“Hey, what’s the battle of Nine Schools?” Reading the early morning newspaper, Nie Kong saw a lot of news headlines covering the incident, which attracted him a little s concern.

“Nie Kong big brother, you are too out of date. You don’t know the most famous nine school battle in Japan.” Wenya said in an exaggerated tone.

“Stupid Fumiya, have you forgotten that Nie Kong big brother came to Japan just a few days ago.” Ayako’s black crystal eyes glanced at her younger brother blamelessly.

“Well, as punishment, let me explain to the Nie Kong big brother about it. In order to let the world pay more attention to and understand the magic contest, and to further strengthen the societys understanding of magic, every summer vacation The Nine Schools Tournament has become one of the few publicity occasions. It will be a friendly magic competition for magic high schools across the country, where hundreds of magic high school students from nine magic high schools from all over the country gather every year. , Betting on young self-esteem, playing the drama of glory and frustration.” Wen Mi explained aloud.

“Are there only hundreds of contestants in Japan?” Nie Kong laughed dumbfounded. It’s not that the nine colleges and universities have an average of only a dozen people participating in the competition. It would be too shabby.

“Dont think its rare. The first high school, the second high school, and the third high school only enroll 200 students per academic year. The other six high schools enroll 100 students per academic year, with a total of 1,000 taels per year. One hundred students is the upper limit of magician new blood that Japan can provide each year. From a certain perspective, according to the current population ratio of Japan, it is almost the number of teenagers with practical levels of magic talent. But from another perspective Look, as long as you can provide suitable educational opportunities, perhaps the probability of discovering a late-blooming child with magical potential is not low.”

“However, in reality, with Japans existing human resources, its just business operations. The nine magic high schools have no spare capacity, so they can only try to train 1000 taels and 100 students per academic year to improve their strength, and gradually enrich the important and precious human resources of magician. In this way, it is hoped that this will relieve the problem of insufficient teachers in the future. Xianghuan can cultivate more magicians every year. So there are nine magic high schools in inter-school competitions to stimulate students’ competitiveness. As for the biggest stage of inter-school competitions, it is the nine-school competition in summer. “Hei Yugong added, shaking his head.

“It should be very interesting.”

“hehe! In that case, Nie Kong big brother, I will take you to watch the game, what do you think.” Yayako said joyfully .

“Elder sister, you are too treacherous, today you have piano lessons and aristocratic etiquette lessons. If possible, I will also go.” Wen Mi called out dissatisfied, he really wanted to go out to play.

“hmph, family Teacher is coming soon, you two siblings will stay at home and have a good class for me!” Hei Yu Gong said calmly.

Yayezi and Wenmi’s eyes turned dark, only to blame for their stern father, and they didn’t have their own schedule through childhood.

“Don’t be sad, I will sneak out without telling your dad later.” Nie Kong whispered beside Yazi’s little ear.

Ayako was overjoyed, and soon pretended to return to the original disappointed expression, for fear that his father would see something.

After eating breakfast, Hei Yu Gong hurried out to work, leaving only Nie Kong and Hei Yu siblings. Wen Mi drooped his cheeks and was full of frustration to go to class, but suddenly Ya Yezi grabbed him.

“Elder sister, what’s wrong.” Wen Mi puzzled.

“Nie Kong big brother said to take us out to play secretly, Wenmi, would you like to come with me?” Ya Yezi bewitched.

“Hey, really…really?” Wen Mi looked towards Nie Kong, and when he saw Nie Kong nodded with a smile confessing, his cheek showed a pleasant smile.

For those who have always been good babies, Nie Kong’s mood of skipping class is really peculiar. There is anxiety, expectations, and more has several points of unknown stimuli.

“It’s okay, but what to worry about when you miss school. Are you ready, we are leaving.” Nie Kong beckoned to them, and the two siblings stood by Nie Kong obediently.

They only felt saw a blur, and they found themselves standing strangely beside the “Four Leaf Technology” that sells CAD in Tokyo.

“Nie Kong big brother is so…so amazing.” Wen Mi said admiringly.

“Okay, look at your good-for-nothing. We have to go to the scene quickly, otherwise it will be miserable for Dad to see us.” Yayezi took a look at Yotsuba. In science and technology, for fear of being caught by Hei Yugong who came to work.

“I don’t know where the Nine Schools Battle is held.” Nie Kong shrugged.

“No problem, we have been with my father several times before, let me lead the way.” Wen Mi patted his own self-belief.


The three formed a team and took the tram to the venue of the Nine Schools Battle.

According to what the news knows, the game held today is a famous secret monument decoding! A team battle of three people is very similar to a LOL or DOTO game. On the one hand, you need to defend your own inscription, and on the other hand, you must read the content of the opponent’s inscription to win. It can be said that it is a very popular item in international competitions.

Because it is different from the others, fierce battles will occur in randomly selected venues. The competition is teamwork and battle strength.

Although the game did not start, the crowd was everywhere. Many people from the government and magic fields, companies and overseas countries also come to admire, research or poach talents, deducting a magnificent stage of magic high school students.

Someone secretly opened a handicap betting on which school can win the championship. The most popular are the third high school and the first high school, but the odds are also the lowest.

“Nie Kong big brother, it’s so lively.” Ayako looked around excitedly, alive like a bird out of its cage. Nie Kong felt that if she abducted her a few more times, she would probably become bad with her.

“It will be the new generation table competition for the first high school and the third high school later. It’s a pity, It shouldn’t be very exciting.” Wen Mi watched.

How does the strength of the new students compare with those of the old ones? Originally, he planned to see the wonderful magic performances of Big Brother and Big Sisters of high school students.

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