Spodarya s decomposing magic exploded and attracted the attention of many surrounding countries. It is also like dripping a little water in the boiling oil in the big runner-up.

The base of the Great Asian United Armys Special Task Force against Japan gathered many non-commissioned officers to discuss the major event that took place in Ogasawara, Japan. Ogasawara is 900 kilometers away from Tokyo. In fact, it is already connected to the Sea Territory of Daya. Or it can be said that that part of the sea power is actually very controversial between the two countries.

“Captain Liu Man, how is the investigation into the Ogasawara incident that happened this morning, is it a strategic level magical heavy metal explosion of the American “Heavenly Wolf Star”?” A man in his fifties, shoulder strap The officer with the badge of the colonel’s rank asked moved towards the soldier who controlled the computer terminal.

The formidable power of mass explosion and heavy metal explosion are indeed very similar. No wonder they are conflated. The two are both release magic, and heavy metal explosion is the exclusive strategic level magic of Angelina Shelz of the United States.

“Reported to Colonel Chen Xiangshan. Based on the findings of our spies in Japan, I listed some people who will appear in the Sea Territory. There is no American Heavenly Wolf star. The magician capable of releasing that kind of strategic magic may be one of them, not the Heavenly Wolf star! On the large screen on the wall, suddenly there were dozens of faces of people, including men and women, old and young. ! Most of them are celebrities who can often be seen in the Japanese news!

“They are just some Japanese rich men who live in Ogasawara.” Chen Xiangshan frowned and asked.

“Yes, sir, but they are not ordinary wealthy men. Many magical Great families in Japan have private holiday villas on uninhabited islands. The most suspected crimes are only two people, because They happened to appear in the Sea Territory around the island the day before yesterday. Captain Liu Man said, and adjusted two of the photos.

One is a middle age person with a faint metallic cold glow in his left eye, and the boy in the other photo is very dazzling. His handsome facial features seem to cover the rays of light of all men. But what surprised Chen Xiangshan most was that he obviously knew both of them. The Seven Grass Patriarch Hongichi Nanakusa was the target of the Great Asian Union Army’s attention. Everyone in the army knew that the other person was present and only a few people knew. He was originally the magic material used by Ta Ya to research-Nie Kong, but his body was abandoned in the warehouse for more than 20 years and no one found it. It is hateful that he is not used by Ta Ya now.

“Hiroichi Nanakusa is an A-level magician, but he is also impossible to release strategic-level magic. It seems that it should be him.” Lu Ganghu said.

“Yes. Last year, he destroyed the Kunlun Fangyuan of our military as soon as he woke up, and simply defeated Lu Ganghu and other 1,000 elite soldiers, which has proved his magical power is very strong. Let’s talk about Ogasawara’s strategy Grade magic is cast by him, I don’t think it will be surprised.” Chen Xiangshan nodded responded.

“He is indeed a talent, but unfortunately he refuses to contact us, and he is very friendly with the Japanese magic family. I am really worried that he is bad for us.” A large colonel on the side frowned.

“Send our submerged troops to contact him again, or we need our senior leaders to act in person. In any case, strategic level magic is a country’s “strongest nuclear weapon”.” Chen Xiangshan said solemnly.

“Okay, lets drop by today to discuss the strategy against Japan! Another one or two months of the new semester, we will soon arrive at the National High School Student Magic Essay Contest hosted by the Japan Magic Association. If it cant be arranged this year Well-rounded, our plan may have to be delayed beyond 2095.” said a man in the military uniform of the top leader hiding at the end.

“Yes, Commander Liu Xuande. Our country’s modern magic level and Japan and the United States are too far behind. Only by seizing the various magical materials in their library for research on Chinese scientists can we catch up with them. “Chen Xiangshan said.

It turned out that he was the strategic-level magician Liu Xuande, the commander of Dayas forces against Japan. The strategic level magician recognized by various countries as suitable for the use of strategic-level magic and whose identity is publicly disclosed. As the “Thirteen Apostles”, it is recognized as the key factor of the world’s military balance and also affects the country’s national prestige. In modern warfare, it is important to measure the battle strength of a country and the number of strategic magicians.

“Nie Kong’s physical defenses are very strong, even if he is not a strategic magician, his physical skills are also of strategic level value. If he can be persuaded to cooperate with our strategy in Japan, he can excavate his body within All the secrets of the body, no matter how much we pay.” Lu Ganghu said.

“Then please inform Zhou Gongjin of Japan, so that he is ready to take over our military. And Colonel Chen Xiangshan and Lv Gang Little Hu, persuade you two to take charge of the task of Nie Kong . You must always remember Zhou Gongjins failure lesson last time. Liu Xuande instructed.

“Commander, let’s make sure to complete the task as much as possible.” The two officers saluteed a military salute, with Zhou Gongjin as the internal coordinator, and their unique ancient magic Strange Sects Dunjia concealed their figure. , Lurking in Japan is easy.

The ancient magic Strange Sects Dunjia formidable power is very weak, it is a bit bad to use for combat. But no one can deny its practicality. With it, you can avoid satellites, avoid hunting and so on.

They only worry about how to persuade Nie Kong. It is said that he already has a Japanese green card and do not know whether he will return to Daya. Once he exposes them, it may bring danger to the two of them, thus exposing a series of actions of the military ambushing in Japan.

“Don’t use military force even if the negotiation is not right, he is not something you can deal with. The last time Zhou Gongjin contacted him proved that he is not very disgusted with us, Da Ya.” Liu Xuande couldn’t help saying more One sentence.

Lu Ganghu bitterly laughed, that domineering square-faced with a slightly ugly smile: “Commander, I know our weight. Although I think melee strength can be ranked within the world 50, but I use my best Attacks cant hurt his body.”

“Yes, our Academy has been studying his body for a year. No matter what method is used to extract his genes, he may have ours. The ancient inheritance method of qigong.”

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