“Humans, you are too greedy, greedy, and too believe oneself infallible, and do you think you can win the game hosted by me.” Seeing that Nie Kong can get it confidently With his gift, the zombie roared in anger.

Nie Kong lightly said with a smile: “Really, then I dont seem to demand too much from you. As long as I win, I only need you to answer a few questions. Aiya, its really troublesome. I just want to threaten with military force.”

“Damn it! I didn’t want to embarrass a human being too much, but you angered me. Please take the most difficult trial of this snake god.” With that, an ancient parchment floated strangely in front of Nie Kong, floating quietly in front of Nie Kong.

“Challenger, my name is Shirayuki Ji. What is your name? Which community do you belong to?”

“Is it called Shirayuki Ji? I thought it was Bai Suzhen. . Um. My name is Nie Kong, and there is no community at present. Nie Kong let go.

“Stop talking nonsense, look at the content of the trial.” When Nie Kong teased his name, Shirayuki gave him a big eye.

The content in the parchment becomes a contract document, which records the following items:

The name of the gift game: “Waterfall!!”

List of participants: Nie Kong, a human brave!

Game leader: Tori, the lord of Tunisian waterfalls-Shirayuki! !

Crack conditions: No restrictions on the use of any conditions, stop the Toli Tunis waterfall! !

Conditions for defeat: When the contestant cannot complete the victory conditions before noon, when the contestant is in a situation where the above-mentioned cracking conditions cannot be met.

_tage supplement: Iron rules for participants: Participants are prohibited from leaving the area within a radius of one kilometer centered on the Toli Tunis Waterfall.

The sponsors iron rule: Must ensure that within the game range, the effective time of the waterfall is one second.

Oath: Respect the content written above, based on the trial of glory and courage-Nie Kong participated in the gift game, the organizer Tori Shirayuki, the lord of Tunisian waterfall! !

After reading the content of the contract document, Nie Kong tilted his head again and looked at Shirayuki Ji with a feminine name, while Shirayuki Ji looked at Nie Kong proudly.

For a human, Shirayuki Jis trial is so difficult. Let a few thousand meters wide to dry up, not everyone can dominate the Saint Seiya Zilong Lushan Shenglong. It seems that Shirayuki Ji is really going to make things difficult for Nie Kong by hosting a game that he claims that Nie Kong cannot complete. And Nie Kong also understood that he had come to Hakatai world, the world known as the gods and Buddhas.

Its no wonder that faith gathers in the box garden, because the box garden does contain many different worlds.

The next moment after signing the contract, Nie Kong’s sight was immediately surrounded by bright light.

“Is it required that I have to stop the waterfall within the specified time? It is undeniable that the trial is really difficult.”

“Humans, have you given up, or you Willing to serve the gods for a few months. Within the scope of the game, the river flows quickly in the center. And the front of the river is the Toli Tunis Waterfall at the end of the world. In case of a fall, even Demon King I cant be saved either. I kindly suggest that you surrender obediently. Then apologize for the rude behavior just now! the snake god coldly snorted reminded.

The last line reads the rewards and punishments of the contestants’ game. Nie Kong can get her gifts and ask questions if she wins. If she loses, she needs to serve the snake god for three months! !

The game in the box court is very fair. If Nie Kong does not have super power, it can be completed by other challengers with the power of grace. For example, the power of petrifying waterfalls can also fulfill the conditions of victory.

Of course, the gift game should be a game of gods and demons, and the lack of ability or knowledge of the participants will not be included in the consideration. even more how The so-called gift game originally embodied the tests that Asura God and Buddha gave to various species, including humans. In other words, if the participant’s ability or knowledge is insufficient, it means that the participant is an immature person with insufficient cultivation.

Shirayuki didn’t understand Nie Kong until he came to Hakata, so he used a powerful method to overwhelmingly win. If it is changed to something unique to Hakata, Nie Kong cannot deny that he does not have enough knowledge. Nie Kong played as if he was playing a game she held, and then stood on the big rock of the waterfall and watched the rushing river. Although the flow of the river is a bit fast, it is purely interesting to follow the list.

Nie Kong shook his throat and smiled a few times. In the eyes of others, it might be regarded as a joking smile.

It’s interesting to explore the behavior of things that are already known, no matter which field is involved. Experiencing a 2D experience that I have never encountered before, also made Nie Kong a little excited and looking forward to it, especially focusing on the giant waterfall a few thousand meters wide in front of him.

“Snake, don’t underestimate people, who would admit defeat? I’m actually thinking of which way to break your game.” The cracking method he said was exactly Refers to the gift game he is currently participating in.

“What an arrogant kid, don’t blame me if you die in the end.” Shirayuki Ji said. Not to mention several methods, if Nie Kong can crack her game, it is already very difficult to deal with. Nie Kong is just stiff mouth now.

The conditions for victory are a bit difficult. She knows that, for example, Lord Bai Yaksha can easily win herself. After all, she is her own god.

ThousandEyes’s community Perseus Luos Persius possesses the Argel petrification ability of the gifted protoss is also feasible.

For such a difficult game to make things difficult for humans, Shirayuki Ji said that she was a little blushing, but who made the human attitude in front of her too hateful? Anyway, she was the snake god who was bestowed on Divine Spark.

After all, most of the humans outside the box court are not gifted. Countries such as dragon species, ghost species, Illusory Beast, and elves have established large-scale cities even outside the box court. Therefore, the humans who have lost the gift will go to countries other than Hakatai to re-grow their strength, and then return to Hakatai City to participate in the gift game.

Although the number of countries established outside the box court has gradually increased, the Pelibed Avenue leading to the “end of the world” is still very deserted. The first time I saw Nie Kong appear in front of her for a trial, Shirayuki Ji was not too excited, but Nie Kong’s words annoyed her.

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