The definition in modern Japanese magic is that magic is a technology that modifies individual intelligence bodies so as to change the things represented by individual intelligence bodies.

But in a broad sense, in order to distinguish the phenomena caused by the use of thoughts, as long as the phenomena caused by the operation of thoughts change the information body or change the situation, it is counted as the magic category of art.

In modern magic science, magic is classified into four elements and eight categories, called system magic. There are two types of non-system and non-system magic.

The eight major types of magic in the four elements system are: acceleration-aggravation, movement-vibration, aggregation-divergence, absorption-release; non-four system magic can be roughly divided into three types: perception magic, no system Magic, system outside magic, ancient magic.

Lol Loluo lists a lot of professional terms and exaggerates what eight categories of magic systems are written. However, the specific application effects and the specific types of spells are not described.

For example, the vibration system, Nie Kong only knows that the principle is that the vibration material causes the formation of damage. At any rate, the eight categories have a corresponding and easy-to-understand magic performance, like the previous Fire Element magic Fireball Technique and so on, so Nie Kong feels that the magic of this World is not formal.


“No, I will find it myself when I go back. If there are any questions, I will use it to ask you questions.” Nie Kong refused. . What a joke, let him behave now, it must be ugly.

“Hehe, I don’t think he can’t. It really is a fool and a lot of money.” Behind Nie Kong, there was a smart little girl with short hair who said with a smile. She has a delicate and pretty pretty face, about 13-14 years old, a very masculine little girl.

From the slightly old CAD worn on her wrist, it can be guessed that she should be here to adjust her CAD. At a young age, she has her own dedicated CAD. She may come from a well-known plural family in Japan. And because I saw that Nie Kong simply bought the most expensive CAD, out of envy, I said that.

“I don’t want you to worry about being a little girl like you. If you want to be my steward wife, it will be a few years earlier.” Where can Nie Kong stand the ridicule of little loli and start it immediately Counterattack.

“First… sir, please pay attention to your words and deeds. The influence of molesting the young girl… The influence is not good.” The girl employee serving Nie Kong scorned Nie Kong, as if Nie Kong was molesting wrong._Object.

“Look, you call me old. Maybe I and her are about the same age. No one would forbid pretty young boys and girls to fall in love.” Nie Kong sighed deliberately.

“Ah, I’m not a young girl, I’m 14 years old.”

The little girl pretty face with short hair turned into a big lantern, so red, “and… Who…who will fall in love with you, who will be your steward wife!!! I…I just watched you bought the CAD and thought you were wasting resources so I said more.”

“Well, I’m very disappointed by what you said, as if I’m really worthless.”

“You don’t seem to be lost at all, so let me reflect on it a little bit. “

Nie Kong shrugged, but seeing Nie Kong’s disapproving expression, the girl let out an angry roar.

“CAD is not usable by who, if it is not magician, it can only be used as a child’s toy. Hmph, forget it, let you see how good I am.”

The little girl’s arm showed a brilliant brilliance, and at the same time a light burst appeared under her right foot. When she stepped hard, her small figure floated behind Nie Kong with a very fast acceleration.

Although the physique of the little girl is stronger than the ordinary person, it can instantly accelerate to a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. In Nie Kong’s observation, the magical energy of her within the body flows into the CAD, and then feeds back into her mind.

That kind of energy seems to be unique magical power of magician, it should be refined from mental power, and the attribute is very gentle. If there is no magic activation structure into magic, it will be fine if it is directly used to hit people. Nie Kong looking thoughtful, that energy should be called a thoughtful wave.

“How about it.” The little girl said triumphantly.

“so that’s how it is, that’s your magic.” Nie Kong closed his eyes, and he controlled his mental power to flow into CAD. The surging information intelligence crammed into his mind.

The amount of information sent to him is very large. For Nie Kong, who has the memory of Taichi, the ancient emperor Taichi, they are just the difference between a glass of water and the sea.

Nie Kong deliberately picked a vibration system magicresonance destruction, and built the magic activation in his mind all at once.

The little girl was surprised to see Nie Kong lift up the CAD, then pull the trigger.

There was no gun smoke from the pistol, and there was no sound. However, in front of Nie Kong, the wall a few meters wide, which was 100 metres away, shattered to pieces with a bang.

The little girl’s eyes stared straight, looking at Nie Kong incredulously. It stands to reason that the resonance damage range of the vibration system is at most one meter. Nie Kong’s use of that magic range really scared her.

That kind of formidable power magic, that kind of speed casting, is probably already a tactical magician.

Everyone on the scene focused on Nie Kong, and was surprised that the tactical magician came to buy CAD. It has to be said that tactical magician CAD is generally adapted by specialized technicians, most of which come from ten divisions and one hundred.

Of course, except for dozens of divisions, they are very powerful, and there will be technicians specializing in debugging CAD in the family.

The influence of restoring hundreds of families is not ordinary, usually by the division of the ten divisions. The talent and bloodline are much weaker than the ten divisions.

“It’s good to use.” How to say it, using the same amount of mental ability, the formidable power should be comparable to Najiexitan’s imperial pumpkin.

“Hey, are you really a magician.” The little girl asked in disbelief.

“What do you think.”

Nie Kong chuckled lightly and did not answer her directly.

“Mysterious and secretive, have you done anything shameful.”

“If you have the opportunity to meet in the future, you should know it.” Nie Kong said CAD Put it in your pocket at will, and then left the store with everyone watching.

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