The fierce battle in the city awakened Trunks who was dazed. He faintly opened his eyes, suddenly thinking of something and closing his eyes again.

“How…how could it be, I didn’t feel Gohan… Gohan’s anger!” His eyes were bloodshot and he rushed to cities outside several dozen li. in the sky Someone was fighting, but failed to attract his attention.

As if he had lost his soul, he slowly moved towards Gohan who was falling in a pool of blood. He knelt in front of Gohan, pressed Gohan’s head to his chest, feeling Gohan’s cold body, Trunks roar towards the sky.

He has tears in his red eyes and his expression is terrifying and terrifying. The anger in his body was rioting, and it had exponentially increased. His hair slowly changed, and his body glowed with golden arrogance.

After Gohan’s death, Trunks’ anger finally reached the target, and he truly turned into a Super Saiyan. But Trunks was not happy, but surprisingly angry. He is about to lose his mind and destroy what his eyes see.

“Damn humanoids, I must kill you…” Trunks banged his hands on the ground like a drum, and the surrounding soil for several kilometers cracked with them as the center. Trunks’ arrogance rose again, almost reaching the dead Gohan.

The golden light surrounding Nie Kong all dispersed, and the raised dust slowly fell in an almost calm atmosphere. The swelling and uneasy breath in the air gradually buried, everything returned to the peaceful and harmonious scene of the past…

“Cough!” No.17 appeared in front of Nie Kong, covered with scars. , The imposing manner that was originally domineering is like a flame extinguished by a basin of cold water, remaining like a bereaved dog. Nie Kong took care of No. 17, and it was better to hide behind No. 18.

The battle has lasted for half an hour, but the energy of the two cyborgs is not at all weakened.

Nie Kong’s blood burst brought them astonishing injuries, and they were more embarrassed than they were born until now. Never thought that Nie Kong’s attack was so powerful that it actually injured them badly.

The cyborgs resisted the pain of their bodies, they rushed to Nie Kong again after resting. After a long period of fierce fighting, they began to be wary of hundreds of thousands of Nie Kong’s weird moves.

Especially on the 18th, I was curious about Nie Kong more than ten years ago, but now the situation forces him to kill Nie Kong himself. That uncomfortable taste, 18 felt very depressed.

Nie Kong smiles bitterly. It will be easy to deal with any artificial person with his current power alone. But they are two twin siblings that cooperate with each other tacitly.

At this time, the transformation of Super Saiyan has ended, and the Nie Kong battle strength has dropped to less than 200 million. He was able to hurt both of them, which was much worse than Gohan who died in their hands.

In the face of the two cyborgs coming again, Nie Kong was not afraid. He has his own means of life-saving, how much better they are than himself, they can’t kill himself at all.

Just as Nie Kong was about to push them back and use their faith to leave temporarily, the nearby city burst into a powerful arrogance. The sudden appearance of anger was very strong, much stronger than Nie Kong at this time.

Nie Kong Spiritual Consciousness explored the past and he saw Roars blonde Saiyan-Trunks! No.’s face changed suddenly, he didn’t expect such a strong human being nearby. If the two humans present join forces to deal with them, it is estimated that they will definitely die! After all, although the Nie Kong imposing manner is several times weaker, who knows when it will break out again. They are struggling to deal with Nie Kong alone.

“Wait on the 17th, the situation has changed, let’s leave for the time being.” The 18th stopped her body, and she showed a relieved expression.

“His… Damn it! I thought that the earth would not be dangerous to our humans after killing Monkey King, but how did he defeat a Monkey King, but two powerful guys came out.” It was because of his severe bleeding wound that No.17 gasped.

“Let’s go, wait until the wound is cured!” The severely injured No. 17 battle strength dropped by half, and he had no confidence to defeat the human beings that appeared. For the first time, Nie Kong was able to retreat as a human being and achieved a phased victory as a human.

“You remembered it to me, one day I will defeat you.” Before leaving, No.18 glared at Nie Kong in angrily. Such a beautiful, angry look is also very cute, which is really unpleasant.

But Nie Kong’s intentions are not here. How does he care about whether Dragon Ball World will perish? Seeing Trunks appear in front of him, he was happier than defeating the cyborg. Now that he has a clue, finding Boomer is easy.

Silently lowered his air pressure to the ordinary person level, Nie Kong hid near Trunks and observed his movements with Spiritual Consciousness.

The Trunks in Spiritual Consciousness picked up Gohan’s corpse and left here with a loss of soul. His movements are stiff, and it seems that Gohan’s death has hit him hard.

Trucks did not go home directly, but brought Gohan’s body back to his mother, Kiki. He stopped in front of a round tortoise-like building. After hesitating for half an hour, he finally knocked on the door.

After ten seconds, the old woman opened the door. When she saw Gohan in Trunks’ arms, the things in her hand fell quietly.

She has never been so sad. Her husband died, and she has never been so sad. Her own son…she actually wants to see one’s child die before oneself! The teardrops rolled down like pearls, falling on the ground and breaking into powder. She wanted to wipe away the tears, but she couldn’t help it anyway. Infected by the atmosphere, the tears that Trunks had stopped streaming out again.

“Kiki Aunt, I’m sorry! I…” Trunks did not dare to look directly at Kiki, lowered his head and cried silently.

“Gohan…” She stretched out trembling hands and touched Gohan’s cold face, her eyes went dark, and the blood all over her body froze like a stiff.

“Kiki Aunt…” Trunks saw the scene in front of him, and it was more uncomfortable than killing himself. He resented human beings, hated him for killing his father, killing Gohan like the big brother, and killing many innocent humans.

Nie Kong shook his head and sighed when he saw the appearance of the pretty Qiqi. Time is really a woman’s poison. It changed the appearance of Kiki who was so cute when she was a child.

Trnks comforted Kiki for a long time. After Kiki’s mood stabilized, he was finally ready to leave Wukong’s home.

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