On the sixth day of the Nine-School Battle, half of the six projects have ended and three projects. At the same time, the icicle offensive and defensive battle that Nie Kong participated in kicked off, which took two days. The competition is divided into newcomers and senior groups, and the average time of each game is more than 20 minutes.

Because the organizers ice-making ability is limited, only two venues can be divided into competitions, and even the schedule is divided into two days for the finals.

The opponent of the Nie Kong first round competition is a specially well-dressed girl. At this time, standing on the stage in bright clothes, she seems to show herself more like a competition.

Only the icicle attack and defense and secret tablet decoding do not require clothing, and the icicle attack and defense venue is a stage that is several meters above the level, so the girls hope to dress beautifully.

As Nie Kong’s amateur CAD adjustment technician-Mayumi stands behind the high platform, where there is a dedicated viewing room for the staff.

“What’s the status of Nie-san?” Morley seemed to find it impolite not to say a word, and proposed an irrelevant topic to chat with Mayumi.

“I can’t lift the energy as before, I hope it won’t affect the game.” Mayumi speechless saying, but she can’t see any disturbing shadow in her eyes.

“It seems that the Nie-san first round had the shortest time of one minute and twenty seconds to tell the victory or defeat. It was so miserable to abuse a male student who was tenth tall.” Morley said.

“Nie-san is that kind of personality. I really hope that he will act a little more cautiously, so that people watching can be more at ease.” Mayumi nodded and said.

“Not necessarily, do you see today’s game Nie-san, why did it drag on for a long time and it didn’t end?” Morley asked.

It was clear that there were twenty minutes in the field, but Nie Kong was not serious about the appearance of molesting the opposite girl.

“It’s so disgusting, did Nie-san treat the girl softly. I don’t care about the overall situation at all, how hard it is to smash her.” Mayumi was snorted with anger.

“Yeah, I was worried about feeding the dog. As far as I can tell, the responsibility is all on the opposite girl. That nympho is really disgusting.”

Morley is also gnashing teeth. , Fiercely glared at the girl who was dressed up and “deliberately” to seduce Nie-san. Really, what the organizer is doing, why not divide men and women into groups.

Fortunately, Nie-san didn’t forget the original intention. It took 25 minutes to kill the opponent and win the championship, adding 40 points to the high.

Nie Kong returned victorious, but unfortunately it was not the enthusiasm of the two women, but their constant saliva attacks.

Finally, when the Nie Kong sneak attack sex, they kissed their little mouths, making them blush and forgetting about it all at once.

So far, the results are as follows: the first place is the first high school with 330 points, the second place is the third high school with 250 points, and the third place is the hard-to-divide Xuanzhen melee. The difference between the top two is 80 points, and the first high school is currently leading the way.

Tomorrow, we will start decoding the secret tablet with the highest score. At the same time, the game will start at 9 o’clock in the morning on the eighth day. At 8 o’clock in the morning, there will be a female-only fantasy star-catching project. The conference committee adjusted the schedule as much as possible to avoid participating in the same competition at the same time. Of course, secret stele decoding and illusion star picking are the most popular projects, and there is no need to consider them in the final finale.

The secret tablet is decoded into a group of three, and it takes five games to determine the champion. And the venue will change every time, from plains to valleys and so on. It considers the cooperation of the students and the adaptation of their own magic to the venue. Because of its strong practicality, it will attract a large number of audiences.

The final fantasy star picking is a six-game preliminaries in groups of four, with six winners from each game in the final.

Although it is said to be the event with the least number of competitions in the Nine Schools, it does not mean that the burden on the players is very light.

First, with 15 minutes as a period, a total of three quarters of the game time is the longest time among the nine school battles. With the addition of a few minutes of rest in each quarter, the total game time reaches about one hour. It is much longer than the time limit of icicle attack and defense or secret monument decoding.

Because only women can participate in the competition, they are constantly flying in the air during the competition, and they must continue to use magic to move in the air. It is said that the burden on the runners is equal to that of the full marathon.

There are three such games in one day. From the perspective of physical strength, it is said to be more difficult than scoring a group ball or decoding a secret tablet, and does not consider that the physical strength of the girl is inherently lower than that of the male child. Considering the fatigue of the players, there is a long time between the preliminary round and the final, which is a feature of this competition.

The first round competition is held at 8 o’clock in the morning, using two venues. The preliminaries to seven o’clock in the night the end of the race. The final is at 7 o’clock in the night of the ninth day of the Nine Schools. Because it is better to divide the preliminaries and finals into two days, so the schedule will be arranged like this.

The rule of illusion star picking is to hit the three-dimensional holographic ball of the projection in the air with the bat, which is to say the sphere of the three-dimensional image. In other words, the ten meters high phantom must be visible from the ground.

In order to prevent the players from blocking the projection light and causing the phantom to disappear, the projection equipment of the three-dimensional image is set at the top of the circular lighting tower surrounding the stadium. Therefore, the illusion is not suitable for the bright sunlight in midsummer. According to its nature, it was originally a night competition.

It uses a dedicated bat to hit a three-dimensional image ball ten meters above the ground from the projection, and the number of balls determines the outcome. Although it is a percussion, there is no hitting feel, and the sphere will not crack or shatter.

The signal released by the player’s bat and the position of the sphere’s projection will be analyzed by the computer. When the bat and the image ball overlap, the sphere ends the projection. It is the scoring structure of the competition to identify the player to increase the points by the bat signal.

How to quickly jump to the projection position of the sphere, how to quickly grasp the projection position of the sphere, has become the key to victory. Of the two elements, the second element is unexpectedly easy to overlook. Nothing is faster than light, so in the end, confirming the three-dimensional image rays of light before acting is the fastest way.

The aerial stereo image has a delay of a few tenths of a second before imaging. If you can sense the shaking of the imaged light wave, you can throw the light ball faster than the actual rays of light.

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