In the early morning, the morning sun slowly rises, changing from warm to hot. At this time, Ma Yin was taking Remus and Wu Min, two maids, hanging clothes in the yard.

When she saw Lazily lying on the roof basking in the sun, Leonai sleeping like a lazy cat, Mayin put her hands in front of her Huns.

Since Leonie really became the guard of Nie Kong’s house, it has been a long time, and she has grown white and tender.

Among them, the daughters of Cornelia returned from a mission in the eastern part of the empire a year ago, and they brought back various personal information on Anning Road. Sure enough, it has a religion with a large number of believers. Although it is based on the belief that many good deeds can lead to happiness and longevity, Anning Road has formed a great power in the eastern part of the empire. It almost attracts many believers in every place. It is only blame for Sect Lord’s ability. BUG.

If they unite with the revolutionary army to rebel, such a large base of poor people is likely to cause strong chaos in the empire.

Although Minister Ornest is inherently corrupt and corrupt, he is indeed the number one leader in resolving government affairs. In order to prevent their armed uprising, Minister Ornest used the intelligence collected by Nie Kong to successfully plant a spy named Berlik beside Sect Lord on Anning Road, and timely controlled Anning Road’s rebellious thoughts!

But Nie Kong was surprised by Ornest’s behavior. Since his son died a year ago, his own behavior has converged a lot, but he never gave Nie Kong a good face.

Nie Kong guessed how much his thoughts were. He didn’t forgive himself for the possibility. He should secretly accumulate his strength to give himself the final blow. Especially the paralyzed special police

The troops actually changed hands and became Asides’s pocket.

On the one hand, Ornests forces are helping to expand, and on the other hand, with Esthers powerful ability, she regrouped into a ten-man team within a year, almost exclusively the emperor. Gu Shi, changed his name to Special Police-Hunter!

It has a super strength led by Asides, and its overall strength is several times stronger than that of Sheila at that time. Even without Nie Kong’s Dual Cultivation, Esthers alone might be able to deal with three of them! Because of Nie Kongs whiplash, Esther Everyday all will accompany his subordinates in special training five years ago, and he has learned the methods of Nie Kong to add weight! Her physical fitness has nothing to say, at least much better than Naha Xiu who gave up the weight-bearing cultivation three years ago!

There are not many changes in the night attack. There is a new Deputy General-level great character named Brand. It is said that he used to be a subordinate of General Liwa in the Three Beasts of Asides. With the most powerful emperor-haunted by evil spirits!

Compared with Nie Kong, the assassination unit has changed a lot. The assassination part has been divided into eight teams, and Cornelia will guide their team members to conduct special assassination training.

Using the knowledge learned from Nie Kong, the very difficult to deal with training their respective team members for a year! It is a pity that more than 70 people have dropped sharply to more than 50, and more than a dozen have died of drug repercussions!

The power he inadvertently cultivated has long been comparable to the Guard army of the Great General Budd. If Nie Kong had a rebellious mind and didnt need to do it himself, the little emperor would have been killed by his troops. A hundred times. Budd Great General, in his eyes is just a joke.


“Hu hu, Master Nie Kong clearly invited her to be our guard, and she only sleeps in every day.” Ma Yin said dissatisfiedly.

“The maid, let’s try to use the Master’s method to tease her.” Wu Min said, squinting.

Mayin was taken aback, nodded with satisfaction and said: “That’s right, Remus, you can help go to the kitchen to get a bone.”

“Yes.” Lem A mischievous smile appeared on Si’s pretty face, and he trot towards the kitchen with the corner of his skirt. After two minutes, he really took out the fleshy bones.

Mayin weighed the weight of the bones, and then yelled vigorously: “Hey, Leo Nai, go on!”

I only saw her force the bones in her hands toward her. After losing her direction, she flew over her head amidst the sound of hu hu.

Leonai Lazily opened a gap in his eyes, did not even look at the flesh and bones. The mocking golden looked at Ma Yin and the three of them, as if he was talking about idiots!

“Damn it, silly dog Leone, why didn’t you catch it.” Main yelled.

“haha, Xiaodou Ding Mayin, you actually want to learn from Master Nie Kong to play me like that, but it’s far from it. At least figure out my preferences first.” Leo Nai turned over and continued Dreaming of his own spring and autumn dreams.

“Hey, why not, when the Master threw the bone out before, Leo Nai would charge ahead like a dog and grab the bone.” Wu Min said puzzledly.

“I… I seem to remember that when the Master teased her, the bones seemed to be soaked in the water for a while.” Remus whispered.

“No, it’s not water! It should be alcohol. I remember that stupid dog likes to drink alcohol. Aiya, it turns out that the Master is really amazing. You can play her like a pet dog in two or three strokes. !” Ma Yin pouted, thinking back to the scene where the big stupid dog leaned forward and bit his fleshy bones a few months ago, which was funny.

That’s the case, the stupid dog’s housekeeping ability has nothing to say, Ma Yin had secretly tried to scare her before, but it was a pity that she was discovered every time.

Nie Kong Master said, her nose is as sensitive as a dog.

“Oh, by the way, Xiaodouding, I may have something to go out at noon. Later I will find someone to work for me to look after the house.” Leo Nai drwsily said.

“hmph, are you lazy again to bring that natural dumb Hill. Come on, don’t you know how much trouble she has caused us.” Ma Yin scolded, staring.

“Don’t worry too much, I have already taught her, Hill will not cause trouble this time.”

“You say that every time.”

“Hey, I won’t make things like the last time and treat the bastards as guests.” Leo Nai said with a smile.

“I don’t care, if something happens, I will see how the Master will take care of you when he comes back.” Ma Yin said with her arms folded.

Leonai mischievously spit out her, and suddenly covered his big fart and stock, “I…I will be back soon.”

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