Xiu wiped the blood stains from the long sword and said to Green.

“Well, according to the intelligence analyzed by Lord Nie Kong, they may be spies sent by the northern foreign nations to protect Rakiri. They are indeed quite powerful.” Green took a sigh of relief, slowly said .

“You guessed it right, they are a foreign race in the north. Killing them will really solve their hatred.” It seems to be very familiar with the northern Natara said solemnly.

“I don’t feel anything. I was nervous when I killed someone for the first time, but now I can’t feel anything.” Xiaoyin followed and expressed his thoughts.

“Hehe, it’s so stupid for Xiaoyin, do you still have that kind of trouble.” Pony said with a joking blow.

“Pony, you are not qualified to say that I am stupid, you are the stupidest stupid among us.” Xiao Yin said angrily. It’s a shame to let a fool say he is stupid.

“You…you are talking nonsense, obviously Master Nie Kong often says that Hungary has no brains.” Boni argued.

“You two are all right, the task is complete, everyone hurry back to Lord Nie Kong to report.” Cornelia held Rakiri’s bloody head and frustrated the quarreling two. Said the woman.

The two are all Young Lady Wenti, there is no difference. If you don’t have Lord Nie Kong by your side, it really makes people worry about whether they will be able to perform tasks independently in the future.


“Minister Ornet, according to the latest information sent from the north, Nie Kongs assassination force killed the Le Lang colluding with other nations in the north The prefect of the city is now moving towards Northwest.” In Ornest’s private attic, several ministers were secretly discussing the major event.

“Minister, it is better to take advantage of the period when he is on duty, we preemptively kill all his family members, maybe wait for him to come back to inspire him to turn his face.” Civilian Kebolai offered a plan.

“hmph, if I could do it, I would kill someone to vent my hatred. But his family seems to have only three humble maids. Imperial Capital has no relatives at all. It doesnt matter how many maids kill. Right.” Ornest said coldly while biting on a steak.

“The Minister of Ornest, can we just let him go.”

“What a joke! Once he can come back alive, wait until the assassination forces of the Empire are coordinated. With the two powerful military forces of the garrison and the likes of Your Majesty, its hard for me to help him. So as long as I dare to resist my officials, there is only one way to die. He is now on an assassination mission against the rebels, but according to I said I knew that the rebels knew about their existence and had sent assassination troops to sniper them. Of course, in order to guard against the unexpected, I would send my personal executioner, the Rakshasa Four Ghosts, to join forces with the rebels killer troops. Definitely kill them all in the northwest border.” Ornest said with a grimace.

Speaking of the four ghosts of Rakshasa, each of them was born in the Sovereign Fist Temple cultivation, and possesses strong combat ability, able to manipulate the changes of the body at will. For example, extending the body by more than ten centimeters is as simple as eating for them.

“Hehe, the ministers clever plan is really powerful. We can plant all the guilt and blame on the rebels by the way. And we can learn about his situation from Your Majesty every day, and grasp the specific trends. , I’m not afraid to find him.” Civilian Bolai praised.

“But our cooperation with the rebels seems a little improper.” Another Civilian Court Official said.

“The rebels are just a microclimate to the empire. The first thing to do is to solve our biggest threat. And after I have ordered the Rakshasa four ghosts to go out, I concealed their relationship with me and used the name Sovereign Fist Temple On the other hand, let them know the details of the rebels by the way, so that they can deal with them in the future.” Ornest said. Although Ornest is ambitious, no one dares deny his own abilities.

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