“Boss, you should have heard of the heinous crimes committed by the Imperial Special Police in Imperial Capital.” Lubbock drwsily looked at the one-eyed woman in front of him and said.

“It is true. Leonai, who handles business at Imperial Capital, has received entrusts from many people, almost all asking us to attack them at night.” Najiexitan said with a wry smile.

Unfortunately, Najiexitan did not rush to accept the commission. First, she never knew the details of the opponent. Second, she hoped to secretly develop the night attack for a period of time. Now their number is too small. According to Leonai’s secret investigation, the Imperial Capital police force led by Ornest’s son Sheila may have the strength of the four ghosts of Rakshasa, and there are even a few emissaries! She rushed to accept such a difficult task, she was very afraid that it would lead to some losses in the night raid. The night raid has only five members now.

“BOSS, don’t worry too much, their behavior will only lead to the collapse of the empire this morning, that’s all.” Lubbock said dismissively.

“But the sacrifice is too great. If there is such a plan, then I will not risk returning to Imperial Capital. I plan to assassinate Ornests first-rate corrupt officials and protect the country concerned. Civilians who are concerned about the people, they are the indispensable talents for us to build the empire. Now I have told Leo Nai to investigate. As long as we can seize the opportunity for them to act separately, they should be able to kill them one by one. “Najie Xitan said softly.

Crimson Hitomi held her Tachi, her plain pink eyes turned full of anger, wondering if the Imperial Special Police was set up specifically to ban assassination troops!

Is it because I impulsively assassinated him and his relatives some time ago, so that Sister Colnelly and the others were implicated by Ornest and received revenge? What are the younger sisters? That’s it.


In the street of Imperial Capital, Leo Nai, a beautiful blonde woman, leaned over the roof, closely monitoring the police force led by Sheila.

At this time, her hands and feet turned into sharp claws like lions, and her buttocks actually extended a tail. That is the ability of her emperor, which turns people into half beasts, and greatly improves the abilities of the body and facial features.

Since the day before yesterday, she has been patiently monitoring them for more than twenty hours. When the time pointed to five o’clock in the evening, the situation finally changed.

Perhaps everyone is afraid of the relationship, they don’t seem to have any fun today, so Leo Nai saw thirteen people scattered.

Leonai narrowed his eyes and quietly followed behind a man named Yan Xin. Because after two days of observation, it was clear that he was the only one who could kill him the easiest!

So Leo Nai stood just and honorable on the street, planning to use his beauty and color to lure him. However, he found that Yan Xin actually ignored his beauty, which made Leo Nai angry.

Leonai stared fiercely, and Yan Xin looked at the other girl who appeared in front of him with squinting eyes.

The girl has a pink single ponytail, and a beautiful black and white maid costume decorates her super cute. And beside her, there is a very handsome man who is responsible for holding her jade hand.

Yan Xin followed the prey, his greedy eyes showed Leo Nai guess what he was going to do.

Leonai originally planned to attract him to a remote alley and kill him, but now it seems that he can only be killed by force.

However, when Leona was about to kill someone, she realized that the situation in front of her reappears a new change, and Yan Xin’s prey seemed to pick a remote alley.

Yan Xin smiled evilly and blocked the prey, but Leonai, who was attached to the wall behind him, was also laughing. as the saying goes mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind Ah, he didn’t even realize that he had become a prey.

Hiding his figure, Leo Nai jumped up like a lion and a rabbit.

The sudden appearance of a black shadow made Yan Xin panicked, and he hurried back a few steps. It’s a pity that Leonard’s claws ripped off a large piece of meat from his back.

“It’s so fast to hide.” Leonai said with a smile.

“Damn, dare to attack our Imperial Capital special police officer, who are you?” Yan Xin drew the round knife, looking towards his enemy behind sneak attack.

“the person who wants your life.” Leo Nai said coldly.

Leonai’s lithe and graceful figure makes his eyes reappear with greed.

“haha, it doesnt matter if you dont say it, I will have a way to torture you later.”

After Yan Xin finished speaking, he stepped on his feet and leaned towards Leone, A densely packed crescent-shaped vacuum blade was emitted from his round knife, and the two emperors started a fierce collision!

“One more act, it makes things so troublesome.” Nie Kong murmured.

“Hehe, Master, it seems that someone has shot before us. Who do you think will win.” Ma Yin with a pink ponytail said with a smile.

Nie Kong scanned the strength of the two and replied: “It should be that both sides suffer, there is not much advantage.” One is to strengthen one’s own quality, and the other is a round knife that can emit and emit a vacuum blade. , Their personal combat experience is very adept!

Sure enough, as Nie Kong said, the two fought fiercely for a long time, and finally failed to divide their lives. Worried that the longer the delay will attract the enemy’s accomplices, Leonai began to become anxious!

She slapped Yan Xin’s blade with one claw, and forcibly shot him out for three to four meters with her own strength.

Then Leonai retreated in front of Nie Kong and Ma Yin with the help of the counter-shock force. She turned her head to Nie Kong and shouted: “What are you doing in a daze, take your little beauty Leave.”

“Haha, it’s too late! To prevent you from running away, cut off your legs first. I see how you can protect them.” Yan Xin smiled cruelly and shook his hand Came with the devil.

Leonai was very helpless. She underestimated the enemy’s strength, thinking that she could kill the opponent with a single blow. Now it has become an unfavorable situation of stalemate, how can she spare time to protect Nie Kong and them.

“Hey, wait for you!”

Nie Kong burst out laughing and forcibly pulled the cute fluffy tail from her butt.

“Aiya, what are you…what are you doing, hurry up and let go.”

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