Since Pony beheaded the safety of the residents of Imperial Capital, Imperial Capital has gradually restored peace. No, but only relative to the poor people. As for the nobles whose lives are corrupt, the beheading of Zanke has no effect on them. They basically only enjoy themselves at home at night, and they are protected by a lot of personal guards when they go out. Where can Zanke threaten them.

But other things happened in the next few days, which aroused their intense concern, after all, it is related to their lives.

The reason lies in the night attack by the killer group that emerged in the past two years. They are related to the rebels. They took over the task of killing nobles, and for this they killed several well-known figures in the circle. The most frightening thing is their style of doing things, which cut weeds and eliminate the roots!

Even a few days ago, the imperial courtier, the only relative of Ornest, had his head beheaded at his door. At the same time, several of his guards were not spared.

From the posters scattered on the scene, it can be seen that the murder was a night attack. The poster even wrote a series of charges against him, using the ministers reputation as the fox exploits the tiger’s might. He secretly ordered his guards to kidnap a large number of women, and then inflict lethal atrocities, and the five wicked guards who were responsible for protecting him also committed the same crime.

Ornest is quite angry. Originally, because of the killing and killing of the red pupil, he almost died in Imperial Capital. He had taken refuge in himself a year ago, and he was relieved.

But Ye Xi was too bold and took his old face again and again. Although he is confident that he can still give birth to a son, it takes at least ten years to grow up. Within ten years, he has become a lonely man!

After a few days, Night Raid received a new mission from Oka Captain of the Security Department and the oil dealer! People call him Ghost Ouka, and he is feared by many criminals.

However, according to the investigation, he and the oil merchant Jamal were embarrassed and illegally made huge profits for rape, planted and killed many innocent people, and became the target of NightRaid!

The reward for the mission is very rich, with more than 100 Gold Coins. Leonai said that the client was a girl, but because the fiance had Oka framed to death, she betrayed her body to make money, only to ask the night to attack Oka to avenge her.

It is an important task to fight with the garrison, so Najie Xitan called out all the members to discuss, of course, there is no intention to hide the red eye!

Crimson Hitomi knew that her partner was alive and worried that she would become enemies with them and had to fight, so she did not intend to accept the mission of killing Sin Oka.

Oka, who is dealing with the garrison, can only send out Brand, Tazmi and Lubbock who dont have to worry about revealing their identities.

Their three people have been observing for a few days, taking advantage of Okas habit of drinking with his companions in the tavern after the end of the daily duty, the invisible Brand suddenly appeared and killed him with one blow On the spot.

The side guards didnt have time to react, they could only watch Oka Captain die in front of them!

Because of what the night attack did, the dark and decadent Imperial Capital finally restored some of the peace of the past, and social security became stable due to the assassination of the professional killer group. The nobles suppressed their actions, after all, they dared to kill the relatives of Oka Captain and Minister Ornest of the Security Department at night. In front of the two giants, they can only be regarded as small men, not enough for others.

Unfortunately, because of habit, how can aristocrats who like to do evil and enjoy the life of a long time as a scavenger? It is about the lives of the nobles, so many upper-class people complained to the ministers, hoping that the empire would send troops to suppress the night attack and protect their rights.

The actions of the night attack finally shocked the entire Imperial Capital. In the morning meeting, Minister Ornest first proposed to send the Imperial Capital special police to Esders to eliminate the night attack.

Esdes took the lead with a deep smile. She was very happy that a new enemy appeared in front of her.

“Nie Kong, what do you think.” The little emperor asked Nie Kong, who was standing by.

“Your Majesty, it should be our Security Bureau will be responsible for this. The night attack was too bold. They actually killed the Captain of the Security Department of our Security Bureau. They should be blamed!” Nie Kong indifferently said.

“hmph, they killed my relatives, why don’t you say?” Ornest coldly said.

“Yes, including your relatives, I will catch them back and avenge them.” Nie Kong said with a faint smile.

“Your Majesty, the red pupil in the night attack was once a member of the Nie Kong Ministers Security Bureau. So in order to guard against the unexpected, our special police cant watch it.” Ornest issued After making their own declaration, the aristocratic parties behind will certainly not be assured of Nie Kong’s protection, so they all stood up and supported Ornest. .

“Aiya, stop arguing, let me think about it first.” When the little emperor saw the familiar scene of the quarrel in front of him, he was very used to not helping anyone, keeping his neutral view, and being able to delay Then drag.

“Hehe, it’s better to see if one of us can quickly kill them.” Esders smiled sweetly, but the surrounding Ornest people fell cold.

“Okay, okay, you can discuss it for yourself.” The little emperor waved his hand, and said, “It’s okay next.”

“Your Majesty, There is new news in the northern border.” I always knew that Bude, who was standing at the back, would rarely speak out.

“Great General, what happened?” the little emperor asked hurriedly.

“Well, according to the intelligence from the front lines, the troops of foreign nations in the north have taken major moves. They seem to have invaded and invaded our country.” Bude frowned.

“hmph, Im really restless. Eight years ago, let them invade and invade our country and kill many of our subjects. If they dare to make trouble, I, Esthers, is going to conquer the whole country. Destroy them!” Esters squinted his blue eyes and issued a declaration full of murderous aura.

The events of eight years ago have been vividly remembered. When she returned from hunting alone, her father and clansman had already died thoroughly.

“hehe, as long as we have you in our empire, then I will feel at ease.” The little emperor said joyfully.

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