The final decisive battle will be held at an altitude of several thousand meters. Chiho and Sahashi Yukari were very shocked. But how to reach such a high place is a very simple question.

According to Song’s explanation, there is a very strong turbulence around Songtian. Normal helicopters or airplanes can’t get close, and only the last surviving two wagtails and their reed buds can go up. After saying this, Song mysterious smiled and said that there is no need to consider how to go.

Because there are still a certain number of people surviving on the 3rd Stage, the number of people may be reduced in the terminal controlled by MBI in the future. That place is the beginning of the plan, divine throne island. The place where the wagtails awakened, and the place where Meiza, number 00, needs to return.

Song’s intelligence is very accurate, after the strange appearance of Songtian in the sky. In Imperial Capitals Sea Territory, the calm sea was surging. Rising winds, scudding clouds, it seems that some huge monster has appeared.

After such a big disturbance, a huge island suddenly moved near the Sea Territory of the Imperial Capital and stopped there. And one is on the sky with Songtian and the other is on the sea. Only MBI’s amazing technology can make such a move.

As soon as it appeared, the private army of MBI in Imperial Capital encircled in the vicinity. Soldiers with real guns, countless armored vehicles and helicopters all dispatched.

News about islands are reported from all over the world, but MBI came out to explain the ownership of the island of Divine Throne. After the battle to defend the island of Divine Throne more than ten years ago, the strength of the first-generation punishment units numbered 01 to 05 allowed them to recognize the declaration of the people of Yuzhongguang. Therefore, the victory of the battle to obtain the ownership of Divine Throne Island has not just in name only, but also in reality, has been attributed to MBI. After seeing the news, Song told Nie Kong that the fourth stage of the wagtail project was about to be unveiled. Needless to say, the battlefield, Yuzhongguangren chose to expand on the divine throne island.

Unsurprisingly, several armored vehicles and armed soldiers came to the front of the villa, saying that they were here to welcome the reed buds and wagtails of the fourth stage to Divine Throne Island. After all, the place is already surrounded by the army. Without their escort, it is impossible to simply break in, unless military force is used.

With two Divine Items, Nie Kong and his eight wagtails followed the armored car to the island of Divine Throne. One after another crowds approached, and all wagtails with Divine Items brought to the front of the island.

Two wagtails with a single, such as deer fire number 087 and flame number 06. Nie Kong had the most wagtails, and the appearance of eight wagtails calmed them all.

Next, it was Miko’s turn, and the number of Masata’s wagtails reached 4. In addition to Bing Equan, all five reed buds with Divine Item have arrived. MBIs army transported them to the island of Divine Throne, where the four who had punished the army were already waiting there. As soon as the reeds landed in Saqiao, they felt dizzy and very uncomfortable. Not only the head started to become heavier, but the body seemed to be crushing a mountain. A few of them staggered, all knelt down on the island of Divine Throne, even Sharan who punished the troops was no exception. The strange thing is Nie Kong, simply nothing.

“Welcome everyone to MBI’s headquarters. Let me explain the situation for you. Divine Throne Island is the former spaceship. Divine Item will generate specific energy near the wagtail. Hold the wagtail. The wagtail or ordinary person will live together in harmony, but have some wagtail attributes, but for the reed buds without the wagtail backbone, this is simply poison… The key to survival is the Divine Item, you did not forget to bring it Come on. You Weiya are already feeling unwell, but please rest assured, the Divine Item in your hand can neutralize them. Look at the glowing beams of light. There are eight locations around the divine throne island. The device that neutralizes the energy. These are the luminous numbers. You have to activate the Divine Item through the device settings. There are numbers on the Divine Item in your hand. Please place the Divine Item in the corresponding device. Then, please follow your hands. The number of Divine Item should go to the place where the same number is displayed. You must set all the Divine Items to the end. However, Wei Ya must operate it himself, otherwise the Divine Item will not be activated.” A speaker on the island said. The voice of Yuzhongguangren.

“Hehe, doesn’t that mean we have won, Kongkong seems to be unaffected…” Song Jiao said with a smile.

Even if you don’t see Yuzhongguangren’s expressions, Yuehai and the others think he must be as uncomfortable as eating a fly. His own Master Weiya cannot be measured by common sense at all, far more mysterious than them.

On Miko, several of them looked at Nie Kong, their eyes were all wary. If he attacked suddenly at this time, they would definitely be unable to resist.

“Uh, that…you are the exception, but the Divine Item must be placed before the next step of the plan will begin. You have two Divine Items in your hands, I hope you can hurry up, I I will help you set up the remaining Divine Item in my hand. There is not much time, only five minutes.” Yuzhong Guangren hurriedly covered up.

After his words were finished, the wagtails each carried their reed buds and rushed towards the marked position. Nie Kong belongs to Divine Item No. 1 and No. 8, so the action is faster than others. A soft body came from behind Nie Kong. Don’t look at it, there is only Fenghua on such a large chest. She looked at Nie Kong with bright and intelligent eyes, and only Nie Kong could be seen in her eyes, and her heart was not fluctuated at all for the former crush object, Yuzhong Hiroto, which made Nie Kong very pleased.

“My dear, let me hold you to the place of placement, Fenghua is very fast.” A gust of wind wrapped the two of them, and rushed out at a very fast speed. Seeing Fenghua’s performance, they yelled in summary, regretting that they were a step slower.

With the enhancement of Nie Kong Dual Cultivation, how fast Fenghua is. For a distance of a few thousand meters, the wind took a few seconds to arrive, and the task was quickly set up.

Nie Kong was speechless for a while, only obediently enjoying the warmth and softness of Fenghua’s embrace. With the placement of Divine Items one by one, the rays of light emitted by the eight beams of light in one piece dissipated the energy in the divine throne island and restored their ability to move freely.

But things are not at all over, but have just begun. Rays of light, like whoever controls it, divides the huge divine throne islands into confined spaces, where exactly two wagtails are separated.

All of this seems to be in the plot against Yuzhongguangren.

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