” Master Nie Kong, please wait a moment. May I leave with you.”

However, a beautiful figure suddenly appeared from the river surface. Nie Kong has no impression of a mature woman, but her voice sounds strangely familiar.

Women use three-color flower hairpins to curl up their shiny black long hair. Wearing white kimonos depicting elegant patterns, they move forward with a melancholy attitude, letting their sleeves follow Shake left and right as you move.

She slowly approached Nie Kong, and when she came to the distance where the breath of each other could touch and attract each other, she looked at Nie Kong’s cheek with a gentle expression, showing him kindness Smile.

Not only are the facial features beautiful enough to confuse everyone, but even through layers of kimonos that are overlapped, one can still see a plump and curvy female body.

Although the exposed part of the whole is not too much, it still exudes a bewitching temperament. If it is an ordinary man, just like this two people can feel each other’s breath, they will be upside down because of Divine Soul. But Nie Kong’s appearance is not worse than her.

Nie Kong looked at the silhouette transformed into a female form with a rare surprise, and suddenly said: “So you are the white snake and water god in the river?!”

“hmph! For those with Divine Spark, how difficult is it to become a human being! It’s Master Nie Kong, can you agree to my request.” Shirayuki Ji said.

“You should be the god of water in charge of the Toli Tunis waterfall, are you free to leave your territory, and why do you want to follow me?” Nie Kong asked.

“There are two reasons, one is that I also want to visit Lord Bai Yaksha by the way. Second, whoever let Lord Nie Kong destroy my territory, I am already homeless.” The important point Shirayuki Ji did not say, just now Nie Kong saved her pride as a snake god.

“Well, I promise you.” After arriving at Hakatai for the first time, she could tell that she had a lot of things she didn’t understand. And in the future, it might be a good idea to let her be a girl to Osha Ji, Nie Kong nodded to her and planned to take Shirayuki Ji.

“Yes, Lord White Yaksha happens to be on the upper floor of our eastern district.” The black rabbit’s eyes rolled around a large number of Nie Kong and the zombie, presumably thinking of drawing two battle strengths for his community.

“Asshole, have you all forgotten this Uncle?” From the forest, Ikuyao’s weak voice came, and he slowly walked out with a limping foot, riddled with scars all over It was terrible.

“Wow, it is very good to see that Mr. Ikuyo is okay, he is still so energetic.” He almost forgot Itokuya, and the black rabbit said sorry.

“Yeah, I almost thought I was going to die.”

Ishiraya felt the cold sweat left behind him, he stared at Nie Kong and smiled. After a brief silence, Ikuyo, who seemed fearless in his smile, slowly raised his hands.

“Its really nerve-wracking, youve been commanded by you! I surrendered, Nie Kong, I admit that Im not your opponent now!”

“I didnt care what you said Win or lose.”

Nie Kong saw the shadow of Dragon Ball world Wukong from his unruly smile. Although I said that I was defeated, my heart might burst out with a strong desire to challenge the desire to defeat Nie Kong again.

“By the way, the black rabbit, is that Mr. Nie Kong also your partner?” Ikuya squinted and asked the black rabbit.

“People…I hope they too, but Master Nie Kong doesn’t seem to agree.” Hei Tu pouted.

“What? Okay, although I understand that you have hidden a lot of things, but I promised to stay and help you.” Sixteen nights glanced at Nie Kong and said slowly.

“Really?” Because he concealed the miserable situation of the community, Hei Tu had been worried in his heart for fear that they would leave Ikuya, so how could he be upset when he heard Ikuya promise.

“I said I would like to help. You should be happier, black rabbit?”

The black rabbit standing still cant help After asking two or three times, Ikuya responded unhappily.

“Uh…huh? But the atmosphere just now will evolve into this kind of result atmosphere?”

“Or you don’t need me? If you dare to say something If you are rude, I would really go somewhere else?”

“Hey…no, no! Absolutely not! We really need your help from Izayoya!”

“Very good, very honest. After all, you called me to an interesting world. In return, I will pay relative labor. But I won’t help persuade the other two people? Do you want to cheat or want Abduction, but please don’t leave any grudges. Okay, I only have those words, let’s go back now.”

“Yes!” The black rabbit reflected deeply in his heart.

Yes, they are all partners fighting together under the same community. Even if the other party is some problematic children who make Black Rabbit headaches, if they make a similar act of using them, they will not even be able to obtain the trust they could have obtained. Because of paying too much attention to the community, the black rabbit lost his inner consciousness.

While Shirayuki Ji looked at Ikuya, Shirayuki Ji seemed to understand Ikuya’s careful thinking. She pushed the back of Nie Kong and whispered: “Master Nie Kong, it seems that the human being from Sixteen Nights does not want to be in the same community with you.”

“Of course!! Yishan How can I tolerate the two tigers, if the black rabbit community has me, he knows that he has his own needs, do you say he can accept it?” Nie Kong said with a smile.

“What about Nie Kong-sama’s plan.” While Ikuyo and Heitu discussed, Shirayuki and Nie Kong also started a small meeting.

“For the time being, let’s go back to Hakata Inner Sect, and then consider choosing a good community to participate in, or create one to play, you have to enjoy Hakata world games to the fullest.” Nie Kong responded.

“If you talk about community, ThousandEyes, the community to which Mr. Bai Yaksha belongs, should be very difficult to deal with, it’s a large commercial community that spans four-number Inner Sect!!” Shirayuki suggested.

“I think not only about strength, but the most important thing is to get along with my partners in the community, which is what I like.” He has strength, so I never consider that aspect.

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