“Really, Nie-san disappeared for another afternoon for no reason. I hope nothing will happen.”

Mayumi is in a luxurious room that is a bit unimaginable for civilians. Lying leisurely on the soft _, Mayumi looked down at her body and sighed softly.

She doesn’t feel how bad her figure is. Her height seems to have stopped growing in Grade Three. She has grown from 150 to 155cm in three years. But younger sisters are as small and cute as her, and they can only give up on hereditary problems.

Mayumi stretched out with one hand and one foot, because she was often praised for her small and slender limbs, and she was also very satisfied. The hands and feet are very slender, just right at the balance point that won’t seem thin.

Mayumi put her hands and feet back on her, and gently touched her cute apple-sized Hun. Everyone also said that her Huns were plump compared to her height. No matter what clothes she wears, her waistline will not cause obstacles.

Mayumi herself thinks that she is quite good, but as long as she faces her, even if she doesn’t pay attention, her confidence is still a bit blown. Mayumi is synonymous with enemies in her consciousness, and in the subconscious realm, she is automatically switched to the name of Shiba Shenxue.

I have met many upright girls through childhood. I have never seen a beautiful girl of that level. Yes, Mayumi, who has always been proud of herself, is frustrated.

The hands and feet are slender, and the slender figure is a bit taller than her, just right at the balance point that won’t appear to be thin. The waist is as thin as it would break, but the curve drawn from the upper part to the waist is already very feminine.

The most important thing is that her body is symmetrical and surprisingly accurate. The human body is obviously not bilaterally symmetrical because the internal organs are not symmetrical.

Magician people have a higher degree of left-right symmetry than non-magician people. Not to mention beauty and ugliness, people with higher magical talents tend to have a symmetrical skeleton. Mayumi knows that knowledge.

I didn’t pay attention to the nine schools in the summer vacation the previous year. Mayumi only regards her as a younger sister. The changes in the two years are really great.

Perhaps because of this, sometimes I think she is not a daoist. I am also a woman who is fascinated by her appearance, but she is just ordinary.

What’s more, she is not only beautiful, but she also has a stronger magical talent than her, and she has a noble four Ye Family candidate paternity status, which makes Mayumi have a sense of crisis in the past.

Mayumi is very worried that Nie-san will be snatched away by it. Her threat is not on the same level as Morley. A discerning person can tell that Shen Xue seems to have a different feeling for Nie Kong.

“Didi!” Just as Mayumi was worrying about some deep snow’s trivial matters, the terminal placed on the table similar to a small tablet computer suddenly made the sound of an incoming call.

Mayumi gently turned over and reached out to catch the terminal. drowsily only glanced at the caller ID, but after seeing the words on the screen, Mayumi instantly showed a surprised expression.

Mayumi deliberately waited for a long time without answering the phone. But not long after, it rang again.

She gave a smirking smile, poked the “small box” in her palm with her empty hand, and Mayumi tapped the button to accept the call with a nervous look.

“Hey, is it Mayumi, why didn’t you answer my call?” Sure enough, it seems that Nie-san did not forget to tell herself before disappearing like last year. She is in Nie-san’s heart There is a lot of weight.

Otherwise, I deliberately didn’t answer his call, why would Nie-san call one after another and refuse to give up.

“hmph hum, what did Nie-san say? Who told you to play missing as soon as you came back? I couldn’t say a few words to you. If you dare to leave without a word, I will Ignore you.” Mayumi grumbled, pouting.

“Didnt I say that, I’m going to solve Blanche. You should also catch Division A at school and ask about the situation.”

“It’s just… it’s just Blanche. They dont care about that kind of small organization, the Ministry of National Defense. Do they need Nie-san to go out in person. If Nie-san talks with me, the Seven Grass Family will take over.”

“Thank you for your concern, but It would be too troublesome if you make the Seven Grass Family responsible, and it is estimated that a lot of time will be wasted.” Nie Kong should have asked her daughter Yuyako to help, but Yuyako seems to be integrating the Japanese defense department.

“Nie-san, dont underestimate our Seven Grass Family, we are the ten divisions.”

“Im not underestimating you, do you know who Blanches boss is? He is Gide Heigu, one of the Seven Sages hiding in Daya!”

“So…Nie-san, when will you come back?” Mayumi asked nervously.

“Dont worry, I have solved the black gu, and I am preparing to use Teleport to return to Japan. However, there are some things that require the help of the Seven Grass family. Blanches Japanese branch should have many remaining members, so I I plan to ask the Seven Grass Family to help clean it up.” After chatting for a long time, Nie Kong said the purpose of calling Seven Grass.

Mayumi sighed. If Nie Kong said to leave and disappear for another year, it would kill her.

“Okay, I know, but you have to leave in the future, remember to tell me.”

“Of course, I am not willing to leave the most considerate and cutest Mayumi “In the microphone, Nie Kong gave Mayumi a hard kiss, and then hung up.

Mayumi clasped her hands in front of Hungary, her eyes swollen as if water could overflow.

She gave a loud cheer, and one fell backwards, lying in the back of the Ruan Ruan shop.

Looking at the two furry puppets sitting on Yushang, Mayumi strongly hugged the doll that looked like Nie Kong in seven or eight points, and the other was a cute idiot bear.

“Little Nie-san No. 2, today this Young Lady generously rewards you, let me hug you to sleep.”

Mayumi’s two slender legs clamped tightly It shook its waist, only to feel the body heat up inexplicably. Nie-san No. 2 underneath, as if she had become alive, kept squeezing her.

As for the remaining members of Blanche in Japan, Mayumi naturally didn’t take it to heart and only called Steward to make arrangements.

Blanche is a small character who can’t make it to the table after all. After Nie Kong dropped them, there was no big wave of bounce, or it may be the aftermath of the incident, which was arranged by the Seven Grass Family.

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