“Ah!!! I ‘m finally full, so happy!!!” The mountain range in the suburbs ten kilometers north of Imperial Capital is the base of night raids. At this time, there was an innocent teenager patted his belly contentedly. The dining table in front of him was surrounded by men and women who were eating.

“Oh, boy, you are full.” There was a handsome man with his hair combed like a king of fighters red pill, smiling and patted his shoulder. The exquisite face alone is at least not worse than Naha.

“Thank you for your hospitality. My name is Tazmi. I am a young swordsman born in the countryside! Two childhood sweethearts and close friends who have been playing together since childhood and my best friends came out to explore and save the village. I went to Imperial Capital for development. Unfortunately, the three of us were caught in a sneak attack by burglars and bandits on the way to Imperial Capital, so we separated from our two partners a few days ago. I originally planned to slowly find them in Imperial Capital. , But the money he brought was deceived. Fortunately, you took it in, otherwise I really dont know what to do. Tazmi said gratefully to Najiexitan in front of him.

“What are your plans next.” Na Jiexitan said with a faint smile.

“I hope to be able to get ahead in the army, but the inspected officer refused. Because I want to be a Captain, but it seems that there are too many people who signed up. Even starting with the third class, it is necessary to draw lots. Pick.” Tazmi said sorry.

“Hehe, boy, why not become a member of our night raid. Look at our boss, Na Jie Xitan, who used to be a famous general in our empire. And my identity is not worth mentioning, but it’s also a Deputy General anyway.” Brand said.

“Night…night attack?” Tazmi heard that their identities had a lot of origin, and couldn’t help but aroused curiosity. What kind of organization is it?

“Yes, our organization is called Night Attack. It is mainly engaged in the removal of corrupt bureaucrats and villains from the residents of Imperial Capital. The ultimate goal is to assassinate the root of corruption in the empire, the minister.” Najieshitan explained. Tao.

“Its just a nice point. In fact, we are the rebels of the empire. You must consider it carefully if you want to participate. As I was before, I belonged to the assassination department of the empire. Member.” Chi Tong who was eating food on the side said calmly. Najiexitan and Brand smiled awkwardly, but failed to refute Chitong.

“Why, as generals, you want to betray the empire?” Tazmi asked incredulously.

“You should be able to see the decay and darkness of our empire. The nobles of the empire only know how to enjoy, and they don’t care about the life and death of the poor, so I hope to change everything.” Najie Xitan’s left eye was full of firmness.

“Please let me…I think about it for a few days. I want to wait to find my two lost companions and discuss with them.” Tazmi said hesitantly.

Feeling the atmosphere of the scene a bit heavy, Najie Xitan coughed softly and said, “What do your two partners look like, maybe we can help you with Night Attack.” “Really. Thank you so much,” Tazmi said gratefully.

Looking at Tazmi’s expression, Najieshitan and the others smiled. He has the innocence that a country boy should have. As long as he sees the dark and decay of the Imperial Capital aristocrats, he should become a member of the night raid and their like-minded partner.

“BOSS, we are back.” Suddenly a hearty girl voice came from outside the door. When the closed door was pushed open, two beauties appeared in front of Tazmi. One blonde, one long violet hair.

“Oh, are there any new members?” Leonai looked at Tazmi in surprise and asked curiously.

“No, his name is Tazmi, a young Swordsman who came to Imperial Capital from the countryside to roam. For some reason, we temporarily took him in for the night attack. We can only say that we are not part of the night attack.” Na Jie Xitan introduced.

“Hehe, let me say it. He is too young to be one of our night raids. It won’t make much difference.” Leo Nai shook his head and said with a smile.

“You…Don’t underestimate people, I…I’m 16 years old, only one year old from Chi pupil, and I am very strong.” Tazmi Yelled, his tone was full of reluctance.

“No, I’m talking about the other side, it’s not about age.” When Leo Nai saw his innocent face, Leo Nai knew that he had no life experience, that aspect was equivalent to a child . If he dared to appear in the Imperial Capital, he would definitely be eaten to the bone. Although Chi pupil was very young, there were at least dozens of people killed.

“Hello, my name is Hill.” The gentle-faced Hill asked Tazmi nodded, and then sat at the table with Leonai.

“Have you two eaten?” Brand asked.

“Leave us alone, everyday all eat well.” Leo Nai said with a smile hehe. Chi pupil glanced at the two ruddy complexions, and she could see that they were living well.

“Well, it seems that you are doing well in collecting intelligence at Imperial Capital. By the way, have you received any commissions. If there is nothing wrong, please take some time to help Tazmi get it back His two separated companions.” Najiexitan said.

“I did receive a few commissions. After all, the aristocratic circle of Imperial Capital is too decayed. But I didn’t accept them all. Take your time.” Leo Nai said softly.

“Well, before accepting, please be sure to investigate the details of the target first, and you can’t kill the wrong person.” Nodded agreed.

“Hey.” Leo Nai waved his hand, then dropped a bag of Gold Coins on the table: “I have received the commission for the task-100 Gold Coins.”

“Hey, the commission is too much, is the task very difficult?” Brand asked in surprise.

“No, actually part of it is earned by our work.” Hill said aloud.

“so that’s how it is, it’s really hard for you. At the same time of work, you need to take into account the intelligence of the night attack and the commission of work.” Najiexitan said with emotion.

“hehe, it’s nothing, I think work is very interesting.” Leo Nai said heartily.

Hill pointed her head in recognition. In her opinion, the job of guarding the door of the Nie Kong mansion made her feel at ease. It’s a pity that Leo Nai is too naughty and often gets punished by Lord Nie Kong.

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