In mid-July, the final exam for the second semester of the first high school attached to the National University of Magic and Magic ended last week. Students with excellent grades will announce their names on the homepage of the school intranet. The list of first-year students has of course been announced.

Anyone who gets a high score and ranks among the best in the practical test is quite reasonable. For example, the first place: Nie Kong; the second place: Nanakusa Mayumi; the third place: ten characters to kill people, Mori ranked fourth.

Although the rankings are somewhat different, the top 20 students are all students in one subject, and Class A accounts for ten. The scores of theoretical examinations are also the same. First-degree students account for the majority, and only one or two second-degree students are on the top 20 places.

When enrolling students in the first and second subjects last year, the actual skills did account for a large proportion, but the actual skills and theories are closely related.

The practical skills of magic can be experienced firsthand, and the theory is naturally easy to understand. You only need to read more diligently, and it is not difficult to get a good result. And if you can learn something, maybe you can participate in the annual thesis speech conference and express your own views.

Many scientific researchers from magic companies and the military are poaching because of the selection of skilled workers.

Teachers are quite a headache for this. The arrangement is based on the enrollment scores to distribute the students in the first semester to classes A to C, and the students in the second subject from D to F. Such results show that Class A is better for the first semester. The familiarity of the course is obviously different from that of other classes.

The final exam is over, and the summer vacation is coming soon. But in August, there is something more exciting than summer vacation. The annual Nine-School Battle is about to come, and the students vitality is concentrated on the preparations for the Summer Nine-School Battle.

Every day after school, Nie Kong and the others spend most of their time in the Discipline Committee and the Student Union.

Because as soon as the summer vacation is over, third graders will graduate and leave school soon, the new generation of student council presidents needs to hold elections. After the new chairperson is elected, the re-elected members of the discipline committee will also elect a new chairperson of discipline through mutual election. On the other hand, they need to prepare for the nine-school battle.

“wu wu, I’m so busy that I almost run out of lunch time.” Mayumi lay down in the chair completely, not wanting to move.

“Please hold on for a few more days. When you start to prepare for the Nine Schools Battle, you wont have time to sort out the information. After confirming the participating members, you have to practice the competition, schedule props, collect and analyze information. , Planning a battle, things to do are piled up.” Wulun Yangshi said as usual.

“Yeah, the busiest president didn’t say anything, what are you complaining about.” Morley said with a smile.

“hmph, I know that your discipline committee has an easy job. The most annoying sorting of documents is done by our student union. You have not changed much in peacetime.” Mayumi pouted.

“That’s terrible. If you are really tired, then you can ask your fiance to pinch it for you, to make sure it will make you upset.” Morley said, and glanced motionlessly. Gave Nie Kong a glance.

Nie Kong felt very innocent and was shot while lying down. Because of that incident, Morley’s grievance was quite big.

Mayumi pretty face blushed, said while playfully pouting: “Morley, your teeth are sharp.”

“You are.”

Look at The two women quarreled like no one again, and the ring tone habitually looked towards Nie Kong, completely treating Nie Kong as a fireman.

“Don’t quarrel between the two of you. In addition to decoding the secret monument, what are the main competition items selected for the Nine Schools Battle?” Nie Kong asked.

Morley tilted his head slightly with an expression that didn’t know where to start, clenched his fist to the corner of his mouth, and spoke as if he was about to cough.

“The competition project selected for the Nine Schools War is a sporty magic competition with a higher proportion of mana. It used to be that the content of the competition was changed every year, but the same projects have been used in recent years. For example. There are six competitions including secret tablet decoding, illusion star picking, icicle offense and defense, fast shooting, group ball grabbing, and surf racing. The secret tablet decoding is a team competition, and the other five are individual competitions!”

“Hey, Nie-san can definitely represent us in the game.” Mayumi smiled like a flower, and seemed to have been expecting Nie Kong’s performance during the game.

“Nie-san of course wants to participate, and I think we should register more, because Nie-san owes us a championship.” Morley remembered the game that Nie Kong lost last year, and Mayumi unites tacitly against Nie Kong.

“Hehe, indeed. Last year I said that I fought with Morley and won the championship together, so I can ask Morley for advice.” Nie Kong looked at Morley with a smile, Morley and Nie Kong looked at each other. At a glance, Morley suddenly understood the word.

“Our student union and discipline committee members want to lead the club to participate in the competition. Although all of us are selected from the forefront of the admissions examination, some of them are not suitable for the competition, and some of them need to be supplied by technical personnel. So. Don’t worry, the teacher and student union will be responsible for arranging you.” Yang Shi said lightly. As his last nine-school battle, Yang Shi hopes to win the final championship. We must know that the first two years under his leadership can be described as losing to the top three.

“Okay, but we don’t have many chances to play in the first year.” Nie Kong said.

“Yes, the competition of the Nine Schools Tournament is divided into the regular competition and the rookie competition. There are ten men and women each, and a total of 40 players are required. The rookie competition is limited to the first grade, and there is no grade limit in the regular competition. Even so. , Each player can only participate in two competitions at most. Therefore, no first grade has participated in the regular competition, even if the field limit is not raised, the strength of the first grade can not compete with the second and third grades. And the rookie competition has no gender until last year. However, starting this year, as in the regular competition, men and women will compete separately. Of the six competitions, four are shared by men and women. Secret tablet decoding is limited to men’s group, fantasy star picking is limited to women’s group, and secret tablet decoding is the only one that may directly fight. The project, you can understand why it is limited to the men’s team.” Chiba Shuji said.

“Nie-san doesn’t understand the rules. I have a manual that introduces the rules of the game. Would you like to read it?” Lingyin took out a small manual and asked Nie Kong.

“I will read it.” Nie Kong took a booklet from Ringtone. It seemed that it was the first time I saw a book. I used to look at a computer terminal.

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