It’s late at night, and there is a loli who looks like an eleven-twelve-year-old girl with long hair looks up at the closing branch of “ThousandEyes” at 2105380 outer sect !

Showing slightly wavy blond hair and an awe-inspiring expression that is not commensurate with the age, and those gorgeous red eyes that are almost attracted as long as they look at each other, make people involuntarily close their breath.

If you can describe it in one sentence, she has a super beautiful loli with super beautiful silver white blonde hair. Her beautiful blonde hair is tied with a specially-made ribbon. Maybe she can feel the silky touch when combing with her fingers, because the hair is shiny like a starlight. Looking at her temperament, we can understand that Loli is by no means a simple character.

She seems to be very familiar with the situation of the store. She suddenly jumped onto the roof and used a weird method to turn the door into the store. However, she did not bounce like an eleven-year-old child should have.

In the curtain of the inner store room, Bai Yaksha sat there slowly drinking hot tea, as if already waiting for her to come.

“Leticia, you are more than an hour late.”

The open window suddenly blows with a scent of black shadows, and gorgeous blonde hair is following the wind. The flying golden haired girl with an apologetic smile is floating in midair.

“Master Bai Yaksha, it is really sorry, I wasted your time because of something.”

“Well, I also know. Your current identity is the property of others. Since it came out without the Master’s command, it should be a relative risk.” Bai Yaksha sighed. After all, he sold her from ThousandEyes. Bai Yaksha understood that Leticia had been suffering for more than a year. Otherwise, Bai Yaksha, a class dominator who owns a base in the four-digit outer sect, specially came to the lowest seven-digit outer sect, the reason is to secretly bring Leticia here, but unfortunately he can’t hide the arrangement of being sold.

Since noname lost to Demon King three years ago, one of their members was exiled to the different world, and the other was sold as a tool to other communities.

Although Bai Yaksha replied very considerately, Leticia responded with a happy laugh from the bottom of her heart.

“Master White Yaksha, I actually went to the community ForesGaro just now and gave the ghost seed to the tiger man Jared Gasper for tomorrows game. When I heard that the black rabbit summon had three partners Come and help, I really want to see what kind of power the new community has!”

“so that’s how it is, the trifling tiger is indeed an opponent who has not been able to become a trial at the bottom. Just Jia As a member of the beast god, Erd will become very violent once he absorbs ghost seeds.” Bai Yaksha said in surprise.

“Well, it won’t affect the black rabbits.”

White Yaksha nodded, then said: “Then let’s talk about business, Hakata world has come to a pureblood Vampire The royal family is your kind!”

“What…what? Another Vampire?” Leticia exclaimed.

It turns out that the girl Leticia in front of you is a purebred Vampire in Hakata, and those who can be exposed to the sun in Hakata world are called Hakata Knight.

The blessings they bring can omit all the ceremony process, as long as they exchange each other’s body fluids, they can cause ghost seeding. Although those who receive this favor will turn into Vampire and have the urge to suck blood. Only if it is a Vampire other than a purebred sucking blood, it will not turn it into a ghost because of the purity of the blood.

Therefore, Vampire, who has a blood-sucking impulse, will hold its own gift game, and suck blood to the contestants as a bargaining chip. Humans and Vampire can coexist in Hakata City, and they all respect the rules inside. Hakata City is a place where Vampire can be exposed to the sun and live in peace and glory. And they guarded the silhouette of this box court, so that the purebred Vampire became the existence called the box court Knight.

However, a long time ago, the opposition within Vampire, in order to control the sovereignty of the magic star sun, which tortured itself for a long time, launched an internal rebellion when Leticia went to defeat the Demon King. The rebels opened the box court. The Veil hoped to kill the Vampire royal family with sunlight.

As a purebred royal family of Vampire, Leticia, who has the sovereignty of the sun, made an unbearable mistake and killed all the rebellious Vampire.

Now, she knows that there is “only one Vampire left” in the box court.

So after hearing what Bai Yaksha said, Leticia was a little excited, and finally she had a similar kind.

“Sir Bai Yaksha, please…please continue.”

“His name is Nie Kong. It is estimated that Vampire’s ghost species are purer than you. Unfortunately, we failed to persuade him to become A member of noname, I have gone to the North District with my god Shirayuki at present.” Bai Yaksha expressed regret.

“The Demon King who has a purebred ghost, naturally looks down on a community without a banner.” Leticia said softly.

Leticia took the risk and returned to her old club by the way, but her goal was to see if she could entrust the community to the three new human partners. After all, the target of their future community battles, but the existence of the magic King level.

“Leticia, I think you can go to the North District to meet him. Maybe he can help you get rid of the disgusting Luos Persius Master.” Bai Yaksha suggested.

Leticia’s heart moved, she came out with a big risk this time. It is estimated that Luos is looking around for her news now, and is eager to catch her back for abuse and humiliation.

Seriously, as a member of her clan, Nie Kong, as a Demon King, has the right to host the game, and it can indeed help her free her from Perseus.

Demon King claims to snatch back what they fancy, because they have the right to host it.

“Thank you for your suggestion, Mr. Bai Yaksha, I was going to resign to Perseus.” Leticia nodded excitedly.

“You can leave without worry. I will take care of the black rabbit. When you get out of it, it will not be too late to come back and see them.” Bai Yaksha calmed down.

Leticia said farewell to Bai Yaksha gratefully, and hurriedly went to the North District from the boundary gate of the Eastern District.

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