The clean and bright campus gives Nie Kong the sense of being back to ISAcademy. In any case, go to the Principal’s office and say hello to the Principal here.

The Principal of the Saint Stone Arrow is a fifty-sixty-year-old old man. Although he maintains it well, his age can still be seen from the wrinkles on his face. Seeing the Jomon pattern on Nie Kong’s arm, his eyes are bright light glittering.

From the conversation, Nie Kong knew that the Principal of the Holy Stone Arrow was called Shi Dong Yuan Mo, an old fogey with a deep hidden strength, and his strength was comparable to that of Bang Zhi Yi Dao Zhai.

After chatting politely for more than two hours, Nie Kong rushed out of the house like escaping work. Whether it is 2D or three-dimensional, Principal’s long-winded Divine Art is so powerful. What you can express in a few sentences takes a few hours.

According to the notice given by the Principal, walk towards the office assigned to him. After crossing the long corridor, he walked into the office. Although there are three Teachers in the room, they are all men.

“Hello, you are the Teacher who came from Ishiya Demon. When we first met, my name is Zenjuro Saotome!” The old man with a stubborn chin came over and hit him friendly call.

“I am Nie Kong, and we will be colleagues from today.” Nie Kong was a little surprised when he noticed the abundant magic power hidden within the body. There are a lot of hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the holy stone arrow demon.

“Neither a student or a teacher, no Shiya Demon is normal.” Seeing the baby girl on Nie Kong’s shoulder, the remaining two teachers in the office felt a little disdainful.

“I’m Kido, the life guide, and I am the life guide of the class that Ishiya demon transferred. I really convinced you Shiyama students, and violence happened just after the transfer.” One of them The sitting Teacher said mockingly.

“Is my student injured? Who beat it?” Nie Kong asked in surprise.

“Nie Kong Teacher, you made a mistake. Although the students in our school hate bad things, they didn’t do that! It was your student who injured a classmate from the nearby Di Mao Industrial College. “Finally the Teacher said aloud.

“It’s okay, young people should be praised for being so energetic.” Nie Kong said.

“Nie Kong Teacher, letting such violent students be in our Holy Stone Arrow Demon will affect other students! It is easy for them to drop out, but it is meaningless to come to Holy Stone Arrow Demon. Teacher You should be able to lead them, so we think we should make a plan-Ishiya Demon Rebirth Plan!” Hara Sado Teacher who wears big-back blond glasses and said seriously.

Listening to what he meant is that I want Nie Kong to be the role of supervisor that’s all. I just threatened Nie Kong with dropping out. I really found the wrong person.

“haha…Nie Kong Teacher, please do what you can, you can lead them to the right path.” Zenjuro Saotome is a great man who graduated from Ishiyama, so he didn’t feel disgusted for what he did. Kind.

“In short, I’ll take you to the class first, so let’s talk to them first.” Kido got up from his chair and led Nie Kong to the special Ishiya Ma class.

When he came to the special class classroom, Kido lazily opened the door of the classroom and walked into the classroom first. When the classmates in the classroom saw Kido’s appearance, their eyes were a little contemptuous.

Since Ishiya Mas defeat to Nie Kong, Ishiyas students will only admit that Nie Kong is their teacher. So when I saw Kido, no one in the classroom paid any attention to him.

Kido resisted the monstrous anger, coldly said: “I am your life instructor, Teacher Kido, now I have your head teacher Nie Kong Teacher come in and speak!”

” Big brother is my head teacher?” Xiao Qianqiu’s eyes flashed with infinite surprises. I can see my big brother often in school, so happy.

“Very good, Nie…Nie-san really became my Teacher again.” Although Xiaokui pretended to be normal, his eyes had already been on the podium.

“Nie Kong Teacher’s words are still acceptable.” Ning Ning several women patted her chest, relaxed.

Ishiya Mas Toho Shinhime, Oga Furuichi, as well as MK5, killing machine Abe, Shiroyama, Natsume, Kaoru, Aizawa… Ishiyas famous bad guys, no matter what grade, They were all gathered in the same classroom.

At this time, seeing the appearance of Nie Kong, the class was surprisingly quiet. No student dares to make noise, no one dares to rebel.

Although I look down on people who look down on Shishi Demon in my heart, seeing Nie Kong’s prestige still makes him admire Nie Kong.

“Lets use this class as a class meeting. Nie Kong Teacher will explain to you the rules of the holy stone arrow demon. Your violence this morning has caused dissatisfaction with many teachers in the school. Go on , Not only will you be penalized for dropping out, even Nie Kong Teacher will also be implicated by you. Kido finished speaking and stepped aside.

“Nie Kong Teacher, please come on stage and say a few words.”

“To be honest, I have heard a little bit about this morning.” Nie Kong walked up On the stage, his eyes scanned the circle below.

Yes, just teach them fiercely. Kido is constantly nodded.

“Its rare to come to a new school. Its commendable that you are so energetic. I have no objection to your fight, but if you lose, you will lose my face. It’s youAbe.” Seeing Abe with his head wrapped in bandages, Nie Kong cursed loudly.

“That…Teacher, Abe’s head was injured by himself hitting the threshold.” Natsume replied weakly.

The eyes of the students in the classroom are full of respect. Nie Kong who dares to say this is worthy of being their Teacher.

“Really!” Nie Kong coughed a few times to hide his embarrassment. “In short, this is what I want to say today. Students, let go and do what you like!”

Little ones, transform the holy stone arrow demon into the second stone arrow demon high school ! Toho Shinki VS Liuqisheng, Nie Kong is looking forward to its arrival!

“Oh, Teacher is great!” The students below, cheering excitedly.

“Nie Kong Teacher, do you know the consequences of saying this? Ishiyama’s students will definitely be expelled!” Kido regained consciousness from his sluggishness and cursed angrily.

“If you fire us, please ask Principal to speak in person. You are not qualified to make such a decision!” Nie Kong didn’t care.

“You will regret it!” Panting with rage left this sentence, and Kido rushed out of the classroom.

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