“Wu wu, I’m going to be exhausted.” During the lunch break, Xiao Zi was lying on the long table of the student council like a cute little kitty, and Chiyoda Hana sound behind them were also A very tired expression. The coming of the club admission week has made the student union and the ethics committee busy.

In fact, if several people from Nie Kong come forward, with their prestige, they can suppress the associations that dare to chase new students in disorder, not to mention that the associations suffered a lot from Nie Kong last year. It’s just that Nie Kong has the status of acting as the chairman of the ethics committee, and Mayumi is already the president of the student union, and impossible has personally come forward.

Chiyoda Hanaon glanced around the office and found that she did not see Nie Kong, Mayumi and Mori present, which made her feel strange.

“Yeah, it’s just a squeeze of coolies. I said Kotaro Senior, Nie Kong’s deputy chairman and the others, shouldn’t they be lazy somewhere?” Chiyoda Hana sound said.

Chiba Shuji bitterly laughed, because Chiyoda Hanaya really guessed half of it correctly. That guy Nie Kong obviously held the position of chairman, but he left him all the work of chairman, which really annoyed him.

Although he is very dissatisfied, there is no way to fix it. Speaking of the prestige in the school, it is not as good as Nie Kong, and the strength is firmly suppressed by Nie Kong.

“They should be in the second exercise room. Since the second semester last year, there has been equivalent to their site, and the school has acquiesced.” Chiba Shuji said.

“I’ll go to him for the theory!”

“Hua Yin, I’ll go with you.” The Ministry of Justice said. The words Nie Kong commented on him a few days ago made him very uncomfortable. He was eager to prove that his strength was not worse than Nie Kong.

Only Xiaozi was lazily lying on his stomach and never willing to move again. Huan’s voice was not enough, so she grabbed Xiaozi to cheer.

Chiyoda Hanaons tone was full of resentment towards Nie Kong, while Kotaro shook the head, and looked at the departed Chiyoda Hanaon and the newcomers of the Hattori Criminal Department with contempt.

To be honest, Nie Kong did the same job last year as they do now, why did Nie Kong not complain at all, but did a great job.

“The freshmen are really young and energetic. Before you blame others, you should recognize whether you are at fault.” Kotaro said to himself.

Chiba Shuji heard Kotaro’s words and chuckled lightly: “They are the same as me last year, Won’t shed tears till you have seen your coffin. Forget it, let’s leave those things alone. Its good for them to let them suffer.


Two women and three men aggressively went to the schools second exercise field, where the students practice skills The classroom is two 50 meters long and two hundred meters wide, covering an area of half a hectare.

When they opened the door and took a look, they were immediately stunned by the scene inside.

In the center of the second exercise field, Mayumi and Mori, the most beautiful of the Academy, happily surrounded Nie Kong, like two butterflies chasing the most beautiful flower in the center.

But that is not the point. The point is that there is a fire and an oven, and Nie Kong makes the dishes leisurely.

The strong aroma of barbecue, accompanied by a burst of heat diffused out. Although it was separated by two hundred meters, Xiaozi still slobbered.

“I’m so angry, so you…you are really lazy.” Chiyoda Hana sound called out angrily, and the service department’s face was a bit ugly.

“Aiya, you are here, do you want to have lunch together?” Morley looked at the five people who came, slightly surprised.

On the one hand, the second exercise field was where the two women asked Nie-san to teach them, and on the other hand, Nie Kong took them to an intimate field and battle camp. Nie Kong also often teaches them how to cook in the second practice field during lunch break.

“Okay, okay.” Xiaozi’s saliva is first-rate, and immediately betrays Chiyoda Hana sound, like a puppy, seeing the meat bones, staring at the sizzling barbecue on the middle grill .

Nie Kong smiled and gave Xiao Zi a portion of the tableware. Xiaozi’s cheeks blushed, and while catching it with her hand, she whispered “Thank you.”

She caught a piece of fragrant barbecue, and before it could cool down, Xiaozi opened her mouth and swallowed it. She was spitting her head while she was hot, and she said it was delicious.

“Damn, Xiaozi, you traitor.” Huayin said a little annoyed.

“Student Huayin, the president is here.” Ze Mubi had to remind her and asked her to respect the president of the student union.

“Hehe, it’s okay. By the way, Nie-san’s barbecue is top-notch, Xiaozi, you have a good taste. Xiaohuayin, don’t you guys eat it?” Mayumi said with a smile.

“We are so busy that we are going to die, Nie Kong Senior, you…You have taken the lead in being lazy and slippery. How do you deserve to be the chairman of our ethics committee?!” The Ministry of Justice could not help but say aloud.

Nie Kong glanced at them contemptuously, “That’s useless for you, you can’t even do a little thing.”

I remember last year, Nie Kong personally caught With dozens of members from the Sword Dao Club and the Mountain Club, the next few days will be easy to death.

No matter who is the first to use magic to cause chaos, Nie Kong can subdue them one after another and pull them to the student union. With the prestige of killing Xiuji, no student dared to mess around in front of him.

The service department’s face turned pale, full of dissatisfaction and glared at Nie Kong: “You…you are so simple.”

“hmph! Everyone in the student union and committee has his own Our work has already been done. It is our freedom to take what are you doing down here.” Morley also coldly snorted and said.

“Okay. Although I approve of Morley Senior Sister, I don’t agree with what Nie Kong Senior did.” Huayin said with a bulging mouth.

Nie Kong Senior is so handsome, even though I was almost fascinated by him the first time I met. But… But thinking back to what his father had told before the beginning of school, Chiyoda Hanaon’s arrogance couldn’t help but burst out.

Why is he, Sir Father actually wants himself… to deliberately approach Nie Kong Senior. He said… he wanted to do her best to attract Nie Kong with the charm of a girl, and Sir Father might plan to let himself marry Nie Kong Senior. When she thinks of being forced by her father, Huayin’s rebellion naturally arises in her childhood.

If Patriarch Chiyoda hadn’t been nosy, maybe Huayin wouldn’t be out of business with Nie Kong in this way. It can also be said that she is a little girl who is having a temper.

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