Thousands of garrison troops garrisoned and lined up behind Nie Kong. There are scientist Dr. Fashion and his transformation troops, a dozen Captains and his lovely Vice-section Head Little Sai Liu.

And the appearance of Nie Kong turned the crowded streets of the Imperial Palace into silence. Nie Kong’s unintentional temperament and charm shocked everyone on the scene.

Amidst the crowds, dozens of high-level revolutionary military uniforms stood up and looked at Nie Kong at a distance of several dozen meters. Several rebellious prefect civilians could be recognized from inside! Depending on the situation, they want to talk to Nie Kong directly, or say that it is more appropriate to persuade them to surrender.

“Minister Nie Kong, the empire is already In name only, it is not worthy of your protection. I believe you will understand the truth. Isnt surrender a good way out? The establishment of a new country also needs you Help. The leader of the revolutionary army loudly said. With a few hundred thousand army besieging the city, it seems to them that the ending is set.

“Don’t believe oneself infallible, how can Lord Nie Kong be with you evil bastards!!” Sai Liu shouted angrily.

Ornest stopped talking. If he could, he really hoped that the revolutionary army would accept his surrender. But looking at them with cannibalistic eyes, Ornest only felt that have one’s hair stand on end, knowing that they would not accept surrender.

“Haha, interesting, its the first time someone persuaded me to surrender.” Nie Kong laughed in the dull atmosphere, and then casually said: “But I am really not interested in your behavior, nothing Please leave the imperial capital, otherwise its not good to make me angry.”

“hmph, dont think you can rely on the Imperial Palaces Formation for protection for long. Since you dont surrender, Don’t blame us, then.” It turned out that there was an imperial tool in the Imperial Palace to protect it, so the revolutionary army could not attack it all at once.

“Everyone, victory is here, follow me and rebuild our empire!” The leader of the revolutionary army waved his hand, and the group of revolutionary army glare like a tiger watching his prey swarmed A charge was launched.

Ornest’s feet were sore in fright. He wanted to run away, but he didn’t have a trace of strength.

“act recklessly!!!” Nie Kong vacated his hand and pointed forward, and the terrifying space fluctuation covered a range of tens of kilometers. All the revolutionary army found to their horror that their bodies seemed to be pressing against them.

The noisy battlefield has to be static. What frightens them is that their bodies are impossible to move, but their thinking and facial features are not limited by space! If it is the freezing of time and space of Esders, the freezing will include the personal feeling of the world.

“ka-cha…” It was like the sound of glass shattering. Watching Seleu, they could clearly see the air like a mirror cracked. One after another crack, broken into pieces, like a dream fantasy! ! The revolutionary army that bears the brunt is like a figure reflected in a mirror, shattering into powder together with the mirror.

“No…No way.”

Ornest wiped his eyes and found to his horror that the more than 200,000 troops in front were wiped out all at once. Stand up. Imperial Capital seems to have become a scarlet hell, each body seems to be chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, fresh blood dripping! ! What did he do? How many hundreds of thousands can be defeated by simply raising your hand? The garrison, watching the battle, sucked in a cold breath, and looked at his minister with eyesight. The leader of the revolutionary army died, including the dozens of high-level leaders, and all the people behind were deceived poor people. And seeing the fierceness of Nie Kong, how dare they move anymore. The whole audience was silent, and no one could react.

Nie Kong stood in front of the remaining hundreds of thousands of troops with Minister Ornest, indifferently said: “I know that you resent the corruption of the imperial aristocracy in your heart, and you rebel against the empire because of compelled by circumstances. But now that group of corrupt aristocrats in Imperial Capital has been almost eliminated by you, except for him, Ornest, the root of the decay of the empire! As long as you kill him, no aristocrat in the empire will bully you anymore.”

Nie Kong’s voice is not loud, but it is strange that it reaches everyone’s ears. They dumbly followed Nie Kong’s instructions and looked towards Ornest, who was carrying in his hand, and all new hatred and old hatred emerged. As a revolutionary army, defeating Minister Ornest has always been their slogan, and they cant wait to chopped him up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades.

“I can forgive you for being rude and making trouble at this time, and I can also hand him over to you. But after the event, you will go back to each house and find your own mother.” Nie Kong said, and Steer took a ride from the Imperial Palace. Only saw Ornest float down to several hundred meters, only several hundred meters away from the remnants of the revolutionary army.

Ornest’s face was as white as paper, and yellow water stains appeared in the crotch. He really didn’t expect that Nie Kong would deal with him like this. Letting him face those poor people is hundreds of times more cruel than killing him.

“The Minister of Ornest.” Ornest, whom they regard as the root of decay, the residents of the empire are wrong with his gnashing teeth.

They had a deep-rooted influence on the empire, after all, the empire has existed for a thousand years. They don’t actually hate the country, but are used by politicians to rebel.

At this time, I saw Ornest standing in front of them, and Nie Kong allowed them to retaliate and rushed towards him like crazy.

The hundreds of people ahead rushed towards Ornest, who was drowned in the crowd.

They are almost blushing, constantly biting the compost, making Nie Kong think it has become a Resident Evil.

Ornest is miserable. Everyone can’t wait to eat his meat, but his miserable screams are drowned in the black crowd. He held the legendary imperial equipment in his hand, but it was a pity that he could not save him from death, nor could he protect him.

Ornest died in the end, and the body did not even leave a trace. When they finished eating the meat, they took the bones back. A generation of powerful courtiers, a generation of important ministers, eventually ended up as skeleton doesn’t exist.

The resentment in my heart was vented, and the more than 200,000 talents of Anning Sect and the Revolutionary Army remnants slowly withdrew from Imperial Capital. It’s just that the originally prosperous Imperial Capital has become desolate. Not to mention the noble estates, the poor buildings in the outer ring of Imperial Capital were also messed up. Perhaps the only thing that can survive is the mansion of Nie Kong. Rao is so, but finally solved the crisis of Imperial Capital.

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