The star-sparing night of the moon shrouded the entire sky. The bright moonlight is like silk quietly sprinkling on the desolate and silent Imperial Capital, and some icy reflections reflect the texture of the black cuboid stone bricks like metal.

“Step on, step on!”

Tazmi shuddered, and couldn’t help shrinking himself in his shabby clothes. The dark night in front of him deprived the prosperous side of Imperial Capital, and now there is only silence before him. Perhaps because of the reappearance of Zanke who killed Human Demon and beheaded, there was no half of the silhouette in the street late at night, even the gamblers and drunks who often stayed up all night did not see half. The surrounding commercial shops are all closed, only Tazmis own messy breathing and footsteps can be heard.

Tazmi has one’s hair stand on end all over, and only feels that the surrounding atmosphere is a bit terrifying, and it is terrifying, as if the world is only one’s loneliness. If it weren’t for making an appointment with Chitong about herself as a bait, I believe she would follow her and wait for an opportunity to act, otherwise Tazmi would have escaped early. He forced his courage, and secretly encouraged himself to have a high strength, don’t be afraid of killing Human Demon.

Wandering like a walk, Tazmi forgot how long he had been walking. Finally, he finally heard the footsteps of other people, Tazmi looked up with joy, he saw a silhouette familiar to him, that was clearly his lost companion Yusha.

Tazmi failed to consider why she wandered in the middle of the night, why Iyeas did not act with her, because she clearly saw herself, but turned and left strangely.

“Sayo?” Tazmi called her name, but she did not stop! Seeing that she was about to disappear in front of her, Tazmi hurriedly quickened her pace, rushed behind her two or three steps, and took Yousha’s arm.

“Sha You, wait a minute!”

“Aiya, it seems that I let you see the person you miss!” A man who is definitely more than two meters tall Standing on the top of the tallest clock tower in the Imperial Capital except the Imperial Palace, the military uniform he wore was wavying. Installed in the center of his forehead, there seems to be a spinning green eye, which feels disgusting!

“Good evening!”

“Wow, Shayou becomes Suspicious uncle!” Tazmi took a few steps back in a panic, looking dumbfounded. It was hard for him to believe what was in front of him. What he saw was his companion Sha You, who in the blink of an eye became a big man in military uniform.

“Compared to uncle, I would rather you call me Lord Zanke Decapitated with affection!” With two long knives out of his sleeve, Zanke’s mouth was cold when he saw the prey hooked. And a crazy smile.

“Ah, decapitate Zanke?” Tazmi was completely stunned, he was too dogshit luck. The huge Imperial Capital really encountered Zanke the murderer beheading? !

“Aiya, so happy. Boy, please dedicate your head.” The two knives sticking out from the sleeves were like sharp scissors, and he quickly cut to Tazmi’s neck .

Perhaps the encounter between the two was not accidental. Tazmi’s innocence attracted him to come.

In a panic, Tazmi pulled out the long sword from his back, promptly blocking the fatal blow of the two scissors.

“hmph hum, so that’s how it is, is there your companion behind? It seems that you can be killed as soon as possible before she comes to the rescue.” He smiled frantically, showing two rows of tips Pointed teeth.

“What, what I want to see through my heart?” Tazmi first fought with the Emperor and did not understand their details.

“Of course, my Emperor can see through all the secrets in your heart, including your next move!” Zanke brandished his double swords and simply blocked Tazmi in front of the long sword Split and stepped him on the wall behind.

Tazmi felt his stomach tumbling for a while, almost vomiting out the full dinner. He struggled desperately, but Zanke’s feet seemed to nail him to the wall.

“Haha, boy, beg for mercy, but I will accept your head!”

“Damn it, don’t underestimate people!” Tazmi tried his best. Before his double knives came, he lifted his feet out, and then picked up his own weapon in a donkey roll, and confronted him again.

“Oh, it has several points of ability.” Zanke’s crazy expression was a little surprised, but it aroused his bloodthirsty blood.

“The target is confirmed, the beheaded Zanke appears.” At the same time, behind him, a girl’s flat voice came. A girl with black hair and red pupils jumped down in front of him from a high ceiling. .

Zanke looked up and saw a beautiful girl with black hair, wearing a black skirt and boots. What he could recognize was that the woman in front of him was the red pupil of the original assassination department, because the family members who killed Ornest rebelled against the empire, and belonged to the same wanted criminal as himself!

“Aiya, happy and happy, I have long wanted to see the strength of your assassination department.” His madness has not diminished at all, and it seems that he is not afraid of the attack between the two. Of course, he who owns Teikoku would not be afraid of two ordinary person categories.

“Tazmi, it’s nothing to do with you, stay behind.” Aka pupil said casually.

“Red pupil, you… be careful, the eye on his forehead seems to be able to see our inner thoughts clearly.” Tazmi reminded.

Although he wanted to help Chitong very much, it seemed that Chitong would not appreciate it. Only when she can’t win the fight alone, let’s try again.

“I know, but he relies too much on Teikoku. Impossible will be my opponent.” Crimson drew out his own sword, just an ordinary sword.

“hahaha, dare you say it. I’m so excited, I hope you can have a good time for me tonight.” Zanke laughed wildly, his three eyes looked towards the red pupil.

His imperial equipment, five vision universal, possesses five abilities of insight, farsightedness, perspective, future vision, and phantom vision. They can see the human heart, observe the distance, penetrate the blind, and see the future. , Launch the Illusion Technique.

At this time, the red pupils do not belong to the Emperor in all aspects, but he will suffer from his Illusion Technique. After all, she has too much concern in her heart now, such as her younger sister, such as the master Nie Kong she admires.

Once Zanke has time to issue the Illusion Technique, the red pupil may really not be able to hide it. Of course, Zanke can have the opportunity to issue the Illusion Technique.

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