I came back from the beach just after 5 oclock in the evening, and it was already 6 oclock when I returned to the villa. If it was dusk, it was a little over.

When Nie Kong accompanied a few beautiful girls into the villa, she found a lovely girl of twelve or thirteen years old flipping through the refrigerator like a thief breaking through the door.

The checkered dress just covers the thighs, revealing two cheerful calves. When she heard the footsteps, the beautiful girl hurriedly turned and looked over. The stuffed mouth was chewing hard, and her hands were holding two pieces of cake. Especially the pretty face is stained with food residue, which is indescribably cute.

It turned out that Jinghua who stole the food was hiding in the house. Originally, Nie Kong would think Jinghua had the ability of bigu, but it turned out to be secretly eating it. I haven’t seen Jinghua for a few days. Not only did she not lose weight, she even plumped a lot, so she didn’t look like she was heartbroken.

Seeing Nie Kong and they discovered their secrets, Jinghua looked very flustered. I just wanted to hide in my room, but Nie Kong held his shoulders. Face to face with Nie Kong, and still look at each other. How should I say, this kind of time can only be described as sitting on pins and needles.

Wang wants…what do you want, his face…why is his face approaching me? Looking directly at Nie Kong’s approaching cheek, Jinghua’s heart was about to jump out of her chest.

“Jinghua, you are an idiot, he…he killed my big brother!” Jinghua wanted to push Nie Kong away, but she looked at Nie Kong’s blood-red eyes as if she lost All the power.

Although the killing of brother started to fade after a few days, it does not mean that Jinghua will forget it. She wondered who she should hate, whether she hated Nie Kong for ruthlessly killing the big brother, or blamed the big brother for bringing about one’s own destruction? Originally, the battle between the king and Tony, the big brother, why should you participate in it, now you die easily, but what should the younger sister do?

“I’m going back to the house…” Jinghua lowered her head and said to stop her, but the voice was so small that she didn’t even hear it.

But Nie Kong extend the hand to help Jinghua wipes off the pretty face with food. “Since it’s out, don’t force yourself in the house.”

“hmph!” I don’t know whether it is disappointment or anger. Jinghua snorted, turned her head with a puffed face, and did not dare to look at Nie Kong. She didn’t rush into the room angry, Nie Kong knew Jinghua was not angry with herself.

Sitting obediently next to Nie Kong, Jinghua is always cold, and her speech is thorny. Nevertheless, Jinghua cares about him in many small details.

Sometimes speaking, Jinghua will blush and say with an embarrassed expression: “It’s a bit too much here…” Twitchingly felt sorry. Although not very frank, Nie Kong knew that Jinghua had transferred her concern for Godou to herself.

Have a pleasant dinner for Jinghua, but it is very unhappy for a few women. Wang Zhen is partial, why only speak with Jinghua?

“Wang, I’m full.” The black sleeveless top is covered with a red sweater coat, and the lower part of her body is Erica wearing denim pants, wiping her sexy lips. . Erica stayed beside Nie Kong and did not leave the restaurant.

“What a difficult woman, did she not give up?” Yuri and the others felt a lot of pressure, not only Jinghua, but also the fascinating fairy Erica.

After a rich dinner, they took a comfortable hot bath. Wearing white and hip pajamas, Erica hides in the corner of the villa, not at all, returning to her room to rest. And Erica’s gaze happened to look towards Nie Kong’s room.

“Erica, what are you peeking at?” A pat on the shoulder made her startled. Turning around, she found that the maid Karen was relaxed: “Hush…Karen, don’t talk nonsense, it’s Knight’s responsibility to protect the king. What are you doing here? It’s ten o’clock in the evening.” /p>

“Hehe, it’s the same! Then I’ll accompany you.” Karen clings to Erica cheekyly, looking directly at Nie Kong’s bedroom door with wicked eyes. It was 11 o’clock in the middle of the night, and five charming and beautiful girls stolen from both ends of the corridor.

And they all wore nice pajamas, even Erica looked hot. After the five women met in front of Nie Kong’s door, they opened the door with a smile and rushed into Nie Kong’s bedroom.

“Sure enough, did the diary written by Yana really happen?” Seeing this scene, Erica walked to the door of Nie Kong with anxiety, and pressed her face to the wooden door.

“Does Yana make that kind of sound, okay…so slutty.” Karen’s eyes were misted, and her pretty face was full of hot red. The rapid breathing in the room and the licentious screams made Karen soft and hot.

“It’s…it’s true, Yana is really Wang’s woman. No wonder they have such a close relationship with the king, it turns out…so that’s how it is.” Finally half an hour later Yana The voice disappeared, and then the sweet voice of the Japanese maiden Yuri sounded.

Hmm’s voice lasted for more than two hours, and Erica had forgotten how she got to her bedroom. But when she returned to the bedroom, she found that her lace panties had become very sticky.

Sour and numb, the strange stimulation made Erica want to stop.

“I…I am a well-know figure Erica with a red bronze and black cross, how could I give up. I…my words should be able to attract the king.” Blurred Ellie Ka touched the chest of the 16-year-old girl with both hands, squeezing them hard.

“Hmm… Wang Zhen is really strong…” Rubbing and rubbing, Erica’s white skin was full of hotness. Rolling on the soft bed, Erica’s buttocks had disappeared in her hands.

The spring water is rippling, but Erica is like an unsatisfied woman! !

“You must…must wait for the opportunity to become the king’s wife!”

In the silent night, the round moon illuminates the night and brings a soft light. This is Goddess Athena’s favorite time, but the night in this era is too bright.

The night is full of various rays of light created by human beings. Even if you look up, the rays of light of the stars are quite weak, almost unable to reach the surface.

In the city full of false rays of light, the small Lori Athena is strolling leisurely. Although it seems to be moving slowly, it is actually fast enough that humans can never reach it.

Her goal is the nostalgic breath of Gorgon Stone. Athena walks along the coastal road, and the snake’s breath is getting stronger and stronger. The time of resurrection was approaching, and Athena couldn’t help but smile.

“Ordered under the real name of Athena, the dark night will appear here. Dispel the blessings of the sun and destroy the fire of Prometheus. The sky full of stars and the dark wind, here is the ancient time Night. Every time she took a step forward, every time she exhaled, a light went out from the city.

First, the street lights lost the rays of light, and then all the lights seen in the city went out, even flashlights or small light bulbs. After the hypocritical daylight disappeared, the city was replaced by pure darkness, an endless abyss that could not even be seen in front of several meters.

“What I ask for is the Gorgon Stone, and Athena will retake the ancient snake!” When Athena’s chanting sounds, the shape of a bird will appear in the sky.

For the bird that keeps flying at night, that is the owl. Under dozens of flying owls, Athena continued to move forward without stopping, just following the breath of the Gorgon Stone far away…

In Nie Kong H, small Lolita Athena has already strolled in the direction of Nie Kong.

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