“Wow, now that the black rabbit has come to me, will it finally become my pet.” Bai Yaksha felt that “NONAME” had already reached a dead end, and The black rabbit as a nobleman does not need to stay there.

“old monster fine kimono loli, the black rabbit should belong to me, when is your turn?” Nie Kong pulled the black rabbit behind him and said with a snort.

“so that’s how it is, you just said that you want to take away our ThousandEyes flag and name.” Bai Yaksha nodded said.

“Well, I think it would be nice to accept you by the way.” Nie Kong looked at the white-haired fake loli who was pretending to be old-fashioned in front of him, and he did have some thoughts in his heart.

“Arrogant boy, I do not know how old I am older than you.”

“Who knows, maybe what you think may not be correct.”


White Yaksha squinted her eyes, and finally realized that Nie Kong was different, even mysterious to the point that she could not see through it.

“Nie Kong…Master Nie Kong, can you stop making trouble, it’s clear that they don’t plan to leave NONAME, we…we are here to identify gifts!” The black rabbit pouted The mouth interrupted the dispute between Nie Kong and Bai Yaksha.

“Oh, you are the new companions of the black rabbit, I am the white Yaksha who is a cadre in ThousandEyes!” Bai Yaksha looked away from Nie Kong and introduced his name .

“Well, let’s talk about it in our store!”

“The store manager, is it really okay? They should be nameless without names, and they dont fit the store. Rules.” The clerk stopped Bai Yaksha with a very calm voice.

“I’m just apologizing for the bad clerk who knows they are nameless but deliberately asks for their name, and I can guarantee their identity, if the boss is dissatisfied, I will take responsibility.” Bai Yaksha glared at her. Obviously dissatisfied with her behavior.

salesgirl showed an expression of dissatisfaction. From her standpoint, she is just following the rules, so her dissatisfaction with Yaksha’s scolding is also a reaction to as it should be by rights.

Especially Nie Kong, it is already a taboo to declare to take away their flag. He really should be thankful that he does not have the authority of the organizer, otherwise he declared that he could start the gift game with ThousandEyes. It is not that she disdain, using Nie Kong a trifling to deal with their community is simply suicide.

No matter what she thought, Nie Kong entire group passed through the curtain of the storefront and came to an atrium that was unimaginable from the appearance of the storefront, but it was so wide that it was unnatural.

“Unfortunately, the store is closed. I can only ask you to feel wronged and come to my personal room.”

White Yaksha did not stay in the Japanese courtyard, but in Stop along the porch. She opened the paper door, something similar to incense was lit inside the door, and the wind irritated the four people’s noses.

Although it is a personal room, it is very spacious. Bai Yaksha came to the upper seat and sat down, stretched a lot before facing Nie Kong and others again.

“Boy, you are very calm.” Seeing Nie Kong coming to his site, but not polite, Bai Yaksha lightly laughed, turning her gaze to Nie Kong and standing behind like a maid Shirayuki Ji.

I can make myself a god acknowledge allegiance, and if he has Divine Spark, I should be able to tell at a glance. He can defeat Divine Spark. It should only happen if both parties have Divine Spark or the power balance gap between each other’s races is very serious. And calculating the power of race, snakes and humans are basically the same. Hey, could it be said that he is not human.

Divine Spark does not refer to the natural gods themselves, but refers to the gifts that can transform the body into the highest level of the species. With Divine Spark, other gifts will be enhanced.

There are many communities in the box court, for their own purposes, first set “obtaining Divine Spark” as the first goal, and continue to accumulate strength in order to go to the upper level of the box court.

“Yes, Lord Nie Kong and Mr. Izayoya are very strong, and both have won the test of the zombie.” Black Rabbit said proudly.

“Although appraisal is not my strong point, it has nothing to do with my abilities, but I want to see what abilities they have.” Bai Yaksha patted the hand, and Nie Kong appeared in front of him with brilliance Card.

That is the gift card. It can store your own gift in those cards. It can be said that Yaksha uses it to identify the gift is really overkill. It seems that as the class dominator on the east side, the strongest sponsor seems to be rich.

“Huh!” Nie Kong was surprised to find that the card could actually resonate with some power within the body.

The name of Nie Kong and the name of the gift on him are written on the card.

“Nie Kong, Vampire.” Due to the abnormal situation in front of him, Bai Yaksha and the others gasped at the same time. Speaking of purebred ghosts, almost all of them are Divine Spark. Nie Kong can already endow others with the power of () bloodline!

“I didnt expect my eyes. He actually had a ghost seed, and besides her, was there a second purebred Vampire in the incident hundreds of years ago. No, you should It’s the Demon King from another world.” Bai Yaksha exclaimed, staring at Nie Kong. so that’s how it is, no wonder he said the reason is not younger than himself.

The so-called purebreds refer to the gifts at the beginning of the evolutionary tree. They are special molecules that can be named individually even in the same species.

“Demon King, Lord Nie Kong is the demon Lord Wang?” The black rabbit was obviously stunned, suddenly feeling a little inexplicable fear in his heart.

Nie Kong, who was identified with the characteristics of Vampire, moved in his heart and suddenly realized that he had some other special right. That’s right, that is definitely the sponsor authority that Demon King should have. With the destruction of Rosario world, it was recognized by the rules of Hakata. From now on, Nie Kong can be regarded as a Demon King of Hakata world. And as long as Demon King fancy things, they can use the host’s authority to hold a gift game to snatch it. Of course, if the community defeats Demon King, Demon King can be a partner.

“It’s just that that card can only hold one kind of gift, you can give me a few more to play with.” Nie Kong looked towards Bai Yaksha asked.

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