“Axia, you hurry up and apologize to Pest, how can you beat others for no reason.” Nie Kong glared at the mischievous Aixia.

“Pest, I’m sorry. Before I figured out the situation, I took the initiative to do that kind of disrespectful thing to you.”

Ste, Aixia’s awkward speechless. Woo, it’s all Master Vera who taught him badly before! !

It is true that Vera has the habit of knocking someone’s head secretly with a hammer, so Aixia learned that skill.

It’s no wonder that the two women cooperated so well just now that Nie Kong was a little blushed with shame. Fortunately, as the Demon King of Death God, Pest is very strong, otherwise he would have to be beaten with bloody nose and swollen face by two women.

“Forget it! I didn’t blame you, but please don’t tell me what happened tonight!”

Death God with 80 million death merits, no matter who will I don’t think she will be a little child who tenderly takes care of the night cry.

However, it is true that Nie Kong can see that she is cold on the surface and a very tender girl in her heart. Some things have changed her.

“Okay! Now that we know that it’s not the ghost of other demons, let’s go back to sleep.” Vera yawned, and Nie Kong felt her eyes almost dim.

“Axia will accompany Vera back, I’ll talk to Pest.” Nie Kong said.

Axia looked at Nie Kong with suspicion, “Master Nie Kong, dont do bad things to Pest after we leave.”

“I can Do something bad.” Nie Kong gave her a blank look.

“hehe, I just remind Master Nie Kong.” With Vera asleep on her back, Aixia made a face at Nie Kong. Nie Kong waved to them and urged the two women to go back quickly.

When only Nie Kong and Pest were left, the atmosphere became very quiet.

“Pest, tell me about your situation before you became the Demon King.” Nie Kong asked softly.

“I have nothing to say.” Pest turned her face and didn’t answer Nie Kong.

“Really, but I feel that there is a sad story behind me.” Nie Kong squatted halfway in front of her, turning her face in front of her, letting her look at herself.

Pest looked at Nie Kongs smiling eyes, her expression somewhat panicked, and those big eyes were cute and dodging.

“Nie Kong, you… will you let me go.”

“You tell me first, I hope I can learn more about Pest.”


“Eh, for…why? What do you say to understand me and so on.”

“There is no why.”

See Nie Kong’s persistence, Pais Specially sighed, can only say what happened during his lifetime one after another.

Sure enough, as expected by Nie Kong, although Pest before his death was a nobleman born in the tenth century, the culture that required her daughter to be educated did not yet exist, so the identity of the girl was at best at home. Property, the only difference lies in the need to recruit or get married.

The value of a girls assets is just a pawn used to connect with other families so that they can get rich.

And Pest Territory is located in the corner of the country, not at all schools or monasteries nearby, and people around her only regard her as a girl to maintain new blood.

Of course, the girls who were treated like stocking on the land have no noble friends, and their playmates are the children of the farming serfs. At the same time, Pest, who possesses both a feminine temperament and a naughty male child, has learned to play outdoors, to experiment with the ground, and to cultivate wheat fields. Also because her grandfather was a book lover, the girl gained reading and writing skills through self-study, and read all kinds of books.

Then she hid from her father and practiced the new farming theory recorded in the unopened book that her grandfather bought before his death.

The result is the golden wheat waves extending from their home. The serfs who were excited because of the rare bumper harvest in recent years surrounded the girl regardless of gender, and everyone talking at once praised her. Whether it is a child about her age or an old woman who has hunched over, everyone is grateful for the blessings the girl brings.

In those years, the phenomenon of coldness was very serious, and there was almost no sun in winter.

The serfs who did not store grain in winter lost their lives one after another suffering from epidemics. It should be because of the severe labor and the continuous failure of crops as food, which led to the reduction of immunity.

Whether it is a year later, five years later, or ten years later, Pest swears in the heart that she herself will always live happily with friends in this land.

She saw with her own eyes too many children starving to death and unable to do anything.

However, Paster still doesn’t know. In just a few days, her oath seemed to have turned into a curse. She will cast a curse on this land once loved more than anyone, and hate it more deeply than anyone.

Go to die, go to die…Everyone go to die!

. Infected with the Black Death, Pest was imprisoned by his father himself. Imprisoned in a deeper sadness than anyone else. The girl who sank in the bottomless lonely darkness and uttered endless grievances and mourning before death was killed by her beloved, bringing down the end of her life.

The Black Death broke out and 80 million people died at that time. So Pest got 80 million merits and was promoted to Death God. However, she hated the sun very much and yearned for the sovereignty of the sun, so she didn’t have to worry about repeating the same mistakes.

And when Pest followed Nie Kong and they came to the base, when they saw that there were many orphans in the community base, they resonated with the scene in the memory of being human, so Pest was Will be very concerned about taking care of those little children. It’s even more thoughtful than Jack-o-lantern Jack.

She doesn’t want to see her child starve to death and suffer the same pain she experienced before.

“so that’s how it is.” Nie Kong’s big hand gently pressed her head, while helping her to comb the dark red hair: “Don’t worry, as your Master, I promise not to let that This kind of thing happened. As for if you want to control the sovereignty of the sun, I will help you regain it in the future.”

“It sounds good, Master, take care of yourself first.” Pest snorted , But the obvious expression has softened a lot. Nie Kong feels that the relationship with Pest has become much closer.

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