The first and second grades were divided into four teams, led by Captain of each team, and they clearly carried out actual combat drills in four large virtual combat classrooms in the school. The Captain is generally Pandora who has outstanding performance in the second grade, such as Pandora who ranked in the top ten in the school year.

The first team Captain Sivon, the second team Captain Marlene Maxwell, the third team undoubtedly belonged to Elizabeth. The latter one is more special, it will actually be God Wu Yueya. After Nie Kong rejected her, she thought it would constrain. But who knows that when he was promoted to the second grade, his baptism became more than four masters, known as master hunters!

Teacher commanded them to fight behind and taught them how to deal with the experience of NOVA.

Coincidentally, Satilesas first grade was assigned to the Nie Kong group. She saw Nie Kong, her calm pretty face flashed with joy. Her classmates were astonished. Would the cruel queen Satilesa laugh? Not dreaming.

Following her gaze, they were dazzled by the handsome face. Isn’t he a school influential figure-Nie Kong Teacher!

“Nie Kong big brother…” She made a sweet voice, which completely destroyed Satilesa’s image. After they came back to his senses, their eyes widened again, she was actually the younger sister of Nie Kong Teacher? One is black hair Asian and the other is European and American blonde. They are not alike.

“Ah, what a coincidence, Satilesa younger sister is with us. Remember to listen to Captain’s orders later.” Elizabeth stood elegantly beside Nie Kong, watching her say with a smile.

Satilesa was a little depressed, as if she had forgotten that the Nie Kong big brother was Elizabeths Teacher.

“You two behave well.”

Nie Kong led more than two hundred people to a spacious lobby full of old buildings. Before preparing for the drill, Nie Kong once again asked them not to panic and reminded Elizabeth to lead well. Many people with nervous expressions wait for the virtual NOVA to appear.

Along with the activation of the button in the control room, a burst of fluorescence appeared, and a huge S-shaped NOVA appeared in front of them, sending out a violent roar. The light waves ejected and destroyed everything in several hundred meters. The horrible imposing manner scared many people into complexion pale.

Originally, the actual combat training was to arrange an R type, but the school believed that Nie Kong’s ability arranged an S type for them.

“Follow the plan.” Nie Kong waved his hand, and the hundreds of people behind him rushed towards NOVA. Part of it is to attract troops and act as a decoy to attract its attention, and part of it is that the vanguard breaks through the core protection layer, and the defeating troops are responsible for killing it.

But the S-type is not easy to deal with, and the frozen formation spreads out, forcibly freezing their bodies.

“The master, neutralize its Formation.” Fortunately, many male students in the first and second grades are baptism, and now they can come in handy. Some panic and nervous not knowing what to do, only a half can send Formation! With their strength, it is impossible to neutralize the S-shaped Formation.

“Start Pandora Mode!” More than twenty fluorescent lights shone, breaking through the blockade of Frozen Formation, including the first grade Satilesa.

Elizabeth was not afraid of danger, arranged Atiyah and Anite to draw its attention, the black girl Cleo led some active Pandora as the Vanguard Team, and herself as the breaking force.

The plan is wonderful, but the truth is very cruel. Type S can even keep up with the acceleration of the 4th layer, and is not afraid of their harassment.

Although it drew its attention, Cleo and their vanguard troops were in danger of being wiped out. Satilesa and Elizabeth looked pale, and realized the horror of NOVA for the first time!

The two used the acceleration mode, and used 2nd layer acceleration and Avatar. However, the strength of the disparity, the two women almost killed it. They had a cold sweat, but luckily it was just a virtual battle.

Hundreds of people were brutally abused by NOVA, and there was no room for counterattack. Fearful emotions permeated the battlefield, all fighting spirit was lost! !

The situation of the other three virtual battlefields is much better than that of Nie Kong, especially the first unit led by Xifeng, which simply killed an R type. Although the remaining Malin and Shen Wuyueya are in a stalemate, they are in good condition.

Seeing the current tragedy, Nie Kong shook his head in disappointment. Let’s teach them a lesson, lest they will be a hundred times more violent in the real battle than now!

“Frozen Realm…” The breath of Zhan Blue and NOVA’s came together, forcibly neutralizing its realm. All were lightened and regained their freedom.

“Teacher, it’s finally time to make a move…” Elizabeth looked at Nie Kong with admiration and admiration.

“hmph, one person can neutralize the area of NOVA, his power is quite strong.” Atiyah thought.

“6th-layer speed up…” After Nie Kong uttered a word, his body disappeared from their sight. What was shocking was that he rushed to the front of NOVA in less than a second, giving it no chance to react at all! !

“No…impossible, how could he have the power to surpass our Pandora? Isn’t he the master?” Atiyah was dumbfounded, Cleo was also stupid, the audience was silent, focusing on Nie Kong .

With a simple punch, he broke the core layer of NOVA. NOVA went crazy suddenly, and his tentacles kept throwing at Nie Kong, as if to tear Nie Kong into pieces.

He seems to be playing NOVA, staying in front of it slowly, it just can’t hit him! !

After the performance, he leaned over and rushed to its core layer. But what is depressing is that the S shape in front of him suddenly disappeared, and the surrounding environment immediately changed, as if it was forcibly terminated by someone.

The severely injured classmate has recovered, as if what he had just experienced was a dream.

“What’s the matter?” Nie Kong vented to the control room with the headset on the collar.

“No…I’m very sorry, there is a real S-type NOVA in the Second Area. The exercise has stopped! The situation is very critical, Nie Kong Teacher, please…Please go to help immediately, be sure Keep the students safe!” There was a dignified voice in the headset, which seemed not to be a joke. And the appearance of the S-shape means the arrival of the ninth NOVA shock.

If it is the First Area, Nie Kong is not needed at all, because Xifeng can kill it by himself. And Second Area, it seems to be a cute girl led by Marlene with dry short hair.

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