Axia also put away a sweet smile and took out the coins used by the referee, “Really. The condition is that Lord Nie Kong only needs to catch Sister Vera within an hour. Win. Regardless of other abilities, the competition does not require the overall combat ability. The game is more speedy.”

Compared with Demon King, Vera has a high-performance strain. Ability, in some respects, is not even inferior to 4-Layer’s Demon King.

She is a great demon who appears in the world of Life and Death Boundary. She can control the “Boundary Gate” and possess a deadly pale flame that can break the barriers of Vientiane. The most important point is that she does not need any Space Jump ability to prepare for action, which is indeed a powerful threat to Nie Kong!

In the outside world, Sister Vera has been stalked by voyeurs and voyeur Maxwell many times for courtship proposals. Vera rejected his courtship for many times because of his disgusting appearance. But no matter what, Maxwell insisted on unwilling to give up and was able to use teleportation to follow Vera all the time, even chasing Hakoi from the outside world, using the cheeky to have no shame offensive to keep proposing marriage.

If it hadn’t been for defeating Maxwell with the help of Kasugabe Takaaki a few years ago, now Vera would not dare to show up freely.

Can avoid the perverted Maxwell’s teleport ability coveted aside, in Aixia’s view, he is invincible anyway, even if Nie Kong has the right to host the magic Lord Wang. When I think of the two battle strengths of Nie Kong and Shirayuki in the body together, Aixia feels like zi zi.

“Are you ready, I’m about to start.” With a frivolous smile, he looked at the coin that was hit in the sky with the sound of metal. Shirayuki Ji showed a nervous expression, staring at the coin that drew a smooth arc in the air.

clang! When the crisp metal sound rang, Vera’s plump silhouette disappeared in front of Nie Kong and the others. Only the slight scent remained at the scene. No wonder Maxwell fell in love with Vera.

“Huh, Vera is missing?” Shirayuki Ji said in surprise.

“Of course, you can’t catch Sister Vera.” Aixia said triumphantly.

“I thought it was dependent on what, it turned out to be just the ability to trifling Space Jump.” Nie Kong sneered, playing space power in front of him, the other party has no chance of winning at all.

“Master Nie Kong, can you catch Sister Vera talking big, even Maxwell couldn’t help Sister Vera.” Aixia snorted.

“Let’s wait and see.” Vera Space Jump’s remaining traces are too conspicuous. As the Grandmaster of Space, Nie Kong didn’t use Spiritual Consciousness and quickly caught her handle.

In the eyes of Shirayuki Ji, Nie Kong disappeared instantly like Vera. Aixia’s eyes widened, probably surprised because Nie Kong would move instantaneously.

At the top of the huge clock tower, Nie Kong quietly appeared behind Vera, and Vera, who was naturally dazed, was taken aback by Nie Kong.

“No…impossible, how did you get my Space Jump? No, can’t you say that you are disguised by Maxwell? You are disguised by Maxwell, right?” Vera said in surprise.

“I don’t know any Maxwell, Vera, are you ready to give up.” Nie Kong said with a chuckle.

“Wait until you catch me.” When Nie Kong reached out and touched it, Nie Kong’s arm seemed to touch a bubble and went out through the middle.

The two appeared and disappeared strangely in the town repeatedly while playing teleport, almost causing riots in the town. In Vera’s fourth Space Jump, Nie Kong appeared before her and waited for her to arrive. It’s a pity that Nie Kong saw through her course of action in a few times.

Vera is almost like walking right into a trap, she fell into a warm embrace the moment she came out of the space.

She called Aiya, and when she returned to her senses, she found that Nie Kong was hugging herself in the position of a princess. She originally thought she was going to win, but didn’t expect that she would lose in the end. She understood that Nie Kong’s teleportation ability was much better than Maxwell.

Nie Kong is holding Vera who has a fairy-like figure, and his big hands are a little unfaithful to grasp her curve, Vera’s innocent and aggrieved eyes make Nie Kong feel guilty.

Teleported back to Shirayuki Ji and the others, and directly announced the victory of the game.

“Sister Vera… actually lost. According to the contract of the game, we…are we all going to lose to Lord Demon King Nie Kong?” Aixia muttered to herself.

“Woo, I don’t seem to be Nie Kong’s opponent, don’t blame me.” Even so, she didn’t feel depressed at all, and felt that Aixia was more worried than her.

“Don’t worry, I have no plan to deprive our community of flags. You can follow the habits of your previous life. But there is only one thing, you must obey my arrangements and change the community name.” Nie Kong said. For the community in front of him, Nie Kong is only dissatisfied with the name.

After a long discussion, Nie Kong changed the name of the community to the simple abbreviation MIC. Because the name of Nie Kong feels very happy, and it is very suitable for creating a community of origin.

The name change of the community means that most of the prestige spread by the community in the previous efforts has been cleared. Fortunately, the flag has not been changed, which can save a lot of losses.

“Wow ka ka, I think Lord Nie Kong is more responsible for our leader than Lord Vera, and we will definitely become the strongest community in Hakata in the future.” Jack-o-lantern said with hope.

“As long as you can continue to live with Willo’wis, Aixia is fine. It is best if you, Lord Nie Kong, can fix the bad problem of Sister Vera first.” Aixia continued.

“Eh, am I really bad?” Vera asked, turning to Nie Kong blankly.

“It’s not bad, it’s very bad.” Everyone replied in unison, making Vera feel a little embarrassed, as if all things were really left to Jack-o-lantern before.

“Okay, I see. In the future, our community will listen to Nie Kong’s instructions.” Vera quickly accepted the facts before her, and she thought in her heart that Nie Kong felt Don’t be afraid of Maxwell, Nie Kong’s teleport is definitely better than him.

If Nie Kong knew that they would provoke an idiot after receiving Vera, they had to didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

Of course, before dealing with perverts, Nie Kong’s headache is to get rid of Villa’s strange habit. He was afraid that accidentally, Nie Kong would be hit by her cross-shaped hammer at any time.

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