After tasting Misaki’s body and mind, Nie Kong took the lively little Lias back to the apartment. Thinking of Misaki’s obsessive eyes before leaving, Nie Kong felt very satisfied. Nie Kong told Misaki to go out for a date next weekend, and Misaki’s face bloomed with a happy smile.

Nie Kong returned to the apartment at around 8 o’clock in the morning. When he opened the door and walked in, he found that Xiao Qianqiu and Griffia had been waiting in the apartment for a long time. Seeing Nie Kong coming back, the two women were shocked at the same time.

Although they didn’t say it clearly, the two women are very worried about Nie Kong. Especially Xiao Qianqiujiang’s cute face is a little haggard and arouses heartache. I’m guilty, it was I who led the pure Qianqiu younger sister to become a brother.

Gryfiyah in a maid suit with hands on hips, puffed up cheeks somewhat angrily said: “Master, you didn’t come home last night, where did you go? As your personal maid, I have Right to take care of your lives!”

Grey Fia, as Nie Kongs maid Captain, is very competent! Except for Nie Kong’s heartbeat commands, Griffia is basically very obedient. When Jiaohan called out Master, even Nie Kong couldn’t resist it.

“Big brother, you made me so worried. I thought that big brother would leave the apartment forever and never come back.” Qian Qiu hugged Nie Kong’s waist, her raised face looked weak. Without the big brother’s bad molesting, Qian Qiu always feels empty and very uncomfortable.

If you don’t see Nie Kong in the future, Qian Qiu feels that her heart is broken. Just thinking of this possibility, she felt more painful than death! Sentimental love flowers can only survive under the water of Nie Kong.

Although the two women worry in different ways, Nie Kong can still clearly feel the strange anxiety of the two women.

“I’m very sorry for making you worry. I just wandered around in the vicinity yesterday, wanting to find a new job that’s all. After all, Ishiya Magic High School is completely finished. Of course. I haven’t fallen behind with Qianqiu’s younger sister’s school.” Nie Kong face doesn’t change.

If you say you go out on a date with Misaki, Xiao Qianqiu will cry with rustling sound. Well, before getting the two girls at home, let’s hide them first. The red flag at home does not fall, but the colorful flags flutter outside.

The two sisters in the family haven’t gotten the paper yet, so what are the girls outside? All in all, the past few days have time to get the two girls.

“Big brother, thank you for your hard work. Even if the younger sister doesn’t have a school to read, it’s okay. If the big brother, let’s take care of my own affairs first.” Xiao Qianqiu said sympathetically, without doubting the moisture in Nie Kong’s words .

“For the first time in the Master, forgive you this time. If there is anything in the future, remember to call back and let us know.” Griffia’s tight pretty face eased, and the exclusive again The maid’s gentle smile.

“Ishiya Demon High School has been so severely destroyed, I still dont know when it can be rebuilt. Is there any notification from the school to say how to arrange for you?” There is also Demon in the Holy Stone Arrow High School. The pillars of Realm should be ready to appear.

“Master, you didn’t say that I still forgot. I sent two letters this morning to your siblings.” Griffia suddenly remembered something and hurriedly ran to the table and turned out the inside file.

It has been a week since the destruction of Ishiya Demon High School, and the students arrangements should have been made. Although the Principal old man looks awkward, he has a strong sense of responsibility.

“Really!” After paying his salary for two years, would the Principal old man let him go so easily? I opened the envelope and took a look, and found that there were only two pieces of letter paper in the envelope. “Due to the destruction of Ishiya Demon College by an inexplicable force, Nie Kong Teacher’s employment issue was temporarily transferred to the Holy Shiya Demon College…” The Principal old man is still so long-winded, what can be summarized in a few words, It happened to write him a lot.

There is not much change from the original work. Hundreds of students from Ishiya Magic College are studying in various universities. The reason why Nie Kong would go to the holy stone arrow demon is probably the dozens of the most troublesome people who suppressed the stone arrow devil.

After reading the notice, Nie Kong took out another one. What is written in it is the teacher qualification certificate of the Holy Stone Arrow High School. It turns out that the Principal has already completed all the procedures.

“Master, what is written in it?” Griffia asked curiously.

“Its nothing, its just that Ishiya Demons Principal has arranged work for me. What about Qianqiujiang, what is written in your letter?” Nie Kong handed the notice and Xiao Liyasi to Griffith Ya’s hands, turned to ask.

“The new school has been arranged. During the time when Ishiya Demon is rebuilding, I am going to study at the Holy Ishiya Demon.” Xiao Qianqiu looked worried, and went to such a good college. She brings a lot of pressure.

Since Xiao Qianqiu will appear in the holy stone arrow demon, it means that Xiaokui mm and others will also appear there. The cute and charming Xiaokui, the lovely Ningning… The girls of Rage Diru are the motivation for Nie Kong to become a Teacher.

“Dont worry, the big brothers work place is the same as yours in the Sage Shiya Mas High School! Qian Qiu younger sister, please take care of me in the future!” When I heard Nie Kongs words, Qian Qis face flashed Surprise.

“Very good, I can go to school with my big brother every morning!” Xiao Qianqiu treasures the time alone with the big brother. Thinking of this, Xiao Qianqiu’s face was full of happiness.

After a messy morning at the male deer’s family, Lamia master and disciple have packed up their things and are ready to leave the world. After all, he has been in the human world for a few days, and Xiao Beilus Wang fever has been cured.

Called the teleporting demon Yalandron, and found that Yalandron was busy with something, and there was no free time to come and transmit. In desperation, Lamia master and disciple could only call Angelica of Demon Realm to teleport.

I just waited for a few hours at Ogas house, yet Angelicas silhouette has not appeared. The master and disciple are strange, the teleporting demon should appear very quickly, did she have an accident.

The master and disciple have no choice but to continue living in the human world waiting for the appearance of the teleporting demon father and daughter.

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