Gradually, the fallen Goku’s heartbeat became stronger and stronger, shaking like a strong drum. After a moment, Wukong’s eyes and pupils became completely scarlet, and he stared at the round moon in the sky without a thought.

Seeing Wukong’s weird look, Nie Kong suddenly followed his gaze. As the sun sets in the west, a beautiful full moon appears high in the southeast. Although there is no bright moonlight, the outline is very clear.

Boom…Nie Kong felt the blood of the other half of the Saiyan rioting in his body. They seemed to be boiling with excitement. Nie Kong wants to suppress them, but at this time they are not obeying Nie Kong’s words.

“What happened to Wukong? What happened? This injury will not cause any serious harm to you.” The turtle immortal watching the game behind watched Wukong’s changes and asked strangely. . But Wukong didn’t seem to hear him at all, and the body was still undergoing mutation in an instant. Yuan himself was thin, and the skeleton made a “click, click” sound, his body grew abruptly, and a layer of black hair was added to the exposed skin. Wukong’s face twisted and became terrifying, like a monster. The small body keeps getting bigger and suddenly becomes a huge gorilla 20-30 meters high.

“What’s the matter, Sun player…he has become a gorilla. What kind of trick is this?” The referee said with some fear. The surrounding spectators did not have the calmness of the referee, looking at Goku like a monster, running away from the game venue as if they were running away.

The lively arena is suddenly deserted. The only ones who didn’t escape were Bouma’s three women, dedicated referees, and the quarterfinals behind.

Leping Klin and Guixianren after the ring were all surprised to see Wukong’s changes, obviously they didn’t know why Wukong became like this.

After Wukong’s gorilla transforms, his scarlet and tyrannical eyes swept across. “Roar! roar! roar!” Wukong frantically beat his chest with his fist, scarlet’s eyes fell on Nie Kong in front.

With a roar, Wukong’s huge arms swept back and smashed at Nie Kong fiercely. Wukong not at all slowed down because of the huge body, but became more agile instead.

“Be careful!” When the two girls saw this scene, their faces remained unchanged, worried about Nie Kong yelled.

The apes fist was like a huge boulder of tens of thousands of catties, and it slammed into Nie Kong who was still in shock. But something more terrifying happened, Nie Kong roared like thunder.

After the voice, Nie Kong changed without a tail. Wukong has black hair all over his body, and his eyes have no saneness. On the other hand, Nie Kong’s hair is bright red, and the golden pupils are brilliant. Orangutans without tails are really peculiar.

The fusion bloodline seems to be able to control the sadness and destruction of the Saiyans. Gohan is an example. Although Nie Kong has no fusion, but within the body has half of the blood essence of Vampire, and the fusion is ongoing.

“What the hell…what’s going on, not only the players, but even Nie Kong players have turned into gorillas.” The referee stammered, his mouth bigger than a few eggs.

“hong long!” The collision of power and power caused Wukong’s gorilla’s body to stagger and take a dozen steps back. The red gorilla Nie Kong extend the hand, which is twice the size of Wukong, simply picked up Wukong, as if an adult was bullying a child.

He only feels that the power of his whole body is endless, and he also didn’t expect that his power will be improved after the transformation. If the state continues, the rioting Saiyan blood within the body will have to swallow its own Vampire blood essence.

Wukong roared furiously, as if releasing the backlog of killings in his heart. bang! bang! bang! The swift fist evoked the shock in the air and hit Nie Kong again.

The gorillas kicks and fists are the most terrifying weapons, one after another rumbling sounds sounded one after another, and the surrounding ring was riddled with scars.

Looking from a distance, two gorillas launched a destroying attack. And Nie Kongs silhouette always hits Wukongs bloody nose and swollen face every time. When Wukong rushed again, Nie Kong finally grabbed his arm with both hands.

The right foot stepped on its tail, and then he threw it out.

The voice of “chi chi…” went out, and Wukong’s tail broke. And Wukong’s huge body was thrown out several hundred meters away by Nie Kong. Only when he was in midair, Wukong had slowly recovered his body shape.

After defeating Goku, Nie Kong smiled bitterly at his huge body. Now unless I destroy the moon, I really want to spend the night like this. Taking advantage of Heaven and Earth’s Law Manifestation, which deprived Sun Wukong of the power of Sun Wukong, Nie Kong returned to a normal human size. But the red hair on his body did not seem to fade. It’s just that Nie Kong like this is really like the Super 4 form of Goku.

The hair did not cover Nie Kong’s face, it just covered his upper body and lower body. In this way, he seemed to be a little bit less enchanting, and a bit more wild. In the distance of the ring, the referee closest to Nie Kong and Wukong, through the sunglasses, saw the scene of the battle just now, as if he had been petrified, and was motionless there.

After the turtle fairy stayed for a while, he immediately rushed over to check his own discipline.

“Referee, I should have won.” Nie Kong turned his head and looked over.

After all, the mental quality of the referee was beyond ordinary people, and he immediately reflected from the shock. He glanced at Wukong who had passed out on the ground, and spoke an exciting tone to the microphone. Loudly said: “Sun Wukong uses the transformation The trick is that I still cant beat the powerful Nie Kong player. The Sun Wukong player fell to the ground. I announce that the winner of the 21st World’s First Martial Dao will be…Nie Kong player!!!”

“Won?” Boomer looked at Nie Kong on the ring in shock, then moved towards Nie Kong cheeringly and rushed over and fell into his arms.

“Hey…Nie Kong big brother is so strange, I’m all covered in fur, but I feel so comfortable to touch. Congratulations, I won the World’s First victory.” Qiqi is like holding a leather plush toy , Protected the furry Nie Kong, with a pleasant face.

After the gorilla disappeared, all the audience would also go to the destroyed Martial Dao scene. Fierce applause and shouts were like mushrooms after a rain. After a moment of silence, they resounded throughout the audience. Suddenly, the entire venue was immersed in a sea of joy, and Nie Kong on the ring was enjoying congratulations from tens of thousands of people!

The turtle fairy looked at Nie Kong with some emotion, and then turned around and left this place lonely. “The age of young people has arrived…”

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