“Ipossible.” Leo Nai resolutely dismissed Chi Hitomi’s opinion.

Nelia, black pupil sisters, and Xiaoyin can only stand in four directions in the hall respectively, enclosing the two isolated women’s groups of Leonai and Hill in the middle.

Leonai understands that although the mission of the night raid kills Belik, Master Nie Kong used him to ambush the night raid. The current task is irrelevant. There is only one thing they can do and escape the trap designed by Lord Nie Kong.

Fortunately, Lord Nie Kong only let Black Eye and the four of them deal with them. There is still a ray of vitality. How could I agree that the Red Eye will come first without a fight? As a member of the rebels themselves, if they surrender, there is only one dead end.

“Hill, we have to charge ahead and meet the BOSS.” Leo Nai turned into a beast in an instant, his hands turned into lion sharp claws, and a lovely tail protruded from his buttocks.

Hill is holding huge scissors, her eyes are not at all confused and sad. Although I often read books about correcting natural stupor, the effect is too small.

Crimson Eye saw their determined expressions, but sighed helplessly. Master Nie Kong already knew the night attack plan and carefully arranged the trap to catch everything in one net. How could you escape?

“Stop talking nonsense, take action.” Nelia stopped Aka Hitomi’s continued persuasion to surrender, and took the lead in killing Leone and Hill!

Although Leo Nai understood that the red pupil who belonged to the assassination department was powerful, but seeing Nelia’s strong skills, he couldn’t help but startled. What a fast speed, she is several times stronger than Chi pupil. Even if she herself has Tegu’s beastization enhancement, she can only use her sense of smell to judge the enemy’s direction. Instinctively blocked her claws in front of her, but her stomach hurt suddenly, and Nelia, who appeared in front of her, punched in her abdomen. If it hadn’t been for Nie Kong’s order to capture her alive, that move might have killed her. This is so, Leo Nai can only stand by virtue of Tegu’s super resilience!

“Hey, you can take my trick. You are good. No wonder you can serve as the guard of Lord Nie Kong.” Nelia was surprised.

“Asshole.” From Leonard’s mouth, he could only faintly utter those two words. Nelia didn’t give her a chance to fight back. She made a mistake with her other hand and simply took off her two arms, making her lose her battle strength.

Hill was startled, and the scissors in his hand were cut to Leonard out of thin air. But her opponent is another person-Xiao Yin who owns the water dragon sword of her minister, and her water dragon sword keeps everything apart.

Even though Hill has Teigu, her physical strength is really weak, and Teigus ability is also very tasteless, and even the level of strength is not as good as any of the hunters. How can she stop Xiaoying? Attack.

The battle lasted less than 3 minutes. The two women who had been guards of Nie Kong were suppressed by Nie Kong in front of Nie Kong. There was basically no chance for the black pupil sisters who were in charge of guarding the exit to take action.

At this time, Nie Kong was carrying a panic-stricken ordinary believer in one hand.

“Master Nie Kong, why did you catch an ordinary believer?” Black pupil asked puzzledly.

“She is not an ordinary person. In my opinion, she should be a member of the night raid, lurking in the hall disguised as a believer.” Nie Kong said.

“Hey, do you mean you are Chelsea?” Chi pupil said in surprise, he didn’t seem to have heard that Najie Xitan arranged her to perform the task.

“That’s right.” Only peng sound light sound was heard, the effect was similar to the Body-Transformation Technique in Naruto, she suddenly lifted her disguise and returned to a youthful and lovely girl.

Nelia complexion changed, recalling the scene that happened two years ago. It turned out that she turned into a red pupil at the time and tempted her to ambush herself. If it weren’t for Lord Nie Kong to rescue herself, she would really be dead or alive.

Her expression is rather helpless, and didn’t expect that Digu’s ability to disguise will be seen through one day.

“hmph, anyway, our night raid mission is completed.” Speaking of her mission, she showed a solemn expression of heroism and dedication. It turned out that when Nie Kong sent Nelia and the others to deal with Leo Nai, she quietly lurked next to Berlik who had lost her arms, pretending to support him, but in fact quietly assassinated him with a steel needle!

“Hehe, I deliberately let you kill him. Although it was too cheap for him, Nelia and the others were fighting to torture him.” Nie Kong said with a smile.

“Stop talking about it. If Berlik dies, the Anning Sect will definitely break out an armed rebellion. How could the empire allow that kind of big trouble to happen.” Chelsea disdainfully said.

“Really.” Nie Kong didn’t care, and pointed to the remaining Anning teacher Sect Lord and the various senior staff in front of her. Indifferently said: “If this is the case, then I will let you Take a look at our own plan for the assassination department. Nelia, kill them.”

Chelsea looked down Nie Kong’s hand and was shocked.

“Yes, Lord Nie Kong!” The three daughters of Nelia attacked again, leaving only the red eyes who did not know the plan. The three women spare no effort to harvest the lives in the hall. Sect Lord of Anning Sect watched his subordinates die one by one, with sadness and compassion in his eyes.

He has the ability to predict the future, but the demise of Anning Sect in front of him is obviously not within his expected range.

When Xiaoyin’s butcher knife came, he did not even resist, and slowly closed his eyes. Anning teaches dozens of people in the audience, and they kill them all without missing them. The room is full of bloody colors!

“You…you…are so cruel.” Chelsea looked at Nie Kong in horror, and he actually killed all the high-levels of Anning Cult. But I have to say that it is indeed the best way to resolve the rebellion.

If there is no one to lead a group of hundreds of thousands of people, what role can those ignorant believers do, even many of them dont know how to write. And when the time comes, the middle-class believers will also fight for power. How can there be time to rebel?

Na Jie Xitan’s plan failed. Unless the revolutionary army can take the post of Sect Lord of Anning Sect in a violent action, it is a pity that the impossible empire will let that happen.

“Take the three of them out, let’s see if Nahasio has captured the rest of the night raid members alive.”

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