” Master Nie Kong, why can the enemy transform into another completely similar red pupil? I really can’t tell whether they are true or not.” Naha Xiu frowned.

Said Chelsea cleverly called out Nelia from the hotel downstairs at a distance of a few meters, facing Nahasiu and the others, without touching them face to face. Probably the day before yesterday at the Battle of the White Wolf River, Chelsea experienced the pressure Nahasiu put on her firsthand, worried that his disguised identity would be revealed by him.

“It should be Teigu-the transforming ability of the free Gaia foundation. Although its formidable power is very tasteless, it can make up the image that the user remembers. So don’t think you are very Strong and proud, remember today’s lesson.” Nie Kong taught them severely.

Nie Kong had told them not to act alone before they left, but who knew that Chitong and Cornelia almost killed themselves because of their arrogance. If it weren’t for her own return earlier, Cornelia might have disappeared now.

“Yes, Lord Nie Kong!” Naha Xiu answered solemnly. Seeing part of the strength that Nie Kong showed, he deeply understood how far he was from Master Nie Kong.

“Master Nie Kong, are our tasks arranged next?” Green asked aloud.

“According to the information obtained from the investigation, the rebellious Najieshitan represented the rebels to go to the northwest of the empire to prevent the cooperation between the rebels and foreign nations. Our mission to assassinate the troops is to destroy them and finish that piece. We should be able to return to Imperial Capital afterwards. But before we go to perform the task, we need to stay at the hotel for a day to see if Akayama can rush back to the team. Nie Kong said.

“Well, we can’t leave the elder sister alone, otherwise she will be very anxious if she doesn’t see us when she comes back.” Heitong said joyfully. In her heart, Nie Kong and elder sister placed the most important position, and then it was her turn and her partners.

“I hope there is not enough time.” Intelligence estimated that Najiexitan had rebelled as early as six days ago, if she went to seek foreign cooperation. Starting from the southwest of the Imperial Capital to the northwest, according to the horse’s itinerary, they should be ready to go to the northwest. But Nie Kong didn’t worry about whether he could complete the task, he was more concerned about the lagging red pupil. If you do not come back tomorrow, you can only arrange for someone to stay in the hotel to meet her.

“Go back.” Nie Kong turned and walked towards the hotel, while the eight Cornelia followed him obediently.


After returning to the hotel, the time has already pointed to more than nine o’clock in the evening. Because of the strong explosion sound, many people gathered at the door and kept discussing.

“Master Nie Kong, can you come to our room to sleep tonight.” After comfortably soaking in the hot spring, the black pupil wearing a bathrobe whispered to Nie Kong sitting in the hotel suite living room . After the four daughters of Cornelia heard Black Eye’s request, they all stared wide-eyed.

“Why?” Nie Kong asked strangely.

“Because the elder sister passed away, the elder sister who is in charge of taking care of our team, only me and Tsukushi are left. If Mr. Nie Kong lives in our room, the population is just right.” Heitong said To be justified, Nie Kong can understand the meaning of her words, it seems that he is to be responsible for the red pupil tonight.

“Okay.” Nie Kong suddenly nodded, she turned towards Chikushi. The shy Chikushi’s pretty face was red, and she dared not look at Nie Kong.

Cornelia pouted jealously, and suddenly stretched out her jade hand, quietly squeezing Ponys waist in front of her.

I only saw Bonnie cry out in pain, and before she turned around and asked Nelia whats wrong, Nelia standing behind immediately said aloud: “Pony said Yes, Lord Nie Kong, you are unfair. We have to sleep with Lord Nie Kong tonight.”

“Yes, that’s right.” Pawnee exclaimed excitedly, not realizing that he was caught Cornelia came out as a spearhead.

“Really nonsense, can the room sleep six people.”

“Master Nie Kong, please don’t worry, we will make the bed.” Cornelia is naughty He made a cute face to Nie Kong, then took Pony back to their room and moved their three quilts to the opposite side and laid them neatly.

When Nie Kong took Kuroto and Tsukushi’s little hands to the room, he found that the spacious room was covered with tatami mats, so six quilts could be stacked horizontally and vertically, making the space so narrow!

Nie Kong suddenly didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, but they could only let them mess around. Taking off his shoes, Nie Kong picked a mattress in the middle. Nelia’s eyes shined, and immediately rushed forward to occupy the empty bed next to Nie Kong, swinging her little feet cutely.

“Wu wu, big sister, you are really treacherous.”

“Hehe, you can only say that you are strong first!” Cornelia said proudly with a smile.

Their eyes can only be re-targeted to the empty bed position of Nie Kong right hand, and suddenly the eyes of the four women smashed into fierce sparks. The first to charge ahead was Xiao Yin, who sacrificed her life and flew away.

Then the second black pupil rushed up and pressed her back hard, and it was Pony’s turn for the third. . The last Tsukushi pressed on the top of the crowd, and the four women were stacked like an Arhat, very cute!

“Yeah! I’m the fastest, it’s mine!” Although Xiaoyin was at the bottom by the other three girls, she cheered happily, not caring that she was completely flat The giant X. Because they were wearing loose yukatas, the yukatas on their shoulders began to fall inadvertently. The four women’s white skin was half-hidden, which really attracted most of Nie Kong’s eyes.

Now I cant win Xiao Yin, and the other three women can only sleep on the opposite side. Black pupil took the lead and picked a bed directly opposite Nie Kong. It’s a pity that the black pupil is too short, otherwise she would probably touch Nie Kong if she straightened her feet. But on the other hand, as long as you follow the quilt, you can easily get into the Nie Kong quilt, because their bed ends are connected.

Chikushi and Boni slept on the left and right of the black pupils, and assigned their own positions.

“Go to bed, I’m going to turn off the light.”

After seeing the five girls lying down, Nie Kong waved his hand gently and turned off the oil lamp in the room .

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