In the early morning of the next day, Nie Kong took the three masterminds of the night attack to the Imperial Palace military zone and detained them in prison. But Chitong stayed at home, temporarily needing her to hide for a while.

Because of the importance of Najiexitan, the little emperor actually wants to judge Najiexitan publicly in front of all his officials in the early court! But Najiexitan and Brand looked at the ugly Minister Ornest, with infinite anger in their eyes. When the enemy meets, they are extremely jealous. Originally, Najiexitan and the others planned to reform the empire from within, but the dark rule of the corrupt party of Minister Ornest brought them despair, so they resolutely joined the revolutionary army! ! Na Jiexi frankly felt ashamed, she did not hate the little emperor, nor Nie Kong, but only the group of chaotic gangsters in Ornest.

But the little emperor did not give them a chance to reflect. He sentenced Najiexitan to death in front of the officials and launched the imperial capital square to behead the public to deter the rebellion of the troubled country. party!

The most enjoyable thing is obviously Ornest and his entire group. They are full of resentment for the night attack on the entire group, because they shirk the murder charges of the twenty accomplices previously killed by Nie Kong. .

Nie Kong is too lazy to say anything, Na Jiexi said that their lives and deaths are not important to him. He originally hoped to save only the red eyes.

“Your Majesty, why didn’t Minister Nie Kong capture the other red pupil from the night raid?” Ornest began to question Nie Kong. The meaning in the words was obvious, saying Nie Kong protects the red pupil.

“By the way, Nie Kong, you didn’t report the task to me. Tell me quickly, did something interesting happen on the way!” The little emperor also hurriedly asked.

Nie Kong glanced at Ornest, then explained the story in detail, and of course said that the red pupil had died in battle.

The little emperor heard with keen interest pleasure, and didn’t ask Nie Kong too much, and thought that the high-levels were killed by night attacks.

But Ornest was different. When I heard Nie Kong killed all the high-levels of An Ning Road, I was stunned. Berlick is also dead? Obviously, he was tasked to protect it! The damn guy, sure enough, he repeatedly destroyed his layout and destroyed the original purpose of Anping Dao several hundred thousand troops controlled by Berlik.

Ornest was resentful, and when the morning ended, he immediately summoned his eagle dog, and sent another person to Jelock to gather and rectify Anning Church.

Unfortunately two or three days later, according to the information from the border, the foreign nations in the north led more than 400,000 troops to attack the northern border of the empire in Numa Seka. At the same time, when the news spread, the different democracies in the West also glare like a tiger watching his prey, and the whole army attacked.

On the other hand, the Anning Sect of the Empire also launched an armed rebellion. It turned out that the revolutionary army had planted a number of middle-level undercover agents, uniting them to overthrow the empire as the doctrine, which was supported by the majority of believers and became a new generation of Sect Lord. So the courtier sent by Ornest was tragic. He just got there, but found out that he was arrested immediately and was subjected to a very tragic criminal law.

The killing of Najiexitan did not have a serious impact on the plan of the revolutionary army. On the west and north, there are two foreign princes, and on the east there are a few hundred thousand Anning cultists, and the rebels of the revolutionary army are considered to be rioting in the southwest of the empire at the same time. Even though Nie Kong’s assassination department assassinated many leaders, it failed to stop the turmoil of the empire.

“Nie…Nie Kong, Minister Ornest, Great General Bud, what should I do now.” The little emperor said with a shiver. Although his character is naive and romantic, he also understands how bad the empire is now.

“Your Majesty, please don’t worry, as long as you send General Najieshitan, I believe that the rebellion will be suppressed soon.” Ornest had to say aloud.

Knowing the news of Nie Kong and Esthers marriage, I gave him a great drink, and his mouth was full of bitterness. He did not dare to conquer Esders, but did it for Nie Kong? Asides was also his partner, and now it seems that his armed forces are all over.

“Yes…but Nie Kong and Esthers just got married not long, so it shouldn’t be ruining their honeymoon period.” The little emperor hesitated.

It turned out that the day before yesterday, Nie Kong personally took Esthers back to his residence and announced the marriage. The wedding is very simple, after all, Esther does not like red tape.

Esdes’s shy and gorgeous cheeks suddenly became cold, because when she heard of the invasion of other nations in the north, the enmity that had been buried in her heart for many years broke out.

Weak are prey to the strong is one thing, but when your strength becomes stronger, how can you forgive their previous behavior. In the original story, she and Najiexitan attacked the alien races in the southwest but only burned, killed and looted, and even released a lot of people, hoping they could get revenge. But the Beizheng buried 400,000 alive abnormally, which also illustrates that point.

When she was 14 years old, the group of aliens in the north killed her father and race. She hurriedly got up and said resolutely: “Your Majesty, please focus on the major event of the empire. This General will surely complete the command.”

“Well, that can only wrong you.” In the eyes of the little emperor Full of emotion, with a stroke of a pen, he immediately announced that Esdes had enlisted 400,000 troops to go to the northwest to counter the rebellion. The Great General of Bud controls the Guards and is responsible for protecting the safety of the Imperial Palace. Nie Kong, his security department, also intends to separate dozens of members secretly following Esdes, and try to be responsible for assassinating her and collecting intelligence.

Although the ministers of Ornest are usually very dark and decayed, they are at the same time fighting with their enemies, and they have no intention of fighting with Nie Kong. If the empire collapses, then their high position and great wealth will follow. They are not like the gang of good ministers who will be supported and understood, and the rebels will not accept their surrender.

The rotten empire has the pillars of Nie Kong and their three empires, so there is not much panic in Imperial Capital. The Imperial Guard strictly carried out their work, and the little emperor also firmly believed in Bude and Nie Kong.

The army of Asides is on the march. If it werent for Nie Kongs six daughters with an assassination department and her own lovely maid, she would really have left herself alone, that lovely bastard.

Looking at her riding on a horseback valiant and formidable looking, recalling her stubborn, seductive and charming, Nie Kong shook his head and laughed. With the eight imperial envoys of the special police force, and her intrepid strength, it will not take a few days to defeat the alien races in the Northwest!

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