“There was a spatial anomaly, there was a spatial anomaly…” Genettix Academy, in the control room of the central hub, issued a rush of alarm, the Principal and related The manager hurried to the control room.

“Where is the specific location?” The nun Principal asked anxiously, looking at the huge screen in front of her.

“Tokyo Bay, Japan, located 50 li east of the Academy, has very strong fluctuations. The spatial anomaly value has reached the critical point, which is 10% of the time spent in the past. NOVA is likely to come!” The observer said. , And the information it reported makes other people look ugly. No matter which time NOVA appears, it will bring serious losses to mankind.

“Order Pandora in the second grade or above of the Academy to be on standby, and be ready.” The nun’s Principal’s expression tightened, because NOVA appeared too close to the Academy. If there is an accident in the sacred skeleton here, or the entire Pandora reserve army is hit, it will affect the subsequent battle with NOVA. An army without a reserve army will perish sooner or later.

About ten minutes later, the observer’s voice sounded in their nervous expression, with some nervousness: “The spatial outlier reaches the highest value, NOVA is coming!”

From the observer’s words, two NOVAs appeared on the ocean level of cyan at the same time. Two of them appeared at once, shocking them. Two monsters with a size of 100 meters made a strange sound, destroying everything around them. The freezing formation of freezing everything, the devastating sound wave, is a unique move of NOVA. If they are allowed to move freely, I believe they can destroy half of Japan in less than a day.

“The model has been determined, it is a common type of NOVA-R type, there is no S type for the seventh impact.” The observer mobilized the armed satellite and printed out the appearance of the two NOVAs. .

Fortunately, there are only two R-types. When all the leaders of the world heard the news, their expressions eased slightly. It should be said, relieved. NOVA is divided into several types, one is the S type that has a long period of time and is very powerful and terrifying. If they appear, it would represent the official invasion of NOVA, starting the slogan of war, and it is bound to cause turmoil. The R type that appears now is a very weak one, and it will appear irregularly. After the R and S types of NOVA, there are several uncertain types, but there is no relevant information about them. All in all, the R type is the weakest type of NOVA.

“Two R-type NOVAs, dont worry about it. Then we leave it to Pandora, who is in the second grade or above of Academy, to challenge and prepare to face NOVA.” The Principal wearing a nun uniform announced boldly .

“Well, it is indeed an opportunity to train Pandoras in the school more.” Several people around him nodded, and then issued a school-wide broadcast. There are more than one thousand Pandoras in the second grade and above in the school, and the broadcasts are like ants on a hot pot.

Many students have hardly experienced real NOVA, only seeing it in the virtual battlefield. They are a little worried and afraid, but also a little excited. He Ye is worthy of being No.1 in the second grade, and he is the first to prepare for the challenge.

In half an hour, the Academy has gathered hundreds of Pandora and their partner masters. The medical unit and the logistics department got busy, striving to achieve zero casualties in the war.

Pandora is a very precious resource. Not everyone can become a Pandora. It depends on the integration rate of the stigmata. Many of the girls who can become Pandora are socialites born in Upright Sect.

“Has half an hour to complete the assembly of Pandora’s troops. The second to fourth grade Pandora will probably come to about four teams. Most of the medical equipment is prepared, but it is enough for the R type. “A commander looked at the distant sky with a firm expression, hoping to quickly spot the armed plane transporting Pandora.

As time progressed, the four assembly points quickly gathered a large number of Pandora helicopters. The arrival of the helicopter slowed down the commanders’ expression. Pandora and the Dominator were transported to the battlefield in batches, not at all Pandora appeared in the army. It seems that Principal has been approved to give Pandoras in the school an opportunity to practice.

“I said Kazue, why don’t you bring your master.” While waiting for the helicopter, Alize, who was ranked third in the second grade, asked with a confused look.

“You…what are you talking nonsense, I simply don’t have a master.” He Ye pretty face blushed, he denied it.

“What’s the matter?” Alize looked towards Yumi…

“hehe, He Ye did not have a baptism with Nie Kong Junior Brother at all, so he is not a real partner. I am very worried, will Nie Kong Junior Brother follow him on the battlefield secretly. If so Without other Pandora’s protection, Junior Brother is dangerous.” Yumi said in a weird tone.

“I think No way, how can there be such a fool.” Alize looked at He Ye strangely, wondering why He Ye didn’t baptism with Nie Kong Junior Brother. It stands to reason that the relationship between the two is very close in the eyes of the whole school, and they have long been recognized as their partner.

“Who knows, Nie Kong Junior Brother is so passionate, he has long recognized Heye. In other words, I heard that my partner is going to the battlefield, so I will dash on bravely with no thought of Personal safety is going to fight with her.”

The two women sang and made peace, making He Yes heart a mess, thinking that the stupid Nie Kong Junior Brother would definitely chase after him. go. No, you must stop his actions.

“I’m sorry, I’m going to the toilet, and I will be back soon.” After He Ye left a word, he left the crowd with an anxious expression.

Watching her leave, but Yumi and Aliz expected it. They shook the head, and when will He Ye you face your own heart?

The two girls themselves are very optimistic about the combination of Nie Kong and He Ye. They think they will definitely become the strongest group, but He Ye doesn’t seem to be able to take the initiative, and things have dragged on now. The emperor was really in no hurry, and Court Eunuch died in a hurry.

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